“Master!” Zhou Guangyuan came to a room outside and saluted respectfully.

After a while, an old and indifferent voice came out, “Something? ”

The sound does not fluctuate and gives an invisible pressure.

The person inside was Zhou Guangyuan’s master, the second elder of the God Killing Organization, and the palace shou of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant.

Zhou Guangyuan’s body bent slightly, maintaining his respect for Master Gong Shou, “Master, will the Great Elder summon all the elders to gather in the Deliberation Hall to discuss things in three days?” ”

I also heard that the Great Elder intends to let three outsiders enter the Xuan Earth World, isn’t that the case?”

It was another while before the voice inside slowly came out.

“That’s right, what do you want to do?”

Zhou Guangyuan said, “Master, will you agree?” ”

Hmph,” Gong Shou seemed very displeased, and snorted coldly, “How important is the Xuantu World? How can outsiders be allowed to enter at will? ”

Gong Shou’s attitude is already very clear, just don’t agree.

Zhou Guangyuan took the opportunity to put forward his own opinion, “Master, since the Great Elder asked everyone to discuss, maybe he agreed.”

“If it is something that the Great Elder agrees to, even if the Master opposes it, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop it.”

“Hmm?” Gong Shou’s doubtful voice came from inside, “What do you want to say?”

Zhou Guangyuan said the purpose of coming here this time, “Master, if you want to agree, can you let outsiders know that I have made a lot of effort in it to get you to agree, Master?”

Gong Shou was even more confused, “Do you think they owe you a favor?”

“Master is wise!” Zhou Guangyuan hurriedly patted the horse, “I still hope that Master will be complete.”

At the same time, he said his reasons, “They have good strength and are valued by the Great Elder, and I hope to have a good relationship with them.”

For the apprentice’s request, Gong Shou snorted coldly, “Hmph, I won’t let them in…”

Three days passed by in a flash.

Early on the morning of the third day, the bell of the council hall rang, and the eyes of the god-killing organization fell on the council hall.

“It’s about to start.”

“What do outsiders want to do? What a big boldness, actually thinking of entering the Xuantu World?

“Foolish dreams, Xuantu World is what he says to enter?”

“Even those of us don’t have the opportunity to enter the Xuantu World, why should outsiders?”

“That is, resolutely do not give outsiders access…” For

three days, various gossip circulated in the organization.

Everyone knows that the purpose of the three outsiders coming here is the Xuantu World.

The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss whether to let them in.

If the three elders agreed, it would really be possible for the three outsiders to enter the Xuantu World.

Legend has it that the Xuantu world is the last hope of the Terrans, and once the Xuantu world is destroyed, the people of their world will also be destroyed.

They will also become animals raised by monsters, and their fate will be controlled by monsters and completely sunk.

The miserable appearance of the tribal people outside is definitely not what the people here in the God Killing Organization want.

Therefore, they don’t want people to enter the Xuantu world at will to avoid problems in the Xuantu world.

“Don’t worry, even if the Great Elder agrees, the Second Elder, the Third Elder and the other Elders will not easily agree.”

“That is, no matter what is special about them, the Xuantu World is our last guarantee, and we must not let some people mess around.”

“Look, the elders will definitely not do what they want…” Lu

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Shaoqing, Ji Yan, and Xiao Yi came to the council hall together with the three spirit pets.

The council hall was located at the foot of the mountain, and from the outside, it looked a little imposing, but when I got closer, I found that it looked very ordinary, like the houses built by ordinary sects.

The architectural style is rough, there is no elaborate carving, no carved jade masonry, it is a house built of wood and brick.

There is also not too much decoration inside, maintaining the original style, and the four words of the council hall are a little unmatched.

The inside is large and wide, and there is no problem cramming a hundred people.

There were a dozen or so people sitting or standing on both sides of the hall.

Their aura is vaguely powerful, and they are all Great Elders in the God Killing Organization, and the existence of the Yuan Infant Realm.

The gazes of more than a dozen people fell on Lu Shaoqing and the three, their gazes fierce and with strong pressure.

Ji Yan’s face was expressionless, and he turned a blind eye to the gaze around him.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and waved at the people around him, “Hello everyone!”

Xiao Yi followed behind the two senior brothers with the three spirit pets, and the two senior brothers shared the pressure around her for her.

Xiao Yi did not have any pressure, and looked around curiously.

The three came to a stop in the middle of the hall, and Lu Shaoqing looked around.

The hall is more than ten meters high, and the space is wide, plus more than ten elders next to it, a majestic momentum pervades here.

Those who come in, standing here, whose psychological quality is not good, will definitely be frightened and their legs will tremble.

However, for Lu Shaoqing and the three, the pressure here is nothing.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing and the three were very calm here, they did not feel the slightest bit uneasy.

There are people around who are dissatisfied.

“Hmph, what a big shelf.”

“Outsiders, this is not a place for you.”

Some elders spoke out coldly, and their eyes sharpened.

As the elder spoke, the pressure around him suddenly increased.

Ji Yan clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes wide and his head turned, looking for who was talking like a radar.

Lu Shaoqing asked the man who spoke, “Is this your home?”

“It was the Great Elder who called me here, are the Great Elder’s words not as good as yours?”

The man was choked by Lu Shaoqing and was speechless.

“Sharp teeth, this is not your home, less rampant here.”

Lu Shaoqing said lazily, “Where do we dare to be rampant? Our Great Elder is the most respected, and we are guests invited by the Great Elder.

“However, I am disappointed in you masters.”

“I’ve been here for most of the day, not to mention the place to sit, not even a glass of water, this is the hospitality of your god-killing organization?”

“I think you really need to take a proper etiquette lesson.”

Really, a huge organization that doesn’t even understand basic politeness?

In a word, offended all the people.

Everyone glared angrily.

“Hmph!” Suddenly, with a cold snort, a tall figure appeared with a strong sense of oppression, “Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!” When

everyone saw the people coming, they saluted in unison, “I have seen the three elders…”

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