Xiangsi Xian had no choice, so he could only continue to act as a microphone, and Zuo Die came to Lu Shaoqing again.

This time, Zuo Die did not intend to knock on the door.

She said to Xiangsi Xian, “Sister Si Xian, go straight in.” It’s useless to knock on the door anyway. ”

What if I knock on the door again and wait or not?”

Is it like before?

Xiangsi Xian didn’t say anything, she acquiesced.

Zuo Die pushed the door directly in.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Lu Shaoqing’s voice ringing.

“Breakthrough? Is the breakthrough remarkable?

“You don’t look at what strength you have now?”

“Do you think you can kick the senior brother and step on the second senior brother?”

“Come, come, you try…”

Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die fixed their eyes on Lu Shaoqing sitting on the roof, still lying down just now, while Xiao Yi sat obediently next to him, listening to his lesson.

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die froze, breaking through so quickly?

Are there two hours before and after?

Two hours, enough to break through?

When did the breakthrough go so fast?

Or did Xiao Yi’s breakthrough fail?

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die stayed in place for a while, their hearts were extremely shocked, and they felt unbelievable.

Xiao Yi’s timid voice sounded, “Second Senior Brother, where dare I.”

Xiao Yi secretly complained in his heart.

Did I just break through successfully and enter the late stage of Jiedan, shouting happily?

Also, don’t mention kicking the master brother, is it okay to step on you?

Aren’t you a fart with these words?

How do you remember?

After Lu Shaoqing knocked on it, he said with satisfaction, “Give me attention, don’t let me think you are stupid.”

“Just want to be arrogant with this bit of strength? Reversed you. ”

When you are your age, what kind of strength is Senior Brother, don’t you have points in your heart?”

Xiao Yi’s shoulders obviously strided, and he glanced in the direction of Ji Yan.

At her age, Ji Yan was already in the Yuan Infant realm.

I’m a normal person.

Xiao Yi continued to complain in his heart, but on the surface he was like a good child.

At the same time, she saw Aoshi Xian and Zuo Die who came in.

I was immediately happy and could finally change the subject.

“Second Senior Brother, Sister Si Xian is here.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t open his eyes and snorted, “The knock didn’t sound, are you deaf?” ”

Would Sister Si Xian be so rude and come in without knocking?”

Deliberately, certainly on purpose.

Aishi wanted to bang headlong against the wall next to him.

The left butterfly is also angry with itchy teeth, this guy is really hateful.

Knocking on the door is not a birdman, and if you don’t knock, you say it’s rude.

Master is right, this guy is very badly beaten.

Xiangsi Xian was a little embarrassed, but there was no way, she could only speak, “Mu Gongzi, I’m coming.” ”

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Huh?” Lu Shaoqing sat up and looked at Xiang Sixian in disbelief, “Why don’t you knock on the door?”

Although she knew that Lu Shaoqing was intentional, Xiang Sixian was embarrassed and a little embarrassed in her heart, and she could only say, “I’m afraid that knocking on the door will disturb Sister Xiao’s breakthrough.”

Xiao Yi said with a grin, “I’m done a long time ago.”

“Well, how do I hear, you seem to be very proud?”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, and hurriedly converged his smile.

And Xiao Yi’s happy look also let Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die know that Xiao Yi was a breakthrough success, not a failure.

The two were shocked again.

At the same time, I have to sigh, it is really special enough, it is really enchanting enough.

Xiang Sixian took a deep look at Lu Shaoqing and the two, and said what her grandfather meant, “Mu Gongzi, my grandfather asked you to meet him.”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly came to the spirit, “The Great Elder agreed?

Xiang Sixian didn’t give Lu Shaoqing an affirmative answer, she just said, “You will know when you go to see him.”

“Yes!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t hesitate too much, and directly agreed, so refreshing that Xiang Sixian couldn’t help but doubt.

It was a bit perverse to agree so quickly.

Thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s bad trouble, she couldn’t help but say, “Mu Gongzi, aren’t you afraid that my grandfather is lying to you?” When

Lu Shaoqing heard this, his expression was stunned, and he criticized this behavior of Si Xian, “Sister Si Xian, what do you mean by this?” ”

Are you questioning the Great Elder’s character? No, you are the granddaughter of the Great Elder, you should believe in him. In

the face of Lu Shaoqing’s criticism, Xiang Sixian wanted to vomit blood.

I believe in my grandfather, but I don’t believe in you.

My grandfather has changed in the face of you.

My grandfather won’t lie to other people, but it’s different for you, maybe he will really lie to you.

In case my grandfather deceives you or can’t give you a satisfactory explanation, you will definitely make a moth.

At that time, things will get troublesome again.

The worry in Xiangsixian couldn’t hide it, and it appeared on his face, thick worry, like a melancholy beauty.

It can be seen that in the heart of Xiangsi Xian, Lu Shaoqing is already a troublesome figure that even her grandfather can hardly handle.

“Mu Gongzi, I’m just assuming.”

Xiangsi Xian paused for a moment, “Suppose my grandfather can’t give you a satisfactory answer, what will you do?” ”

Xiangsixian wants to ask clearly, so that there is a plan.

“What if?” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand decisively, his face full of seriousness, “There is no such thing.

“I’m sure the Great Elder won’t lie to me.”

The serious expression made Xiang Sixian stunned for a while, she almost thought that Lu Shaoqing was Xiang Kui’s real grandson, and she was a fake granddaughter.

“Let’s go, without further ado, hurry up and see the Great Elder.”

“It’s not polite to let the elderly wait too long.”

“Let’s go, let’s go…”

Lu Shaoqing took the lead and flew out, jumping into the sky, so fast that he could see that he looked a little injured.

Zuo Die looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was roaring stupidly, and said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Sister Si Xian, that’s it?”

Xiangsixian sighed deeply, she didn’t know what would happen next.

“Let’s go!”

Xiang Sixian followed, she can only hope in her heart that Xiang Kui and Lu Shaoqing will not make too ugly trouble.

Although her grandfather was a god, she didn’t have much confidence.

From Lu Shaoqing coming in until now, her grandfather has not been able to take advantage of Lu Shaoqing.

was so angry by Lu Shaoqing that his beard only stood up.

Lu Shaoqing came to the top of the mountain gracefully, and after coming up, he took a deep breath of air, “It’s really a good place.”

“The mountains are not high, there are fairy spirits… It’s a Burrow, huh, is there really a Burrow here? ”

It’s miserable to be split like this by lightning…”

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