My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1008 Thoughts

"Commander Qin Ge is really unexpected. I thought you would have a lot of questions to ask me when you came here, but looking at your appearance now, you seem to be more concerned about your own ship girl's situation than the unknown? "

The observer looked at Qin Ge standing next to the sea chart and asked with a smile, his words were somewhat unexpected.

Qin Ge turned his head to look at the elf-like girl, and a wicked smile appeared on his face, "There are some things you won't tell me even if I ask, and there are some things even if I don't ask, I'm sure you'll tell too.

If that's the case, then why should I take the initiative to ask? By putting your own problems on the table, isn't that exposing your trump card? "

The observer couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "I remember that when I met you a few years ago, you were still a passionate young man. Unexpectedly, a few years later, you have become as cunning as a fox.

I want to know who changed you during this period of time? Is it your shipgirl Amagi, or is it your shipgirl Zhenhai, or is it Helena who went to your port area before? "

Listening to the observer's words, Qin Ge couldn't help but reveal a look of nostalgia in his eyes, "Yes, when I first met you, I was under a lot of pressure. But I didn't expect that things have changed. Now that I see you, But there is no longer as much pressure as before.

If you really want me to ask a question, then observer, you are observing the world, but there is actually a question that has been bothering me. The numbered world is a projection of the main world. Is the previous world the real world? Members of my fleet, Wan Lao and Wan Auntie, are they programs or real? "

"It's really surprising, Commander Qin Ge, you are really the most special commander I have ever seen. I thought you would ask about your future, your fleet, and all the secrets, but now you ask about... People who have nothing to do with this battle. Ha, maybe it's just like this that they will choose you." The observer looked at Qin Ge with deep meaning and said.

"But as you wish, I will explain this problem to you. Although the numbered world is a projection of the main world, it is not created by a high-level AI program. It is precisely because of the projection that a physical world must exist.

However, compared to illusion and reality, the people you meet are more of a projection of the main world, that is, a piece of consciousness. This piece of consciousness will be transformed into various different forms through AI's self-calculation and environmental simulation in the original consciousness.

Just like a person is in different environments and has different experiences, his character and everything will become different. So I explain it this way, can you figure it out? "

Qin Ge nodded suddenly, "Is it like this? Then I'll be relieved."

"Oh, can you really accept this transformation of consciousness? Aren't you humans the most important thing, is morality and ethics?" the observer laughed.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie? From a different perspective, what you see and feel will become different. If this world is virtual, then the so-called Is the real world, viewed from a world in another dimension, virtual or real?”

"Haha, your answer is very interesting." The observer said approvingly.

Qin Ge shook his head and turned to look at Guanghui, who had been standing beside him. "There is still a lot of brilliance in this world. In addition to this world, there are also many brilliance in other worlds. But for me, standing in front of me now This thing that can be touched is what I think is the true glory.

So it doesn't matter whether he is real or fake, I just need to know that she is unique to me. "

"Commander!" Guanghui was moved. Perhaps for her, this was the best love word in the world.

"That's true. With the advancement of science and technology, more incredible things will appear in front of people. Whether to choose to accept or reject them is a question that humans have been exploring for a long time.

But whether it is acceptance or rejection, the development of science and technology will never be stagnated by human will. Even if the world is artificially stagnant, the extension of technology is there, and you can pick it as long as you pick it. "The observer nodded.

"Commander Qin Ge, since you have asked me a question, how about you answer me a question as reward?"

Qin Ge's body tightened, was it finally coming?

Without waiting for Qin Ge's response, the observer said to himself, "If you were asked to lead a world, in a universe with unlimited technological development, what would you choose to do? Be a pioneer who is moving forward, or be a conservative Where is the person?"

Qin Ge looked at the observer and smiled, "So is this your problem? It's not easy to answer this question. Technology is a double-edged sword. It can bring a world to prosperity, or it can bring a world to an abyss. , I think you know this situation very well."

The observer smiled and said, "Yes, that's why I want to ask you this question. You come from a world completely different from the original world. If it were you, what would you choose?"

Qin Ge thought for a moment and looked at the observer, "I will choose to confirm the national ideological trend of the world where I live, and then choose to embrace technology according to the national ideological trend."

"Ideology?" The observer looked at Qin Ge with interest.

“The development of science and technology in a world cannot be separated from the society in which it lives, and depends on the degree of tolerance of this society for the development of science and technology.

As far as the several currents of thought are known, rights protectionism, xenophobia, militarism, idealism, materialism, egalitarianism, xenophobia, pacifism, Gestalt consciousness, etc. all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Each trend of thought brings a different understanding of technology, and its focus is also different. Just like pacifism, the development of force is used to defend against militarism, and the development of force is used for aggression. Different emphasis will lead to completely different results.

Determine the ideological trend that all citizens of your world believe in, so that you can avoid more detours in embracing technology. After all, the purpose of developing technology is always to serve society. If it is separated from society, then technology will be useless. " Qin Ge said.

"Hehe, then I want to know what kind of ideological doctrine Commander Qin Ge follows?" the observer laughed.

Qin Ge looked at the observer and couldn't help but smile, "I don't know if you have heard of this saying, people change because of the environment. If the world I live in needs me to be a pacifist, then I will not do it at all. Hesitantly choose to become a pacifist. If my world needs me to become a militarist, then I will choose to become a militarist without hesitation.

Whether for rulers or citizens, they are just screws in the huge machine of the world. My own consciousness is too small compared to the thoughts of the entire society! "

"Then what if this trend of thought will take your world into the abyss?" the observer asked seriously.

"Then I will take my world to occupy this abyss, and then become the king of this abyss!"


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