Looking at the log cabin that was chopped into smashes and only a barely looking cabin remained, Lu Shaoqing sighed.

“Sure enough, pretending to be struck by lightning.”

“No wonder I heard the sound of thunder in the past two days, is it here?”

“Gee, against the handsome guy, it’s about to be slashed

by lightning…” Xiang Kui appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing with a black face, “Who do you say was slashed by lightning?” Xiang

Kui’s body exuded an unhappy aura, and seeing Lu Shaoqing was like seeing the guy who owed him money and didn’t pay it back, and ran to the dashing guy.

Lu Shaoqing was not afraid of each other at all, and pointed to the broken wooden house, “This ah, isn’t it struck by lightning?”

“People, after all, you have to do something good, you can’t be too bad, you see, the way of heaven can’t see it.”

Sangkui wants to hit people even more, this bastard boy.

He suppressed his anger and asked coldly, “Do you mean me?”

“Who said anything about you?” Lu Shaoqing gave him a blank look, “I just have a feeling, don’t take a seat yourself.”

“Really, how old is it?” Still sensitive and childish like a child, isn’t it? Xiang

Kui was so angry that he also gave Lu Shaoqing a roll of his eyes.

What a bastard boy.

Do you want to step on me when you have the opportunity?

Since you all say I’m stingy, I’ll show you it.

Xiang Kui’s heart was fierce, his eyes were fierce, and he immediately wanted to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was keenly aware of it, and immediately flashed and came to Xiangsi Xian’s side.

At the same time, he quickly changed the topic, “Great Elder, you called me here, do you have any orders?”

“Ahem, I’m dragging my wounds to see you.”

“Boy,” Xiangkui couldn’t help but shout angrily, “You don’t pack me garlic here, are you injured?” ”

Talk to me well.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his chest immediately stood up and said seriously, “That’s right, you should talk well.”

“Who’s going to do it first, who’s the puppy, you know?”

After speaking, he took a few steps forward and came to Xiangkui again.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s beaten appearance, Xiang Kui resisted the urge to hit someone.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing, and finally couldn’t resist the curiosity in his heart and asked, “What are you?” ”

Good man,” Lu Shaoqing replied with a smile, “a good person who knows how to be polite and knows how to be honest.” ”

Speak well.” Who asked you this?

You are also a good person who knows how to be polite and knows how to be honest?

You made me, an old man, so angry that my blood pressure rose.

“Are you a saint? Is it coming from outside? Xiangkui’s cold tone did not surprise Lu Shaoqing too much.

Xiangkui was a person a thousand years ago, and according to Mu Yong, a thousand years ago, this was still the northern desert of the cold star.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to hide it, anyway, it was useless to hide it, he nodded, “It can be said that we are indeed from outside.”

However, Lu Shaoqing’s words seemed to have completely aroused Xiangkui’s anger.

“Damn Holy Land!”

Xiangkui drank lowly, his voice containing monstrous resentment and hatred.

Then, he stretched out one hand towards Lu Shaoqing.

In an instant, Lu Shaoqing felt that heaven and earth disappeared, but it was replaced by a big hand of Xiangkui.

Like a god, Xiang Kui covered the sky with a large palm and suppressed him.

The terrifying pressure was like the sky falling, and a layer of smoke and dust instantly rose on the ground, billowing in all directions.

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Xiao Yi, Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die were forced to retreat by a strong pressure.

Lu Shaoqing was angry, “Puppy! Dog Elder! ”

Your sister, to speak well is to disobey your promises, and to do it yourself.

This time, Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to do nothing.

Do you really think he is a bully?

Facing Xiang Kui’s palm, Lu Shaoqing did not retreat, and slashed down fiercely with the Mojun sword.


The sword intent was stirring, and the furious sword intent filled the mountaintop.

Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die, who had already retreated dozens of miles away, were shocked by this sword intent.

This is a sword intent that is not inferior to Ji Yan.

Zuo Die exclaimed, “He, he is also so strong?

When Xiao Yi heard these words, his heart was very happy.

The second senior brother has always kept a low profile, and sometimes deliberately hides it, making people think that he is weak.

Not many people know the true strength of the second senior brother.

Hmph, taken aback, right?

Xiao Yi said happily, “Sister Fluttershy, calm down, basic exercise, don’t be alarmed.”

Zuo Die struggled to suppress the shock in his heart and looked at Xiao Yi, “Isn’t he afraid of the Great Elder?” ”

The Great Elder is a Transformation God, even if you Lu Shaoqing is amazing, it is just a Yuan Baby.

How did Yuan Ying beat the gods?

For this, Xiao Yi also showed a puzzled expression, and she couldn’t understand why Lu Shaoqing would make a move with the Great Elder.

However, Xiao Yi believed that Lu Shaoqing would surprise people.

Xiao Yi said confidently, “Even if you are a great elder, don’t try to take advantage of the second senior brother. ”

Now it’s Aoshi Immortal’s turn not to be happy.

She stood decisively and resolutely on her grandfather’s side, as Lu Shaoqing said, she should not have doubts about her grandfather.

She said, “Although Mu Gongzi is very special and powerful, he will not be grandpa’s opponent. ”

How to compare the difference between a god, a baby, and cloud mud?

Xiao Yi smiled, “Let’s watch.” ”

I’m definitely going to surprise you later.

The tyrannical sword light on Lu Shaoqing’s side lit up, and the terrifying sword intent erupted, and finally converged into a point, impacting towards Xiangkui.

In Xiangkui’s feelings, it was as if countless flying swords were stabbing towards him.

The sharp blade and the explosive killing intent all made him, the god of transformation, feel a pressure.

Young talents, the proud sons of heaven, peerless demons, only such words can describe the people in front of them.

But the stronger the strength Lu Shaoqing displayed, the more angry Xiangkui became.

“You, indeed, are a disciple of the Holy Land!”

With a loud drink, Xiangkui’s breath soared again, and his hand lit up, and he slapped Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

The space seemed to be pierced, and an invisible fluctuation spread on the top of the mountain, and all the white clouds within a thousand miles were scattered one after another.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing’s endless sword intent was suppressed and erased in an instant.

A powerful force fell on Lu Shaoqing.

With a pop, he spewed out blood.


The flat ground at the top of the mountain shook again, and Lu Shaoqing’s body seemed to be slapped to the ground, and a deep pit appeared.

Lu Shaoqing lay in the deep pit, not knowing whether he was dead or alive…

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