My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1025. Can what happened to the commander be called bigamy?

"So in that galaxy, are there other civilizations besides ours?" Zhenhai asked.

"Yes, and there are a lot of them. There are many civilizations that are in the exploration stage like us. Of course, there are also some civilizations that are still in ignorance. There are also some civilizations that have gradually fallen asleep. They have passed the development period and are now looking for It cannot move in the direction it should go, so the entire civilization has fallen into a deep sleep.

The adults call this kind of sleep depravity! "Dream Weaver explained.

"Interesting, so we and them are on the same starting line now. Who will have a greater say in the galaxy in the future depends on future development?" Musashi laughed.

"It's like this. That galaxy is not a stable galaxy. It is currently at a time when civilization is booming. If it does not develop itself, it will face intrusion from foreign enemies.

So although we have ended the war of the past, we may soon usher in a new war.

And that war was not fought in the ocean, but between the vast sea of ​​stars and in the endless space! "Dream Weaver said.

"Indeed, if you want to develop, you must need various resources. Although the planet Gaia is valuable, its resources are also limited. We must go to other planets in the galaxy to collect and plunder the resources there to use for our development. In this way The easiest way is to develop colonization!" Bismarck nodded.

"Does the leader have any views on interstellar colonization?" Empress asked.

"Ha, how should I put it, this is necessary for development, but before that, we should establish a simple direction, and we can all discuss it.

For planets that have resources but are empty, there is no problem for us to collect resources. However, for planets that have already formed civilizations, we can try to use negotiation to solve the problem in a more peaceful way.

After all, the New World always needs to be explored, but tragedies similar to those of the Indians must not occur. Of course, this does not mean that we must maintain absolute peace. If peaceful negotiation cannot resolve the issue and the other party attacks us or does something detrimental to us, we will have to adapt accordingly. "Qin Ge looked at everyone and said.

"Haha, it is indeed the commander. This condition is not a big problem. We have gone through such a long battle. If the problem can be solved peacefully, it is best to solve it peacefully. If it cannot be solved peacefully, then we can only discuss it with the commander. It's the same thing as I said, adapting to circumstances." Feilong said with a smile.

"Yu is quite satisfied with this answer. Of course, the most satisfying thing is adapting to circumstances." Empress said with a smile.

Qin Ge touched his nose. It seemed that there were quite a lot of war madmen among these people.

"So in future battles in the sea of ​​stars, it will be impossible for us to fight with our own bodies, right? After all, our current strength is limited. Even the Arbiters are only that strong in the sea of ​​stars?" Bismarck asked.

"So we can only build interstellar battleships like those in science fiction novels?"

"This is the case now, but it may not necessarily be the case in the future." Dream Weaver said, "The Mind Cube can transform the battleship into what you are now. If we further study its performance, perhaps one day we can transform those interstellar The battleship also becomes a ship girl!

If you reach that step, then you only need to carry out corresponding ship decoration modifications, and you can also become interstellar ship girls flying among the stars. "

"Well, maybe this span is a bit far, right?" Qin Ge smiled, "After all, the road to go from an ordinary battleship to an interstellar battleship is not a small step."

"There is always this possibility. After all, our existence is a possibility." Helena smiled.


Time passed quickly after that, and everyone was very interested in the knowledge of the new universe and new galaxies. Especially for the role he will play in the future, he is very interested.

But no matter how long the meeting is, there is a moment when it ends. When night gradually falls in the port area, the carnival that belongs to the celebration party finally begins.

"That's great. I still remember the first time I attended this kind of banquet. I brought several people with me. As soon as I appeared on the stage, I overwhelmed the commanders. Haha, it's a bit funny to think about those days, but it's It’s also a very precious memory.”

In the banquet hall, Song Qingge stood side by side with Qin Ge in a white navy dress, watching the ship girls passing by in the banquet hall, and said with some nostalgia.

"Haha, if you get bored later, you can come to my place anytime. Scenes like this will never be memories." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"There must be a chance." Song Qingge laughed, and then he bumped into Qin Ge with his shoulder, "Speaking of which, how come I don't see many of your ship girls wearing rings?"

Qin Ge was stunned, "Not much?"

"I saw that there were less than fifty. Is this a lot?" Song Qingge smiled, "I asked, was it because I was not in good health before and couldn't bear those people?"

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "That's not the case at all. And so far, there are only a few people who have actually had that kind of relationship after being given the ring."

"Why is this? Since your shipgirl accepts your ring, it means that they have given their body and mind to you. Are you still hesitant?" Song Qingge said with a smile.

"Alas." Qin Ge said helplessly, "Actually, at the beginning, I planned to give Guanghui a ring. After all, the world I originally lived in was monogamous. Maybe this is a moral constraint?"

"Oh, what happens after that?" Song Qingge became interested.

"As you saw later, I made rings for dozens of people." Qin Ge said with a smile, "Guanghui told me that it would be unfair to others to only choose to love her, because some of the others were also like her. She also loves me.

So after that, I started dating one by one and giving rings one by one. Fortunately, I am not in the previous world, otherwise I would definitely be convicted of bigamy. "

"Ha, can Commander's matter be called bigamy?" Song Qingge said with a smile.

"Listen to what you said, did you give rings to all your ship wives? Even destroyers and submarines?" Qin Ge asked with a smile.

"After all, everyone loves me, so it's impossible to neglect one of them, right? As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who will? Since we have already given out rings, let's just give them all away." Song Qingge spread his hands. .

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, raised his thumb and said, "You are better than me at this point."

"Haha, you can do it at any time. If you want to get some Oath Rings now, just ask the tester to help you. You don't have to go to Akashi to buy them." Song Qingge said with a smile.

Qin Ge glanced at the ship girls going back and forth, "Anyway... let's take it slow in the future. I still have a long time with them. When the relationship between two people reaches that point, maybe it will come naturally. "


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