Xiangsixian is depressed.

When the two of you get to this point, are you going to continue the bar?

“Grandpa, Mu Gongzi, can’t you talk properly?”

Xiangsi Xian was angry, she stood up, her eyebrows were upturned, and she was very dissatisfied with the two of them like this, “Make it clear, don’t go around here.”

“What’s so good about fighting for face?”

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands and agreed very much, “That’s right, it should be like this, going around and around, bothered?” ”

Mu Gongzi!” Xiangsi Immortal had the urge to tickle people, and said as if you were not, “You too, you said whether you want to enter the Xuantu world or not.”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly became angry, rubbed his hands, and said with a smile, “I want to, but I’m sorry.”

Xiangsi Immortal was so angry that his eyes narrowed, and he wanted to tickle Lu Shaoqing even more.

“If it is, why do you say you don’t want to?”

“Open your eyes and say nonsense, this is what you mean by respecting elders?”

This guy is really abominable.

Zuo Die nodded beside him, that is, he was not polite at all.

Also says he is polite all day, liar.

Lu Shaoqing asked Xiang Kui, “I said yes, will you let me in?”

Xiangkui said expressionlessly, “No. ”

You want to fart and eat, it’s so beautiful.”

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands at Xiang Si Xian and said helplessly, “Look, so, is there a difference between what I say and what I don’t want to do?”

“I said I didn’t want to, but I didn’t need to stimulate your grandfather, right, I respect the old and love the young.”

Xiangkui, Xiangsixian, and Zuo Die rolled their eyes almost at the same time.

This kind of words, it sounds, is really bad.

Xiao Yi held his chin and squatted next to him to watch the play.

It’s fun.

Xiangsi Xian said to Xiangkui, “Grandpa, make it clear, since you want Mu Gongzi to come, you must have made a decision in your heart.”

Xiangkui hesitated.

Lu Shaoqing was surprised, “No, it’s not down the slope at this time, what do you want to do?”

“Do you continue to clean me up?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Xiangkui feel depressed.

This kid, really not a fuel-saving lamp.

The two sides fight, and their hearts are as clear as mirrors.

It’s a fight for the initiative.

However, he never had the upper hand, and was pinched to death by Lu Shaoqing.

He even suspected for a while that he was the little young and Lu Shaoqing was the old fox.

Xiangsi Xian came forward now, just giving him a step down.


Xiangkui sighed in his heart, that’s it, so be it.

He snorted and faced Lu Shaoqing with a stinky face, “Xuantu World, if you want to enter, it’s not that simple.”

“I can agree to let you in, but there are things you need to do.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes brightened, patting his chest, and his tone became kind, “Come, grandpa, you can do as you order.”

“Up the knife mountain, down the sea of fire, I will not give up.”

“Hmph!” Xiangkui snorted coldly, waving the remains of the wooden house in the distance, “See?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, sighed, and understood the meaning of Xiangkui, “Understand, grandpa taught that it is better to be a person than to pretend, and to pretend to be struck by lightning.”

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“Don’t worry, I won’t be like you, the first word I know is the low-key two words, and I will definitely not pretend.”

Xiang Kui heard that he wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing.

You’re pretending to be comparing now.

Who taught you?

He was indignant, gritted his teeth, and said fiercely, “If you want to enter the Xuantu World, first build the house for me.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned and unbelievable.

He rubbed his ears and asked Xiangkui, “Old man, what did you say?” ”

Just now he was called grandpa, but now he will immediately become an old man.

The change of tone, the expression is extremely natural, without the slightest hesitation and embarrassment, say switch to switch.

Thinking of letting Lu Shaoqing help him build a house, Xiang Kui was still a little proud in his heart.

But an old man, rubbing anger in his heart, burned that little bit of pride to death.

“You don’t want to?” Xiang Kui looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, like a stunned child, “If you don’t want to, you go back.” ”

Hmph, don’t think you can hold me.

Zuo Die’s eyes lit up, this method is good.

It’s also a small punishment.

Hey, you guy can fight the Great Elder there?

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin, thought for a moment, sighed, seemed to have made a difficult decision, and shook his head slightly, “Alas, no way, who let me respect the old and love the young?” ”

Since you have no place to live, Great Elder, it is also a matter of my generation to build a place for the Great Elder to live to show filial piety.”

“However, I have to find someone to help, or I won’t do it.”

Xiang Kui immediately gave restrictions, “Apart from your senior brother and sister, you can find someone. ”

Xiangkui is proud, Xiao Zian, what I want is for you to build it with your own hands, disgusting you.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, “You’re too ruthless, aren’t you?

“This is not a quality that an elder should have.”

No one to help, let me do it alone?

Xiangkui smiled straightly, “No way, who makes me stingy?” ”

Xiao Xian, what do you do?

“Alas!” Lu Shaoqing shook his head and agreed, “Okay.

“Give you two days!” Xiangkui dropped a sentence and disappeared here.

He was punched and had no face to stay here, even in front of his granddaughter.

Xiao Yi ran over, “Second Senior Brother, are you doing it alone?”

“Oh, I want to help too…..” Without

saying a word, he was hammered again, “What do you mean by this gloating tone?” Get out of here and get me the silly monkey silly cat. Xiao

Yi was stunned, let Da Bai and Xiao Bai help?


After knocking Xiao Yi down, Lu Shaoqing said to Zuo Die, “Little chick, come and help.”

Zuo Die seemed to hear the big joke and almost laughed, “Are you kidding?” Don’t even think about it. ”

You rude fellow, I can’t see your jokes too late, I’ll help you?

My brain is not sick again.

Is it familiar with you?

“Do it yourself, I’ll watch!”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Zuo Die, “What about your grandfather?” I’ll send him a message…..”Not

long after, Zuo Die received a message from Lin Yu.

She took a look and froze, “This….”

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