My ship girl, my world

Chapter 183 The draw ends

The day passed quickly, and it was already the next morning in a blink of an eye.

Qin Ge got up very early today because he had to prepare to wash up early and then go to Anshan with Belfast, Guanghui and the others.

After all, yesterday afternoon, stands had been set up outside the training ground. The meeting will begin this morning to prepare for the start of the practice league.

When Qin Ge and his ship girl arrived in Anshan, they found that the Prince of Wales, the dean, had already arrived. It seemed that she also attached great importance to this exercise league.

"Good morning, Dean." Qin Ge said to the Prince of Wales.

"Oh, Qin Ge, and Guanghui, you are all here. You are here so early. Come and sit down." The Prince of Wales smiled at Qin Ge and his ship girls.

On the other side, Anshan greeted Qin Ge, "Good morning, Qin Ge, and Guanghui, Noshiro, Centaur, Belfast, and Helena."

"Good morning, Anshan." Everyone responded to Anshan with a smile.

"Why did the dean come so early today? I said I had come early enough, but I didn't expect you to come earlier than me." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, according to my status as the dean, I don't have to come so early, but today I am the referee in addition to the dean, so I have to arrive early." The Prince of Wales smiled.

"Okay, then the dean is really dedicated." Qin Ge laughed.

"Let's not talk about it, Qin Ge. When you are the referee this time, you must be fair and impartial. Don't deliberately take sides because of the members of your fleet." The Prince of Wales smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't abandon public service for personal reasons. Moreover, they have their own strength and don't need me to show favoritism." Qin Ge said with a smile, full of confidence.

"Okay, your guarantee is enough." The Prince of Wales said.

So the time passed between a few people joking, and soon, the drawing ceremony of the practice league was about to begin. Several people also arrived at the lottery stage under Anshan's guidance.

As the referee, the Prince of Wales stepped forward and spoke to the commanders standing in front of him with a microphone.

"Now it's time for the annual practice league again, the Guan Yu Practice League. You must have heard a lot about it in private, so I won't introduce too much here.

The second-year students have already participated last year, and the first-year students may only participate for the first time this year, but I hope you can achieve good results in the league.

This exercise league is still in the same mode as before, using a mixed draw mode. It is possible that your opponent will be a first-year freshman, or it may be that your opponent will be a second-year graduate, but no matter who the opponent is, you must show your opponent the greatest respect and achieve good results.

The top 10 after that can get rewards from the school, so everyone, work hard! Don’t be discouraged if you fail as first-year students, because you are still freshmen now, and don’t be complacent if you win as second-year students, because there are still greater difficulties waiting for you in the future, so just keep a calm mind and compete to show your style. .

This time I am still the chief referee, and the referees are Anshan, which is in charge of the training ground, and her sister ships Fushun, Changchun, and Taiyuan. There are also Ping Hai, your tactics instructor Qin Ge, and his four ship girls.

They are Glory, Centaur, Noshiro, and Belfast. These four have reached full breakthrough, so they have enough ability to prevent any accidents during the exercise, and can also give you accurate performance. judgment.

Of course, if you find any referees engaging in unfair practices, you can directly appeal to me and I will deal with it fairly and openly. However, if there is any false accusation, then I will immediately disqualify him from the competition.

So let’s start the lottery now. After the lottery is over, go to each training ground to report according to the specific number. "

After the Prince of Wales finished speaking, he glanced at all the commanders. At this time, Anshan, who was standing behind the Prince of Wales, came up with a box in his arms, and the box contained props for drawing lots.

The box was placed on a table in front of the stage, and the first graders began to draw first, followed by the second graders. Everyone lined up to start the drawing.

Because there are only more than 300 commanders in the entire Commander Academy, the lottery went very quickly. In about 10 minutes, everyone else drew all the lots.

Seeing this scene, the Prince of Wales also nodded to Qin Ge and others, asking them to take their respective positions and prepare to start practicing the league.

Qin Ge went to the tenth district, and because Helena was his secretary, he specially asked her to drive the boat today.

When he came to the venue, there were already several commanders and ship girls waiting here. When they saw Qin Ge coming, they all shouted very respectfully, "Teacher Qin Ge."

"Haha, I am not a mentor today. I am here as a referee today, so is everyone here?" Qin Ge asked everyone.

Because there are currently 380 commanders in the Commander Academy, after being divided into 10 districts, there will only be 38 commanders in each district to conduct exercises.

"Not yet. There are still a few people who haven't come over yet. They will come over soon. Please wait a moment, instructor Qin Ge." One of them said to Qin Ge.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "I still have some preparations to do, so it doesn't matter if I wait a while."

So, Qin Ge asked Helena on the side to take out the communication device, referee uniforms, scoreboard and other things that Anshan had prepared before, and then asked her to wait on the small boat nearby.

And when Qin Ge changed his clothes in front of everyone, a dozen other commanders were already in place. Looking at the total 38 commanders, Qin Ge found an acquaintance among them, and that was Wang Yueqin of his large fleet.

Smiling and nodding to Wang Yueqin, Qin Ge said to everyone, "Now that everyone is here, we are ready to start. The first thing to start is the drill of District 10 No. 1 and District 10 No. 38, please two A commander came to report to me."

So two commanders walked out from the crowd, and behind them were two to three ship girls, and the number of ship girls made them look like sophomores.

Qin Ge handed the communication device to the two of them, and after checking the ammunition distribution of their ship girls, he said to the two of them, "Give the communication device to your ship girls. After your ship girls are in place, I will You will be asked if you want to start. Once confirmed, you can officially start.

If you want to explain the tactics, please take advantage of this period to do so. After that, you will all rely on the ship girls to conduct drills and battles. "

"Yes, Tutor Qin Ge." The two of them nodded to Qin Ge.

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