My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1012 Who is delaying time?

"Oh, did you react so quickly?"

Helena looked in one direction and said with a smile.

"Does that mean people from other camps have already passed through that layer of fog?" Yixian said in surprise.

"Well, there are also embers from other camps, and camps like White Eagle, Heavy Sakura, and Iron Blood all have submarines and expulsions. It's not that difficult to get through this fog." Helena explained.

"Then can you confirm which camp responded?" Zhenhai asked.

Helena looked into the distance and paused, "Iron-blooded."

"Iron Blood?" Zhenhai nodded, "Since the Bismarck ship modification, and the legendary maritime strength in the camp has gradually taken shape, the Iron Blood's performance is much stronger than before."

"Well, in addition, the iron-blooded submarines are also very strong, and everyone has discipline and responsibility. It is reasonable to be able to leave the sea fog area so quickly." Yixian nodded.

"But what concerns me is that Iron Blood seems to be studying something at the test site, but now that the commander has summoned Bismarck and Frederick the Great to the front line, it is possible that long-term things are not directly related to this battle. Relationship?"

After listening to some slightly doubtful words, Zhenhai chuckled and did not speak directly, but looked at Helena aside, "What do you think?"

Helena smiled, "Since the commander didn't tell us, he must have felt that it wasn't necessary."

"Oh, do you really think that?" Zhenhai smiled, "And there is probably nothing in the port area that you don't know, right?"

Helena smiled and said, "Do you really think so? Well, actually, I know a little bit about the thing that Iron Blood is researching. I'm afraid the commander also knows about the existence of that thing. But as for what it is specifically, you will know when the time comes. Got it, don’t you think there’s no mystery anymore if you say it now?”

Zhenhai smiled, "Yes, if that's the case, then it must be something earth-shattering."

"Indeed." Helena smiled.

At this time, the company on the side looked into the distance and said, "Here we come."

Everyone followed the company's gaze and saw a small black dot in the distant sky, which was obviously the iron-blooded people.

Navigating at full speed, it didn't take long for Tie Xue to gather with everyone.

When he saw several people from the company and Algeria, Bismarck was stunned for a moment.

"So you are what the commander said before, the embers that just came to this world?"

Gneisenau on the side seemed to want to speak, but was stopped by Scharnhorst.

The company did not answer, but Helena answered the answer for her, "Most of them have just come to this world, but there are also some who have been to this world, and they gathered together because of this battle. .”

Bismarck nodded, "That's it, then you are welcome to join this battle. But having said that, what is the situation of the others now? When we saw you releasing the signal, we rushed over."

"A few people have already responded to me, and they should be on their way here just like you." Helena nodded.

"That's good. In the sea fog, there are dangers everywhere, and everyone has just experienced a war. It's great to be able to get out of it safely." Bismarck nodded.

"That's true, and thanks to the help of Helena and the others, if we just had to pass through this sea fog, regardless of whether we lose our sense of direction or not, the enemies hidden in it would give us a headache for a long time." Xianshen said with emotion.

"That said, the most they can do is block your steps. With your current strength, it's relatively easy to pass through the sea fog." Helena said with a smile.

"Haha, in fact, there is no need for you to struggle with this issue. Instead of lamenting that the road ahead was difficult, it is better to think about what may happen in the future." Frederick the Great smiled at this time.

"I believe that we have been under the surveillance of the sirens since we entered the sea. It is precisely because of this that they can use the concealment of the sea fog to ambush us or make a sneak attack on us.

I think Miss Helena also had this idea, so she released the signal so openly, right? "

"He is indeed Frederick the Great." Helena smiled, "It's exactly what you said."

"According to the time we received your signal, we rushed here. This period of time is neither long nor short, but within such a long time, there are obviously no traces of fighting here, so now Are the sirens waiting for us all to gather before engaging in the final battle?" Frederick the Great said with a smile.

"Maybe, then what did Frederick the Great think?" Helena asked.

"My thoughts?" Frederick the Great smiled, "This is a bit unreasonable, isn't it? They intercepted us in the fog, but they didn't attack us one by one when we came out unprepared. Instead, they attacked us one by one. With all the information at our disposal, let us send out a signal, bring everyone together, and reunite the scattered forces.

I have only seen this method in some knight novels. Just like a king who wants to test the strength of a knight, he first sets up layers of obstacles for the knight to pass, and then the final test comes at the end.

It seems that we have been walking on this road since we entered the sea until now. "

Helena smiled, "But the knight's final goal is to be loyal, but our goal is to annihilate them, so I don't think they need to be kind to us?

Perhaps, they also need time to deal with some things now. While we are consuming time, it is also what they expect to see. "

"This is really an interesting explanation, so what could make them give up the best time to attack us?" asked Frederick the Great.

At this time Zhenhai smiled and said, "When we conducted fortress operations in the four sea areas before, every arbiter was seriously injured and escaped, and was not killed by us.

Is it possible that the time the Siren needs to wait is the time it takes for the four arbiters to recover? "

"This is an interesting idea. If that is really the case, we will have to face four arbiters at the same time." Frederick the Great squinted his eyes. Zhenhai's intuition was so accurate. If it really happens in the future, If this is the case, then there will be some trouble.

Enterprise shook his head, "Not four, but six!"

"Six!?" Everyone present was shocked.

Especially Bismarck, she looked at the company and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Enterprise glanced at Bismarck, "Because I have smelled their scent, so take a good rest. If you are not careful in the battle later, you may really die!"

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