My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1024 Ship Girl Race

It didn't take long. With the help of Akagi, everyone quickly returned to the port area, including of course the people from other camps in the world who participated in the war.

When he saw his former enemy standing in front of him, Ren had already been told the result by Qin Ge, but he still felt strange.

But we still have to face what we have to face. No matter what the outcome is now, one thing is certain, that is, from now on, there will no longer be a war with the Sirens in this world. This is indeed something worth celebrating.

As a result, an unprecedented celebration banquet began to be prepared, and all camps even mobilized to send the prepared supplies and various ingredients to the port area through Akashi's teleportation station.

While the port area was preparing for the celebration banquet in full swing, Qin Ge didn't seem to relax at all. He was even much busier than during the previous battle.

In the conference room in the port area, Qin Ge and the leaders of several subordinate camps, Ember's Enterprise, Helena, Feilong and others, as well as Antix's observers, the Dream Weavers and the arbiters, all gathered here. .

"Today's meeting... well, it's not actually a meeting. It's more that I want to take advantage of this period of time to learn more about the situation in that world. Otherwise, when the time comes, my eyes will be darkened and nothing will happen. You know, if you can't do anything, then you will be disappointed in your hopes." Qin Ge looked at Dream Weaver and others and said.

"And I heard that many people don't know much about that world. Just like the Observers, Hermet and the others, even Embers know very little about that world, so they gathered everyone together. Get up, this can be regarded as making a vague plan for the future development of that world."

"Haha, we are lucky that the leader has such an idea. There is nothing troublesome." Empress said with a smart smile.

"In this case, the basic situation in the universe has been passed on to me by the adults. Let me briefly explain it now." Dream Weaver said, and a huge projection spread out in front of her, which was composed of countless galaxies. universe.

"That universe is a vibrant universe. Our planet is located on the outside of a four-armed vortex. The galaxy closest to our galaxy is very far away, so it can be ignored for the time being. Below I will focus on the details of our galaxy. specific situation.

The planet we are on is a Gaia planet..."

"Planet Gaia? What is that?" Qin Ge's company asked curiously.

"Every planet has its own habitability for its species. For example, humans are suitable to live on a planet with land and oceans, and the temperature is basically between minus 50 degrees and above zero 50 degrees. between planets.

If the temperature is lower or higher, or if there is a lack of oxygen, water, materials and other resources necessary for human survival, then that planet will not be suitable for human habitation.

On the contrary, for some silicon-based life forms, such a temperature happens to be not suitable for them to survive. This is the diversity of organisms and the corresponding habitable planet.

The Gaia planet is a planet where no matter what kind of life form can get the most suitable living environment, and it contains a large number of special resources. It is also the most precious planet in the galaxy. Even according to the information transmitted by adults, some interstellar civilizations regard the planet Gaia as a holy land, and no living creatures are allowed to approach, otherwise they will be endlessly hunted! "Dream Weaver said.

Looking at the dreamlike planet in the projection, not only Qin Ge, but also everyone present was amazed by its existence!

"So that's it, so we will live on that planet from now on?" Elizabeth was a little excited, and even couldn't wait to go to the so-called Gaia planet.

"Yes." Dream Weaver nodded, and then continued to introduce, "Currently, almost all the ship girls who can be transferred to that planet have been transferred, and the non-transferable ones have also been turned into humans, and Eliminated things related to the Siren War in the world."

"So how many ship girls are there on that planet now?" Qin Ge asked.

"According to the numbers transmitted so far, that world currently has nearly 100 million ship girls. Most of them come from the numbered world. The number of ship girls in the main world is about eight million!" Dream Weaver said.

"Hiss..." In addition to Ember and Antiques, Qin Ge and his ship girls couldn't help but gasped, "You said there are nearly 100 million ship girls on that planet?"

"Yes, there is nothing strange about this? For a leader, in your world, the total number of people near any giant city circle is almost the same number, right?" the observer laughed.

Qin Ge touched his nose, "But that's just human beings. There are nearly 100 million ship girls on that planet now. These are two completely different concepts... By the way, there is something I want to confirm. Are all of them Do all the ship girls look the same?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, so the commander is afraid that he will admit the wrong person in the future?" Helena said with a smile.

Qin Ge quickly shook his head, "We all have soul links, so no matter where you are, I can recognize you at a glance. The most critical issue is that this planet must be managed in the future. And it also needs to be developed.

You alone are definitely not enough, so more people should be involved. If they all look similar, it will definitely be a problem in future work.

Just imagine, if there are hundreds or even thousands of Helena in the scientific research department... it will definitely be a very headache. "

Hearing what Qin Ge said, everyone present laughed. Perhaps it is relatively simple for them to identify other people. They can easily identify them from the aura emitted and the signals emitted by the radar, but For Qin Ge, this is indeed a very difficult thing.

"In fact, leaders don't need to worry about this issue." Dream Weaver said, "Because before, most of what we relied on were the memes of battleships, that is, the data of enterprises and flying dragons to evolve the ship girls of these worlds. This makes their appearance not too different.

But with the subsequent research on the Mental Cube, the Mental Cube will continue to evolve, and each person has different hobbies and interests, which will eventually form a variety of individuals.

By then, ship girls will be like human beings, with thousands of faces. And it also has its own growth trajectory. Kanniang will be the name of our group, not the previous narrow term.

In addition, this issue has been considered before, so in addition to the names of their own ships, it is now more popular for ship girls in this world to give themselves a new name. "

Qin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, "If that's the case, that would be great."

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