“You withdraw, retreat far.”

Just in case, Sangkui asks Aoshisen and Zuo Die to leave here.

As the incantation began to be chanted, a mysterious aura emerged.

At about the same time, Xiang Kui’s eyes opened, and the copper coin in his hand was thrown forward.

Copper coins hummed, like an invisible hand urging them.

Their surface emitted a faint light, and slowly, they split into two halves and faced each other in space, as if two armies were pitting against each other.

Then, the next moment, they suddenly collided, bursting out with great power, and finally both turned into powder.

A black and white glow is entangled.

Just a breath, the colliding copper coins turned into powder, and the two black and white rays disappeared.


A crisp sound sounded, and the last copper coin fell to the ground.

Xiang Kui looked down, just glanced at it, and the next moment, another feeling of danger descended.

Above the sky, a thunderbolt sounded on a sunny day.

Xiang Kui had already prepared, and his figure flashed, and a dummy puppet exactly like him appeared again.

His figure disappeared in place and appeared outside.

However, as soon as he appeared, his face changed suddenly.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, sprinkling a mist of blood in the air.


Seeing this, the Xiangsi Immortal in the distance exclaimed.

“Don’t come here!”

Xiangkui gulped.

And a lightning bolt had fallen in the sky, and the white thunder was like a divine dragon descending from the sky.


The newly erected wooden house was once again smashed, leaving the dummy reduced to ashes in lightning.

This is not over, Xiang Kui raised his head, and in the sky, a huge lightning bolt fell again, viciously rushing straight at him, vowing to split him into slag when he opened technology.

Xiangkui’s scalp was numb, and the breath of death enveloped him.

Even if he is a god of transformation, in the face of the thunder descending from the Heavenly Dao, one careless will disappear and disappear completely.

Xiang Kui waved his big hand, and three dummy puppets appeared in front of him, he bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of essence blood spurted out, spraying on the three dummys.

At the same time, the spiritual power in the body was injected into them without hesitation.

In a short time, they seemed to come to life, exuding the exact same breath as Xiangkui.

And Xiangkui’s own breath quickly disappeared, as if becoming an ordinary person, and his breath disappeared between heaven and earth.

“Go!” Xiangkui shouted, and the three dummy flew into the sky in different directions.


The lightning was like a snake, slashing down fiercely, and the three dummies dissipated in the lightning one by one.

For a long time, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and everything returned to calm.

Xiang Kui dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

He covered his chest, his face turned pale, and this time he was not lightly injured.

He looked at the wooden house that had been chopped into smashes with a palpitation, and he was distressed, just a few days after it was built, it was gone.

He looked up at the sky again, and his heart sighed.

This is a closed space, and it was the ancestors who spent a lot of thought to leave such a bit of pure land on earth to the Terrans.

The space that even the gods could not find still did not have any concealment in front of the Heavenly Dao.

Last time was fierce enough, this time is even more fierce than the last time.

The attack inside and outside is extremely dangerous, if he hadn’t made sufficient preparations, he would have died this time.

Horrible, terrible.

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That bastard boy, what the hell is the origin of the three of them?

Zhan Guan took the kid and was struck by lightning.

Xiang Kui knew that Lu Shaoqing’s origin was too terrifying, so he took a look at the Xuantu World to see what would happen next in the Xuantu World.

Whether something big will happen, whether things are good or bad.

This is a reciprocal approach.

Roundabout strategy.

Using people or things that are related to it can not only avoid danger, but also obtain some useful information.

But I never expected such a strong reaction.

It seemed to force Tiandao to his eyes, murderous, and almost killed him.

But this time it was not without gains.

Copper money eats together, a bad trigram, a harbinger of something terrible and desperate.

However, the fall of the last copper coin represents a ray of light, and there is a glimmer of hope in despair.

In general, there is hope in despair, and dawn in darkness.


He had also occupied the Xuantu World before, and there was no such fearful backlash.

It can be seen that Lu Shaoqing will definitely enter the Xuantu World.

This is the future trend, and he can’t stop it.

Sangkui fell silent, his eyes flickering.


Xiangjixian rushed over, his face pale and full of worry.

This was the first time she had seen this horrific sight.

“Grandpa, what exactly did you occupy?”

Xiangkui shook his head, he couldn’t say it clearly.

He suddenly asked Xiangsi Immortal, “What do you think of the three of them?” Xiang

Sixian didn’t understand why Xiang Kui asked like this, but after thinking about it, she still said her impression of Lu Shaoqing and the three.

Ji Yan, the talent is so high and the strength is so strong, all the young people here in the God Killing Organization are not comparable.

Xiao Yi, innocent and lively, talent is also not weak, just look at this performance.

As for Lu Shaoqing, it is much more complicated.

At least, Xiang Sixian didn’t dare to say that he could see Lu Shaoqing completely.

On Lu Shaoqing’s body, it was always like a fog shrouded, making it impossible to see who he was.

However, for Lu Shaoqing’s three senior siblings, Xiang Sixian expressed his direct feelings for them, “Grandpa, they are not bad people.

“They are also merciless against monsters.”

“Moreover, they seem to be more lethal against monsters.”

Sangkui nodded, that was enough.

Not a monster, it is enough to be on the human side.

After thinking about it, Sangkui said to Sangji Immortal again, “Go, let that kid come to see me.”

Xiangsixian subconsciously said, “Grandpa, he doesn’t want to, unless…” Suddenly

, Xiangsixian reacted, and even Zuo Die’s eyes widened and his face was full of shock.

“Grandpa, you, you promised to let him enter the Xuantu World?”

In the Xuan Earth World, even the people of the God Killing Organization could not easily enter.

Access is not permitted unless there is a serious reason.

Even Aishi Immortal was not qualified to enter.

And now, Xiang Kui actually planned to agree to let Lu Shaoqing, an outsider, enter?

“Grandpa, even if you agree, the other elders will not agree.”

Xiang Kui waved his hand, “It’s okay, I have my own opinion, you go and let him come to see me first.”

“At least, I need someone to build this room…”

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