With a boom, the wooden house next to it fell apart, and wood chips flew everywhere.

Once again, the erected wooden house was reduced to a pile of wreckage.

“What are you doing?” Lu Shaoqing shouted distressedly, “The house that was built with great difficulty, you destroyed it like this, you don’t feel distressed, I still feel distressed.”

“A dog kennel at the end of the good end, no, gou she, waste, sister Si Xian, their day’s hard work and effort were wasted by you like this.”

Xiang Kui said expressionlessly, “I want to clean up you, I made a mistake.” ”


Dormant? Low profile? Bite the bullet?

You’re just scolding me around the corner.

Besides, the great elder of the god-killing organization, a master of the god-killing period, lives in a place called Gou She?

Pass it on, can I still want this old face?

For my granddaughter’s sake, I don’t think about you, otherwise, I have to beat you to death.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Alas, forget it, you are an elder, let it be.”

Then, with a stunned expression, he asked Xiangkui, “Look, I have set up the house, when do you think you will take me to that place?”

Xiangkui sneered, “Who said that if you set up a house, you can enter the Xuantu world?”

“Old man, shouldn’t you renege on your word?” Lu Shaoqing shouted unceremoniously, “Can you be an elder a little like an elder?”

Zuo Die despised next to him, “It’s true, if you are not happy, you will not pretend, the original form is exposed.” ”

When you think it’s good, don’t shy to call grandpa.

When you are not happy, you directly call the old man, and there is no politeness.

The proper villain’s face changes face so fast that no one can match.

Zuo Die couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi next to him, “Sister Xiao, has he always been like this?”

Xiao Yi nodded happily, “Yes, this is the second senior brother.” ”

It’s realistic.

Zuo Die was speechless for a while, and then sighed, “He is like this, it is really a big life to live so big.”

Xiangsi Xian did not speak, and he very much agreed with Zuo Die’s words.

A character like Lu Shaoqing is really easy to attract hatred, and if he is not killed, his life is counted.

Xiao Yi said, “Don’t worry, the second senior brother is powerful, it is not so easy for others to kill him.”

“The second senior brother is a person who will not easily provoke a powerful person, especially the Transformation God, and the second senior brother can hide as far as he can.”

Xiangsi Xian was speechless, she pointed to her grandfather, reminding Xiao Yi, “My grandfather is in the late stage of the Transformation God.

Zuo Die nodded, “That is, if according to your words, the Great Elder is not a god, nor is he powerful?”

Xiao Yi grinned and guessed, “Maybe the second senior brother knows that the Great Elder is not in danger. ”

If it weren’t for the Xuantu World, my second senior brother wouldn’t have come here to death, let alone confronted the Great Elder.


Sangkui glared, blew his beard, bastard boy, so abominable.

He said with a straight face, “When did I say that I would let you enter the Xuantu World after setting up the house?”

“One more step.”

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Xiangkui looked into the distance, and by now, Xiangkui also felt tired.

Fighting with Lu Shaoqing, he had no good way to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

Continue to fight, this old face really can’t be wanted.

Xiang Kui looked into the distance, holding his hands behind his back, silent, and did not say what to do next.

Lu Shaoqing did not urge, but stood beside Xiangkui and looked into the distance like Xiangkui.

From here, in the distance, there are sparse, large and small peaks, layered mountains.

Here the spiritual power is rich, the white mist in the distance is faint, the clouds are fluttering, and the mountain peaks are looming in the white mist, like a fairyland.

The two stood side by side, seemingly enjoying the beauty in the distance.

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die next to them looked very uncomfortable.

It is clear that one is the realm of the god of transformation, the other is the realm of the yuan baby, a thousand-year-old old-timer, and a hairy boy in his twenties.

The two should have a big contrast.

However, the two stood side by side, but there was no sense of discord.

Lu Shaoqing stood beside Xiang Kui, exuding the aura of a superior person, as if he was also an existence in the realm of the Avatar God.

Lu Shaoqing’s aura and Xiangkui’s aura were perfectly integrated, standing together, just like two people in the same realm standing together, and the people next to them could not melt in.

Seeing that Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die died unbearably, is this guy’s aura so powerful?

Standing beside Xiangkui, you should be influenced and suppressed by Xiangkui’s qi place, and in the end, you should be like a master and a servant.

It’s not that the two look like people in the same realm.

Xiang Kui looked at the distance for a while, he withdrew his gaze, and he also took a deep look at Lu Shaoqing, this kid was actually able to stand beside him without being affected.

“See you in three days, the Council!”

Xiang Kui left a word, and then waved his hand, and all the people on the top of the mountain were sent down the mountain, including Liangbai.

“What is the second senior brother doing in the council hall?” Xiao Yi touched Liangbai’s head, soothed Liangbai, and asked curiously at the same time.

Xiang Sixian explained to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, if you want to enter the Xuantu World, you not only need my grandfather’s consent, but also the consent of other elders.

“Otherwise, even my grandfather can’t act arbitrarily.”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he despised Xiangkui, “What about the Great Elder?” It is also said that as a master of the incarnation realm, you have to ask the people below to do things?

“Whoever disobeys will suppress it with one hand.”

Xiangsi Xian was silent for a while, and finally said, “A thousand years is enough time to change many things. The

tone was filled with melancholy and helplessness.

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, indeed.

In a thousand years, the human heart is enough to change many things.

From Xiangsi Immortal’s tone, it was not difficult for Lu Shaoqing to imagine the problems existing in the God Killing Organization.

Lu Shaoqing finally sighed, “People, it’s cheap!”

Then, he asked Xiangsi Immortal, “Do you want me to convince these elders?”

Xiangsi Immortal nodded, “That’s right, there are three elders in the God Killing Organization, except for my grandfather, you have to convince the second elder and the third elder, otherwise, you won’t be able to enter the Xuantu World.”

“This is not a simple matter, Mu Gongzi, you have to be mentally prepared.”

“Two people?” When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he grinned, “Don’t worry, I’m the best at convincing people with reason, and I will definitely convince them…”

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