My ship girl, my world

Chapter 184 The exercise begins

As Qin Ge stepped onto the boat, with Helena's help, it headed for the exercise center area. The two commanders just now had finished explaining the situation to their ship girls, and handed over the communication device issued by Qin Ge to their ship girls.

Then the ship girls from both sides unfolded their ship equipment on the dock, jumped into the sea water, and slid towards the area designated by Qin Ge just now.

By the time Qin Ge came to the referee area in the training ground, the ship girls from both sides had already slid into place, waiting for Qin Ge's instructions.

"The ship ladies on both sides are already in place. If you are ready, please report on the communicator." Qin Ge shouted into the communicator.

"Preparations are complete and ready to fight at any time."

"We are also ready and ready to fight at any time."

As the ship girls on both sides transmitted the same words from the communicator, Qin Ge said to the communicator, "The ship girls on both sides have completed preparations, and now the exercise officially begins!"

The moment Qin Ge gave the order, a rumbling sound of artillery resounded throughout the exercise area. It turned out to be a strategy. The ship girl had already adjusted the muzzle before preparing to start. The moment Qin Ge gave the order, it was determined that The location started shooting.

However, the opponent's ship girl did not panic at all. It was obvious that she had already thought about how to deal with the opponent's battleship in the originally small space.

I saw it charging forward quickly, clearly and narrowly avoiding the bombardment of the battleship. However, the battleship's cannon grab was not fruitless this time, because the close-quarters attack also gave the opponent's ship the color of a drill bomb.

Although the ship girl on this side was damaged, it did not meet the conditions for sinking. So I still moved forward, wanting to quickly close the distance with the battleship girl, so as to use naval guns and torpedoes to attack.

As expected, the ship girl is a second-year student and has experienced some actual battles, so she has relatively rich combat experience.

As the two captains on one side rushed forward, a shipgirl on the other side had already begun to deploy smoke bombs, trying to use the smoke of the smoke bombs to disturb the other shipgirl's detection so that the other shipgirl could not find the target, thus causing the ship's guns and Torpedoes cannot attack.

So when the battle began, the two sides fell into a stalemate. Qin Ge stood on the boat, holding a telescope in his hand and looking at the battle not far away in front of him, and couldn't help but smile.

"Helena, how do you think their strength compares with yours?" Qin Ge said to Helena while looking at the field with a telescope.

"If we are allowed to play, then I will use radar scanning to determine the opponent's position, and have Hiei and Rodney conduct precise artillery fire from a long distance to wear down the opponent's armor durability. Use Yuto's Method to achieve victory." Helena looked into the distance and said to Qin Ge with a slight seriousness.

"Relax, don't be so nervous, today let us see the command strategies of other commanders, so as to learn from their advantages and make up for our shortcomings." Qin Ge said to Helena.

"But Commander, didn't you teach them all their tactics? Why do you still need to pay attention to their tactical ideas?" Helena said in confusion.

“Because the same tactics are used differently by everyone due to their different personalities, so the tactics can be the same, but the tactics are different.

Isn’t it what Donghuang said? It is said that when a threesome walks together, there must be one teacher. Taking advantage of each other's strengths to make up for one's own shortcomings is what a wise man does.

Because all tactics are not perfect, new tactics exist to break the opponent's old tactics. Therefore, we need to keep learning and constantly improve our tactics and tactics. "Qin Ge said to Helena on the side.

"I see, good commander, I will watch it carefully and record it carefully." Helena nodded to Qin Ge, took out the notebook Qin Ge had prepared in advance, and quickly started recording. battlefield shape.

On the other side, because the exercise venue was divided into smaller areas, the advantage of Battleship Girl was very obvious at this moment. After a while, when the strategic ship girl was reloading and shooting for the third time, she had already found the right angle and hit the opponent's ship girl with one shot.

"The red destroyer Acasta was hit by the blue battle line and is expected to sink. Please stop fighting and leave the exercise area." Qin Ge shouted to the communication device.

A ship girl in navy uniform couldn't help but stop charging. With a somewhat disappointed expression, he looked at his companions who were still attacking, and couldn't help but change direction and slide towards the shore.

However, not long after Acasta retreated, another voice from Qin Ge rang again, "The blue light cruiser Leander was hit by a torpedo and is expected to sink. Please stop fighting and leave the exercise area."

At this time, Acasta couldn't help but look towards the battle area, and saw that the torpedo he threw before being hit hit Leander, and Leander also left the battle area at this time, gliding in the direction of himself.

At this time, there were still three ship girls fighting hard on the field. The red team's ship girls had reached their own torpedo range and naval gun range. However, the blue battleship's shelling load was ready again, and with the roar of cannons, the battle entered a fever pitch.

"The red light cruiser Jamaica was hit by a battleship bombardment and is expected to sink. Please stop fighting and leave the exercise area."

"The blue battleship Pennsylvania was hit and sunk by a torpedo. Both sides please stop fighting and leave the exercise area. The red team wins this battle."

Qin Ge's voice kept ringing, which also indicated that this exercise finally had results. The ship girls representing the red side finally won the victory with their close cooperation.

Watching the ship girls from both sides leave the exercise area one after another, Helena also restarted the boat on Qin Ge's side and drove towards the shore.

After returning to the shore, the ship girls participating in the exercise also came ashore one after another. Qin Ge came to the two commanders and said to them, "Okay, Commander No. 1 of District 10 has won, and you can participate in the next battle."

"Thank you, Master Qin Ge." The victorious commander immediately said to Qin Ge happily, while the defeated commander on the other side also shrugged his shoulders. After all, he had just seen the whole process of the battle, and he was very concerned about his ship's wife. There is nothing to say in defeat.

"Okay, then it's the next group's turn. Commander No. 2 of District 10 and Commander No. 37 of District 10 will come out." Qin Ge said to the people who were still waiting.

So two commanders immediately came out with their respective ship girls, but this time there seemed to be no suspense about the outcome, because one was a second-year student with three ship girls behind him, and one was a first-year student. , there was only one ship girl behind him.

But even so, Qin Ge still told them the rules and distributed communication devices to them. Later, on the boat driven by Helena, we came to the exercise referee area where the battle took place.

"The ship girls on both sides are ready, and the exercise will officially begin now!"

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