The tall and burly figure of the visitor made Lu Shaoqing almost think that he had encountered someone from the Demon Race again.

He is burly and tall, with a long beard, giving people a fierce feeling.

He was the third elder of the God Killing Organization, Geng Wudao, the nine-layer realm of the late Yuan Infant period.

He stared at a pair of eyes the size of copper bells and looked directly at Lu Shaoqing and the three.

Xiao Yi immediately retracted his body behind Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

Geng Wudao’s strong sense of oppression made her unbearable, as if she was being targeted by a fierce tiger, and her heart was hairy.

Looking at the burly three elders in front of him.

In Xiao Yi’s mind, the information that Xiang Sixian had said about Geng Wudao appeared in Xiao Yi’s mind.

Bad temper, strong strength, not a good talker.

Although he was the third elder, he rarely cared about the affairs of the organization and devoted himself to cultivation.

Lu Shaoqing faced the strong pressure of Geng Wudao, his face did not change in the slightest, and he looked at Geng Wudao without the slightest fear.

Geng Wudao did not speak, his eyes were like swords, and he looked directly at Lu Shaoqing.

After the two looked at each other for a while, Geng Wudao laughed, “It’s kind of interesting.” Geng

Wudao was the first time he met a young man who dared to look directly at him.

Ordinary people are looked at by him like this, and they definitely can’t hold three breaths before they look away.

No one dared to look him in the eye.

At Lu Shaoqing’s age, he dared to look at him for so long without the slightest cringe.

It can be seen that Lu Shaoqing’s is not simple.

At the same time, it also made Geng Wudao curious in his heart.

Outsiders, what’s so special?

Geng Wudao ignored Lu Shaoqing, he came to the top, one butt sat on a position above, and closed his eyes to himself.

After another while, the Great Elder and the Second Elder arrived one after another.

With the arrival of the three elders, everyone’s spirits lifted and the topic began.

The Great Elder glanced at everyone, and wherever his gaze went, the surrounding elders bowed their heads slightly to show their respect for the Great Elder.

Xiang Kui’s gaze finally stayed on Lu Shaoqing and the three, and after taking a deep look at them, he slowly spoke.

“Everyone already knows what happened when you summoned here this time.”

“They are three outsiders, not members of our God Killing Organization, and they want to go to the Xuan Earth World, what do you think?”

After the Great Elder’s words were finished, the eyes of the people around him once again converged on Lu Shaoqing and the three.

The air was filled with heavy pressure, everyone’s eyes were like a mountain pressing down, and the strong sense of oppression made Xiao Yi subconsciously pull the corners of Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, like a timid sister seeking her brother’s protection.

The two white hairs sitting on Xiao Yi’s shoulder stood up, and they grabbed Xiao Yi’s hair desperately, forcibly enduring the fear in their hearts.

Even Xiao Hei opened his eyes and looked around vigilantly.

Only Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had natural expressions, and did not pay attention to the eyes around them.

“Outsiders? Hmph, Great Elder, what is their role? Someone

spoke out coldly, his eyes were not good, and he did not welcome Lu Shaoqing and their arrival a hundred.

“It’s special.” Xiangkui’s tone was calm and indifferent, and he sat there with his breath converged, like a kind and wise elder.

However, these three words made the people below unhappy.


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That’s it?

Nothing else?

Just because they are very special, they should be allowed to enter the Xuantu World?

“Great Elder, just because they are special, they can enter the Xuantu World?” Second Elder Gong Shou spoke.

The second elder also had white hair, but his appearance was that of a middle-aged man, his eyes were like rainbows, exuding a shocking light.

He stared at Lu Shaoqing and the three, “Their origin is unknown, it is already very risky to enter our place, and then enter the Xuantu world, in case of an accident, no one can afford this responsibility.” ”

Monsters don’t understand everything, especially gods, who have similar thinking to humans and are extremely cunning.

For thousands of years, monsters led by sacrificial gods have been sending tribal humans as traitors to find the whereabouts of the headquarters of the god-killing organization.

The Great Elder understood what the Second Elder meant, and he just said lightly, “They have no problem.

With such a sentence, even if everyone has doubts, they dare not make a fuss in this aspect.

With the Great Elder personally endorsing them, even if there is a problem with their identity, there will be no problem.

The second elder was silent for a moment and asked, “What are they going to do when they enter the Xuantu World?” This

is also what everyone wants to know, even the Great Elder, he also looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Gong Shou is speechless, I wipe, Great Elder, you don’t know either?

You didn’t ask?

Agreed to let them in without asking?

Faced with the inquiry, Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “I heard that the Xuantu World has beautiful scenery and elegant environment, and I want to see it.” ”

Who are you, are you a three-year-old?”

Traveling to Xuantu World?

Why don’t you say go to the Xuantu World to hunt for treasures?

The latter reason is more convincing than the previous one.

“!” Someone couldn’t help it, and shouted angrily, “Go and see? Are you your home in the Xuantu world? Just go, it’s still such a ridiculous reason. ”

Some people took the lead, and others cheered them out.

“That is, think beautifully, don’t dream like this.”

“At this time, if you don’t tell the truth, what do you want to do?”

“Do you have bad intentions for the Xuantu World?”

The voices of the crowd were loud, echoing in the hall, like thunder rolling, rumbling and ear-shattering.

Geng Wudao looked at Lu Shaoqing and the three with interest, and then asked Xiang Kui, “Great Elder, you don’t know their purpose in entering the Xuan Earth World?”

“Why do you think of agreeing to let them in?”

Yes, I don’t know the purpose, I don’t know the origin, just want to let them in?

Your granddaughter Xiangsi Immortal doesn’t have this treatment, right?

Sangkui was silent for a moment.

It’s not that he didn’t want to ask, but he forgot.

He fought with Lu Shaoqing, got angry, and forgot.

In addition, he had taken up the trigram and knew that Lu Shaoqing and his party would definitely enter the Xuantu World, so he didn’t care so much about this question, so he didn’t ask.

After being silent for a while, Xiang Kui slowly spoke, “I have calculated that they have no malice towards the Xuantu World. ”

It’s also good for us for them to enter the Xuantu world…”

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