My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1016 Begin!

The arrow emitting yellow light was like a shooting star, breaking the original tranquility on the sea.

In an instant, it was like a storm coming, with artillery fire covering the sky!

The radiating light actually made the purgatory-like sea surface suddenly become clearer. But immediately afterwards, the cannonball exploded into the sea, erupting into the sky with water columns and smoke.

"Just retreat and provide fire support at the appropriate place. Leave the frontal battle to us!" Just after the battle started, Helena quickly said to Bismarck and others.

At this time, Bismarck did not insist on anything, because the pressure of the arrow in the bow just drawn by the company made her clearly know that in a battle of this level, although they now have the strength to participate in it, On the positive side, they are still somewhat incapable of doing so.

And before the battle started, they had already made it very clear about their position in this battle, so they didn't hesitate.

"Understood!" Bismarck nodded and said in the communicator instantly, "Everyone retreats and looks for a suitable place to provide fire support."

As everyone gradually retreated, the Embers had already drawn out their weapons and rushed forward along with the continuously flying cannonballs.

But this time, they didn't show any signs of compromise, either in terms of speed or determination. I saw the silhouette on the sea like a phantom, quickly approaching several arbiters.

They are familiar with the characteristics of the Arbiter and know that although distant artillery fire can hit the target, the damage caused is limited. Only close combat coupled with the baptism of cannon fodder can maximize the effective output.

With the cover of artillery fire and changes in body shape, several people were very close to the Arbiter.

At this moment, the thick fog gradually rose, and a pressure of gravity descended on the entire battlefield.

At the same time, Arbiter Tempalance and Arbiter Strenkus activated their special skills at the same time. While the arbiters who were originally in the sea gradually disappeared, Enterprise and the others lost their attack target. Under the influence of gravity, many of the supporting shells had deviated from the target. On the sea surface, in addition to exploding water columns into the sky, Except, it didn't cause any harm.

Seeing this, Ember's side did not panic at all, as if they had encountered such coordinated attacks too many times, and they quickly adjusted.

And with the combination of several teams, they quickly broke through the fog and attacked deeper into the Arbiter's body. As for the gravity stance that appeared before, although it can change the trajectory of the cannonball, it has a very limited effect on the charging embers.

At the same time, a group of agents suddenly appeared in the sea! As if they suddenly appeared in the mist, they quickly rushed towards the Embers.

However, the Embers who charged forward seemed not to look at these agents. They just took out their weapons one after another, approached them as quickly as possible, and then started a fierce battle.

This posture was completely opposite to the previous posture in the sea outside, which surprised Bismarck and others who saw it behind. However, they also have an expectation in their hearts, that is, how powerful these warriors who travel through various worlds are.

In just an instant, the battle broke out. What was different from what everyone imagined was that there was no earth-shattering sound of artillery fire, but instead the sound of the handover of weapons.

It is hard to imagine that the ship girl, who represents the most advanced technology, has chosen the most primitive fighting method at this time. However, this fighting method was very effective. At least with the supporting artillery fire from Bismarck and others, those agents who suddenly appeared in the thick fog were quickly torn apart.

And just when the Embers defeated the agent, the sudden figure of a human appeared in front of them.

One is a black figure with armor on his right arm, and the other is a figure sitting on the ship's armor.

These two people were none other than Arbiter Strenkus and Arbiter Empress who were far away.

Regarding the appearance of these two people, everyone in Ember was not too surprised. At the same moment that the two people appeared, Enterprise had already nocked an arrow and drew his bow, shooting a golden arrow at Empres.

The arrow flew towards Empress quickly and hit her directly in the face. But as expected, the scene of Empres being shot did not appear. Instead, she stretched out her hand, and a shield appeared in front of her, firmly blocking the golden arrow. .

Seeing the arrow that was about to break through the shield but was firmly blocked, Arbiter Empress laughed.

"Haha, G, you really did not disappoint me. Even after such a long time, you have not forgotten to practice at all!

Haha, this kind of battle is what I look forward to! "

Following Empres's words, the golden arrow was bounced out by the power of the shield, but at the same time, a sword light quietly approached, and then struck hard on Empres's shield. superior.

The shield, which was originally a blue, suddenly rippled out and seemed to be crumbling for a moment.

Empres narrowed his eyes and fixed his gaze on the flying dragon behind Enterprise. Although the flying dragon's sword was not unsheathed, what Empres saw was not the same.

"Feilong, huh, your sword-drawing skills are still inferior to those of Kaohsiung."

Feilong was not angry. He looked at the sword in his hand and nodded, "Yes, compared with Kaohsiung, my swordsmanship is still far behind. After all, I am not like her who uses swordsmanship as her only means.

However, with regard to the swordsmanship I have mastered now, I can still handle you. "

"Haha, interesting, let's see the real chapter next!" Empres narrowed his eyes, and the muzzle of the ship's gun suddenly shone with a dazzling light.

Seeing this scene, everyone jumped away almost at the same time. And in the next moment, a huge beam of light ejected from Empress's cannon, hitting the sea surface and causing huge waves.

And with the power on the side, some of the originally thick sea fog dispersed.

This made Bismarck and others in the distance stunned for a moment, "I didn't expect that she didn't show her full strength before?"

"No, I think she has shown all her strength before, but as Helena said before, now that the six sirens are in a linked relationship, their abilities are higher than before. A lot!" Musashi said.

"I don't think we need to worry so much. Since they have experienced so many battles with the Arbiter, I believe they must be on guard against this. All we have to do is provide sufficient fire support while ensuring our own safety. That’s it,” said King George V.

"Yes." Enterprise nodded, "Everyone, let's get started!"

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