With a bang, Sangkui was beaten so that he took a few steps back and stopped. He touched his face in disbelief.

His own old face of more than a thousand years was smashed to pieces like this?

The force is very strong, it is not painful.

But the heart hurts.

There is no place to put this old face of my own.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing standing in front of him in disbelief.

Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of him quietly, how could he do it?

If Lu Shaoqing leaked a little more breath, he would definitely find out.

However, he was attracted by the fireball in the sky, and at the same time the resentment in his heart was aroused, thus ignoring Lu Shaoqing.

At this time, he understood that the big fireball was just a pretense, and the real killing move was Lu Shaoqing’s punch.

One punch is not very lethal, but it is insulting enough.

Sangkui roared angrily, “You, boy, I’m going to kill you.” ”

The world is destroyed.

Huashen was punched by a Yuan baby and passed out, are you still embarrassed to mess around in the circle of Huashen?

Xiang Kui’s eyes lit up fiercely, and it seemed that he was about to smash the corpse of Lu Shaoqing in front of him into ten thousand pieces, and his bones were shattered.

The angry Xiangkui was extremely furious, and the breath continued to rise with the anger, and the powerful aura stirred the wind and clouds in the sky.

The thick coercion emanated, and the earth trembled, as if a demon king had descended, about to destroy the world.


Xiangsi Xian was shocked, “Grandpa is angry, Mu Gongzi is in danger.”

Lu Shaoqing was not in a hurry, he shouted, “Slowly, I’m not from the Holy Land.” ”


This sentence made Xiang Kui’s momentum stagnate, like poking a balloon, deflated.

But soon, Xiangkui’s anger puffed up again, “You’re not a disciple of the Holy Land? Do you think I’m a liar? ”

Isn’t it true that the disciples cultivated by the Holy Land can do this?

Can you punch him?

Just kidding, those disciples of ordinary families simply do not have such ability.

“Lie a lot, dare to deceive me, I see that you are looking for death.”

“You think I’m offended by this avatar, don’t you?”

Xiang Kui charged Lu Shaoqing with another crime, and it would make sense to kill him later.

“I swear,” Lu Shaoqing said without saying a word, “I am definitely not a disciple of the Holy Land. ”

At the same time, I secretly shook my hand, this strength, it really hurts.”

Is Kagami so hard?

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing actually dared to swear with a Dao heart to prove that he was not a disciple of the Holy Land.

Sangkui was deflated again, incredulous.

“No, it’s impossible, you’re not a disciple of the Holy Land, what are you?”

“The Hidden Family?”

“However, the people of the hidden family also deserve to die, and the people of the holy family deserve to die.”

Xiang Kui was murderous, anyway, he wanted to find an excuse to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing said again, “I’m not from the Hidden Family, nor am I from the Saint Family, okay?”

“Okay, okay, how old is it?” Still angry like this, don’t make yourself angry.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand at Xiang Kui as if nothing had happened, “Everyone sit down and talk calmly.”

“Don’t hit someone without moving, it will seem rude.”

Xiangkui’s expression was not good, and his eyes were still fierce, “What kind of person are you?” ”

It’s not a disciple of the Holy Land, nor is it a hidden family, what other force can cultivate someone like Lu Shaoqing?

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And there is more than one, not to mention the words, even Xiao Yi is a genius.

The forces that can teach such disciples are definitely not small forces.

“Don’t ask, I won’t say, anyway, you know that I am a good person who respects the old and loves the young, and can speak politely.” Lu Shaoqing would not easily reveal his own details, he said, “Let’s get down to business, don’t make trouble.” ”

Xiangkui has a big hatred in his heart, who made trouble with you?

I want to kill you.

Having said that, Xiangkui also had to marvel at Lu Shaoqing’s terribleness.

The Yuan Infant realm, being able to give him this Avatar God a punch and pass it out, is enough to stand out from the crowd.

“Are you teaching me to do things?” Xiangyu was upset, “I have the final say on what to do.”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, at this time, is he still unwilling to admit defeat?

“You say, what are you going to do?”

“Don’t afford to play.”

In a word, he drew out the anger in Xiangkui’s heart.

Facing Lu Shaoqing, his self-control became very bad, and the anger in his heart could easily come out.

At this time, Xiang Sixian, Xiao Yi, and Zuo Die rushed over.


Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die both looked surprised, and their eyes stayed on Xiangkui’s face.

The god of transformation was punched by the Yuan baby, what an explosive news at this time.

The two of them also witnessed a miracle.

If this matter spreads in the organization, it will definitely cause a major earthquake.

Xiangkui’s face couldn’t help but flash a trace of embarrassment.

It’s a shame.

This is thanks to Xiangsi Immortal seeing it on the side, if others see it, Xiangkui will have to kill people and destroy corpses.

Whoever dares to be considerate of today’s affairs will kill whoever he wants.

Xiao Yi rushed over, and he couldn’t wait to bow down, “Second Senior Brother, you are too powerful, actually…” Lu

Shaoqing didn’t say a word, gave her a moment, and let the words in her mouth stop.

Although he punched Xiangkui, this kind of thing is not happy to mention in front of Xiangkui.

Xiao Yi dared to mention that Xiangkui would definitely be mad, and in the end, it would have to be borne by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “What for?” Frizzy, do not be rude in front of seniors.

“Okay, where are we going to sit down and get down to business?” Lu Shaoqing said to Xiangkui with a smile.

“Hmph!” It’s not good.

Xiangsi Xian couldn’t help but say this, “Grandpa, if you have anything to say, let’s say it well, so as not to make too ugly trouble.” ”

You see, you fight with him, who is disgraced in the end?

Xiangkui is also very depressed, why can’t he help this little bastard?

This time, I wanted to teach Lu Shaoqing a lesson with absolute strength and regain the initiative at the same time.

As a result, it seems that he lost face a little more, took the initiative or something, and did not.

He rolled his eyes, like an old fox, revealing a cunning gaze.

“You want to enter the Xuantu World?”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, but he shook his head, “No! Xiang

Kui was stunned, this script is not right.

You should be excited and follow my instructions.

But Sangkui quickly reacted, “You don’t want to, do you? Then there you go. ”

Mockup, playing with me?

You’re tender.

Lu Shaoqing shrugged and said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Sister Si Xian, can you take me out of here?”

“I’m going home, there’s nothing going on for me here anyway..”

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