My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1015 Avoiding Program Elimination

It seems that as we get closer to the core sea area, the whole sky becomes weirder and darker.

The combination of dark red color and gray sky made everyone doubt that they were in hell now when they looked into the distance.

Finally, a towering building appeared in the field of vision, similar to the Siren Fortress in several areas outside the core sea area, but this building was larger and wider.

"That's the Siren Fortress! But why is it so big compared to the others?" New Jersey said in surprise.

Because it was on the public channel, Helena, who was marching in front, turned around and said, "Haha, because this is the second largest base of Antix in each world, and it is basically here in normal times, so that's why it's like this big."

"Hey, the second largest base? Is there a bigger fortress than this?" Not only New Jersey, but others also focused their attention on Helena.

Helena nodded, "Although this world is now the standard of the main world, it was also a numbered world before, so according to the rules of the numbered world, in this world, the fortress in front of it is Antiques' second largest base.

As for the first largest base, they call it the host. "

"Host?" Bismarck narrowed his eyes, "I remember the commander once said that if this world was treated as a virtual game, then these sirens would be the administrators in the game, that is, the GM. Now you say that , then that proves the commander is right?”

Helena smiled, "This is the first time I've heard of this, and the commander can relate to it, but what he said is both right and wrong.

What really creates this world is not the mainframes used by Antix now. The mainframes in this world are used to process the experimental data and information that occur in this world, and have certain calculation functions.

Of course, it also has one of the most important functions, which is to store Antiques' data. This is why even if you kill the Purifier, she can still appear.

As long as the backup data in the host is not deleted, Antix will regain combat effectiveness by simply replacing it with a new body. "

"So, where is the mainframe of this world? Can the world be restored to stability by destroying the mainframe?" North Carolina asked. As the original free ship girl who later joined Qin Ge's fleet, her thoughts on this world Compared with other ship girls who were directly summoned by Qin Ge, their feelings are relatively deep.

"You can say that, but in a world where the host is destroyed, the host of the original world will think that the world has lost its function, and will start the program to eliminate it." Helena did not say anything at this point. They are all ship girls, so-called It is natural to think of program elimination.

"Then how to break the situation? If the most critical host cannot be eliminated, these sirens will always exist, and the world will never be peaceful!" Bismarck said.

"Well, actually there are some loopholes in what I said before, that is, there is not only one host in this world. There is not an elite humanoid Antix, just the host corresponding to it. For example, the observer has its corresponding host host, the tester also has its corresponding host, etc.

As long as you don't wipe out all the hosts in this world, the hosts in the original world will think that there has been a change in this world, so they will not be cleared by the program. "Helena said.

"I see, as long as the protagonist detects that there is a host in this world, the program will not be cleared." Bismarck nodded, and she immediately calmed down.

There is room for change in things. If only one host is retained, Bismarck is still very relieved. Especially since a figure of Antix has appeared in the port area before. If possible, if the Purifier's host is retained and all other hosts are eliminated, then the world may be able to restore its previous peace.

Others also looked relieved. As long as the maximum loss was avoided, there would be room for maneuver. As long as the world regains peace, they can live quietly with their commanders and live an undisturbed life every day.

At that time, maybe it was the life of dreams, right?

"Haha, you don't have to think too far now, because where is the host of Antix in this world? No one knows until now. Even if we want to explore, it will take a certain amount of time, so we should focus on the battle in front of us first , As for these things, we will talk about it later." Helena looked at the people with different expressions and said with a smile.

"Understood." After being reminded by Helena, everyone came back to their senses and turned their attention to the huge fortress that was gradually getting closer in front of them.

As they got closer and closer, everyone discovered that six figures were already standing in front of the huge fortress.

"Empress, Hermet, Strencus, Templarus, Lavos, Tova!"

Enterprise stopped and looked at the people who were still far away. Her voice rang through the communicator.

"Haha, G, you are finally here, bringing with you the losers of the world." Empress said with a smile.

"Hmph, if we are considered losers, then who are you? Cowards!" The company said coldly, "If you could provide timely assistance at that time, would things have developed to this point?"

"G, it's not that we didn't provide assistance at the beginning. The Laplace Demon has already calculated that even if we all mobilize, the final result can only be failure.

And if we all fail, what will the world have to resist? Therefore, retreat is the best option.

In addition, the Creator's affairs are her own choices. Just like the judge, everyone has to pay a price for such a result. Even the world has to pay a corresponding price, and this is the price of failure. said Hermet.

"And from that time to now, you have been traveling among these worlds for such a long time, so you must have the answer in your heart, right?

If possible, I still hope that we can join hands because we are of the same origin. Instead of walking on completely opposite paths and becoming enemies like now! "

"Impossible, your so-called plan is just a piece of empty talk. In such a long time and in so many worlds, what have you created?

Look around me. They are all the products of your experiments. You have made no progress other than bringing pain to these worlds. If this continues, the original world will be the same! "The company said coldly.

"Then let's fight. The winner is king. Isn't this the principle that you and I believe in!?" Empress said.


Enterprise picked up the bow in his hand, then pulled it tightly, and a golden arrow appeared on it.

"Then let's fight!"

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