Spiritual power roared like a whirlwind, circling, shrouding the small pavilion.

Xiao Yi didn’t know when she was already sitting cross-kneeled, and her figure loomed in the pavilion.

Like a fairy in the mist.

And Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die, who were watching from the side, froze.

Say that a breakthrough is a breakthrough, how come there is no warning?

Is it really cultivating, or is it suddenly a breakthrough?

It turned out that what he said was true, was he really protecting Xiao Yi, so he couldn’t walk away?

Xiangsi Immortal’s expression was complicated, looking at Xiao Yi who had entered the breakthrough state, he felt a little guilty in his heart, did he misunderstand Lu Shaoqing?

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xiao Yi and said, “Look, I didn’t lie to you, right?

“I can’t leave, the Great Elder wants to see me, let him come, I’m waiting for him here, I definitely won’t close the door.”

Not closing?

Even if the door is closed, my grandfather comes to see you, do you need to enter through the door?

Xiangsi Xian complained in his heart.

Now that Xiao Yi is breaking through, Xiang Sixian also knows that the time is not right.

However, the purpose of her coming here was to hope that Lu Shaoqing would go to see her grandfather, not to let her grandfather come.

“Mu Gongzi, in that case, I will go to see my grandfather in two days, and everyone will sit down and talk properly, how about it?”

“Don’t go!” Lu Shaoqing still said that, “I said, I’m not going, I’m not going to kill me, the Great Elder wants to see me, just come.”

“My junior sister has broken through, I still have to continue to protect the Dharma, let her consolidate the realm, ah, there is no way, the senior brother is not reliable, only me, the junior brother, can worry about these things.”

Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die couldn’t help but glance back at Ji Yan not far away.

Your junior brother said bad things about you like this, and you don’t clean him up?

No matter how Xiang Sixian persuaded, Lu Shaoqing just shook his head and did not agree to see Xiangkui.

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing finally became impatient, and issued an eviction order to rush people, “I’m busy, let’s go, I don’t have time to invite you to dinner.” ”

Xiangsi Xian can’t help, she persuaded Lu Shaoqing not to move.

In the end, she could only turn her gaze to Ji Yan again.

“Ji Gongzi, look…” ”

Don’t disturb my senior brother’s cultivation,” Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “It’s okay if you come to disturb me, but don’t disturb my senior brother.”

“Besides, it’s not his turn to call the shots.”

Zuo Die didn’t believe it, “He is a senior brother, you are a senior brother, you say yes?” ”

Reverse you.

Ji Yan spoke after a while, “This kind of thing, he has the final say.”

Zuo Die was stunned and looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief.

Your junior brother knows at a glance that it is not reliable, and you actually let him be the master? Aren’t you afraid that he will sell you?

Lu Shaoqing said proudly, “Hmph, it’s all said, this kind of thing, it’s not his turn to speak.”

“Okay, Sister Si Xian, you guys go back.”

Xiangsi Immortal made a final effort, “Mu Gongzi, how are you willing to go to see my grandfather?” ”

Although Xiangsi Xian is not clear, he can guess to some extent, the two sides are actually competing for a breath, and whoever takes the initiative to see it will be shorter.

Zuo Die also said, “That is, you should give a face to Sister Si Xian?”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he pinched his chin and was silent for a while, with a hesitant expression on his face, and finally seemed to make a very difficult choice, “Well, since it’s Sister Si Xian, I can’t help but give you face.”

“As long as the Great Elder promises me one condition, I will go to see him.”

“What conditions?”

Xiangsi Immortal was overjoyed in his heart, and finally there was some light.

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Lu Shaoqing threw a jade Jane to Xiang Sixian, which was printed with a portrait of his target here, and he said, “I want to go to this place.” ”

When Xiangsi Xian was producing Jade Jane, she guessed what it was.

She glanced at it and fell silent.

Gentu World!

Her mood suddenly dropped a little.

She raised the jade Jian in her hand, looked at Lu Shaoqing and asked, “Mu Gongzi, you are willing to follow me back because of this?”

Lu Shaoqing denied, “No, I was touched by your sincerity and will follow you here.”

Xiangsi Xian looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, blowing, continuing to blow, I listened.

Lu Shaoqing has already made his attitude clear, and it is not interesting for Xiangsi Xian to stay here.

I can only leave with Zuo Die.

“Sister Si Xian, just go like this?” After leaving, Zuo Die was very upset.

She grew so big, and for the first time she felt so humiliated, she couldn’t take advantage of it at all.

They are two big beauties, but Lu Shaoqing treats them as nothing, and they are angry when they think about them.

Xiangsi Xian shook his head, “As I said, Mu Gongzi is difficult to entangle.

She glanced down at the jade Jane in her hand, and her heart was even more depressed.

If it weren’t for this in his hand, Lu Shaoqing would have thrown her far away.

“Forget it, let grandpa decide.”

Xiangsixian shook his head and returned to Xiangkui with Zuo Die.

Xiang Sixian came back, Xiang Kui didn’t see Lu Shaoqing, and asked, “How, that bastard kid doesn’t come, are you really not afraid that I will go to him?”

Xiangsi Xian said, “Grandpa, he just wants you to go to him.” Then he

said something about the process, and slapped his thigh in anger, “What a nasty boy.”

“Do you really want me to clean him up?”

Having said that, Sangkui didn’t want to go.

Now that he went, it was equivalent to losing the second round of the battle, and his momentum was crushed again.

Zuo Die encouraged next to him, “Great Elder, go, clean him up, I think he owes a beating.” ”

Talk about politeness, and do things that don’t match politeness at all.

It should be cleaned up.

Xiangkui shook his head, “You girl doesn’t understand. ”

If you want to meet, it is best to have Lu Shaoqing come.

Xiangsi Xian handed the jade Jian to Xiangkui, “Grandpa, he said that he can come to see you, but, he has conditions, he is going to the Xuantu World.”

“What? Gentu World? Is he crazy? Zuo Die was shocked and cried out.

That guy is not only rude, but also quite dreaming.

Xiangkui frowned, and he snorted, “It’s pretty to think about.”

Xiangsi Xian said, “Grandpa, Mu Gongzi should have come to the Xuantu World.

“Otherwise, I really won’t be able to bring him back.”

“Cunning boy, what the hell does he want to do?” Xiangkui’s face became solemn.

Lu Shaoqing’s cunning made a deep impression on him, since he wanted to go to the Xuantu World, he must have a deeper and more terrifying purpose.

However, he could not know through the trigram.

After thinking about it, Xiang Kui took out a few copper coins again and set up a position.

Xiangsi Xian was shocked, “Grandpa, what are you going to do?” Do you want to occupy the son of Zhan Mu again? ”

It’s only been a few days since you were struck by lightning?

Xiang Kui shook his head, “I want to occupy the Xuan Earth World…”

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