My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1013 Gathering

Enterprise's words made Bismarck narrow her eyes slightly, and she vaguely felt that the person in front of her was the leader of these embers.

This feeling made her attach great importance to the company's words. She turned around and looked at the Iron-blooded people, "Everyone rest where you are and try to keep yourself in the best condition."

"Understood!" Regarding Bismarck's order, the Iron-blooded people basically followed it unconditionally. Because so far, Bismarck has not made any mistakes.

Yixian and Soviet Rosia on the side also issued orders to Donghuang and Beilian to rest in place. Although the two camps combined seemed to have relatively few people, no one present could ignore this power. .

After waiting for a while, other camps gathered together one after another.

When the White Eagle camp arrived, North Carolina looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of her and exclaimed, "It's you!"

Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of everyone around him. Although he did not introduce himself, anyone could see the oppression of the company and its position in the embers.

However, when asked, Helena was always vague, which made everyone's curiosity even higher. And now North Carolina seems to have seen her before, which makes everyone watch the next reaction.

As if he had expected this scene, Enterprise nodded to North Carolina, but did not speak.

This situation made North Carolina stunned, and at the same time Bismarck's voice rang out, "Miss North Carolina seems to have met this Ember Enterprise before?"

"Yes, when the Siren Tide broke out before, that is, before Miss Helena appeared, I had seen her while supporting operations in the waters near Guam..." North Carolina looked at the enterprise with a solemn look.

Everyone suddenly understood. Bismarck nodded and seemed to be talking to North Carolina, but looked at the enterprise again, "Speaking of this, I do remember when Miss North Carolina returned to the command ship to report to the commander. , saying that a person who looks like a ship is asking you for the name of the commander."

"That's right." North Carolina nodded in confirmation. Until now, she still has a clear memory of that scene. So when I saw the company, I recognized her immediately.

"Miss Helena said before that they either came to this world very early, or they came to this world recently, and it seems that is the case." Zhenhai said with a smile.

"I do have an idea. If I guess correctly, this corporate lady may be the person who always appeared when we were collecting files at sea." Amagi said with slightly narrowed eyes.

The words of the two people were not spoken through the communicator, so not many people heard it.

"It's very possible that the current situation is getting more and more interesting. The embers that should have been scattered in various worlds have gathered here to have a decisive battle with at least four or even six arbiters. It's hard not to imagine what's going on here. Is there something secret there, but what puzzles me even more is that the commander actually knows something." Zhenhai said softly.

"So Miss Zhenhai suspects that the master is behind this?" Tian Cheng asked with a smile.

Zhenhai shook his head, "This is impossible. Although the commander knows something in my consciousness, he definitely cannot be the manipulator behind the scenes. With his temperament, it is impossible for him to do such troublesome things."

"That's true. Although the Lord works very hard, he would choose not to work if he could. After the whole world becomes chaotic like this, the Lord's workload will increase. This is obviously because he doesn't want to see it. So there is a high probability that it is impossible." Amagi said and laughed.

"Haha, but now that we have reached this point, it doesn't matter what is hidden in it. The final battle will start soon. Maybe after this battle, we can know everything." Zhenhai said.


North Carolina's words aroused everyone's discussion, but the number of people gathered at this time was getting larger and larger, so this matter did not attract much attention, because the next focus was always on this battle.

With the arrival of the last Sardinian camp, all the groups that came to fight in the core sea area this time were assembled.

"Everyone is here. Miss Helena, do you have anything to say now, or do you have any strategies for the coming battle?" Bismarck stepped forward and asked Helena.

"Haha, Miss Bismarck is joking. It's my first time to come to this sea area, so I don't have anything to say about strategies. However, I do have something to say now, and this can be regarded as for the commander."

Helena smiled and said, "From joining Minato until now, he has always adhered to the principle of protecting you. As long as it is a slightly dangerous thing, then do it in the safest way.

Even if it is a comprehensive attack on the sea area this time, I would rather waste too much time to protect you from harm. This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing for you.

Because the subsequent battle may be a bit brutal, the Arbiter will never be defeated as easily as before the Siren Fortress. When the two of them are together, they can combine with each other and complement each other.

You can imagine, if the domain of Strencus is filled with the fog of Arbiter Templarus and you fight Arbiter Hermet, what is your winning rate?

So you better be vigilant and be prepared to sacrifice, this is not a joke.

And this time, we will be the main attack direction. All you need to do is to assist us in the battle as much as possible. Don't hold back at all. There are six arbiters on the opposite side. This is something we have never encountered before. line-up. "

Bismarck nodded when he heard Helena's words, "I understand the commander's thoughts, but I still remember the responsibility and mission of being a ship girl. I believe that other people came here because of this realization. , so you can rest assured about the first point.

As for the direction of the attack, the commander has already said before we came that the battle after entering the core sea area will be dominated by you and we will be the supplementary one. So now the command will be given to you. You can order us at any time wherever we are needed. "

"Haha, as expected of him." Helena nodded, "I won't say any more. I know you Iron Bloods have brought that thing, but don't use it yourself. I will give it to you when necessary. You inform us that when the time comes, we will use that thing as our final trump card.”

Bismarck narrowed his eyes, "Miss Helena is very prophetic."

"Haha, don't think too much, this is what the commander told me." Helena explained.

Bismarck suddenly said, "Then I understand."

"In that case, let's head towards the final core!"

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