My ship girl, my world

Chapter 199 Unexpected Number of People

What Qin Ge didn't expect was that not long after he returned to his room in the guest house from the dean's office, Li Chenming had already prepared the list form and sent it over.

In the reception room, Qin Ge looked at the form in front of him and said with some surprise, "Are you sure you made the right list?"

Li Chenming took a sip of the tea that Helena poured for him and said to Qin Ge, "There is absolutely nothing wrong. And it can only be less, not more."

Qin Ge glanced at Li Chenming suspiciously, raised his form and said, "So there are really more than 40 people who want to join our fleet now?"

Li Chenming nodded, "Maybe 40 people is a small number, maybe around 50 or 60 people."

"Too many. Our fleet is only in its initial stage now. According to the specifications given by the Maritime Safety Administration, we only have 20 places when it is full." Qin Ge said to Li Chenming.

“At the time, I thought that a dozen or so people would be able to come, but it turned out to be much better than I expected, with so many people coming all at once.

But these numbers are indeed a problem now, because according to what you said, we can only recruit 14 more people at most to reach the current full strength of the fleet.

So the choice is very important, but if someone comes so excitedly, it would not be good to refuse directly. What method do you think can be used to make a better adjustment? Li Chenming asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Just follow the previous method and tell them the facts clearly. I also went to the dean just now to explain the future movements of our fleet, and the dean also agreed.

And she recommended that our grand fleet take on some grand fleet missions during the Siren Tide. This way we have a higher degree of autonomy, and we can also increase our grand fleet points, thereby improving the level of our grand fleet and getting better supplies and personnel. quota. "

"That's okay." Li Chenming said to Qin Ge, "At that time we were still worried about personnel, but now we are thinking about how to reject others. Such rapid changes make me a little uncomfortable."

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "This is the growth of our fleet, and this is also your growth. Because we have something that makes them envious, that's why they want to join our fleet.

As long as we continue to work hard and resolutely like this, our grand fleet will become a place that every commander longs for, just like those famous grand fleets before it. "

"I have always believed in it. From the moment I told you to build a large fleet, I believed in it." Li Chenming smiled.

"Haha, sooner rather than later, can you contact the people on this list now?" Qin Ge said to Li Chenming.

"Of course, because there are no classes these two days and they are all in the dormitory area." Li Chenming nodded and said.

"Then you go call our people and bring them to our usual training place. Then I will confirm the number of people there and complete the formation of our fleet." Qin Ge said to Li Chenming.

"No problem!" Li Chenming nodded, then put down the half-drunk tea in his hand and walked out.

Qin Ge looked at Li Chenming's hurried figure and couldn't help but smile at Helena beside him, "It seems that Li Chenming is still very concerned about building a large fleet, and with his ability, he can definitely do a good job as deputy commander. Location."

"I think that even if Commander Li Chenming is slightly less capable, the commander will not give the position of deputy commander of the fleet to someone else, right?" Helena said on the side.

Qin Ge nodded towards Helena, "Yes, because he and I are both the founders of this great fleet. Without him, this great fleet would not exist, so the position of deputy commander of the great fleet will always be his."

"This is where Commander values ​​friendship." Helena smiled.

"Haha." Qin Ge smiled, "By the way, Helena, who is going out on a mission today?"

"Commander, in addition to me, there are also Miss Guanghui, Miss Prince Eugen, and Miss Hiei. As for the others, they have all gone to do their tasks." Helena replied very quickly.

"Okay, then go and ask them to gather with me at the training ground." Qin Ge said to Helena.

"Yes, Commander." Helena nodded and immediately went upstairs to call someone.

After a while, several people followed Helena down and saw Qin Ge waiting under the stairs.

"Commander." Several ship girls said hello.

"Well, let's go to the training ground together. Li Chenming has already gone to summon the commanders who are going to join our fleet." Qin Ge said to several people.

"Helena has just told us, so don't worry, Commander." Guanghui said with a smile.

"That's good." Qin Ge nodded and led a few people towards the training ground.

But when a few people arrived, there was no one on the training ground. But this is normal. After all, Li Chenming used to give notifications one by one, so it would take more time.

After a few people waited for a while, the first people to come over were a few people from the original fleet. Chen Baijun, Wang Yueqin, Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Yingwei and others.

"Hello, Commander." Several people greeted Qin Ge.

"Hello." Qin Ge smiled, "Originally, you should rest after the game, but because this time it is about the fleet, I am really embarrassed to call you here."

"It doesn't matter. In fact, we will come even if the commander doesn't call. After all, this is a good opportunity to meet our new members. As one of the founders, we are still very honored." Wang Yueqin said with a smile.

"Really?" Qin Ge smiled, "But I never thought before that so many people would apply for our fleet at one time."

"This is all because of the commander's wonderful performance in the challenge before." Chen Baijun said.

"No, probably the most important thing is to see your growth. After all, you were not among the best in your age group before, but now you are all standing at the top of your grade.

So they are also very curious, or they hope to join our fleet and achieve a breakthrough in their own strength. "Qin Ge said as he looked at several people.

"What the commander said is true. Before, I was a little transparent among our first-year students, but after this time, many people came over to make friends with me.

And several people have revealed that they hope to let me introduce them to join our large fleet. "Zhang Yingwei said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Well, these are human nature after all. It's understandable."

"I haven't met that kind of person, but to be honest, I can feel some changes, because the people I usually chat with have become more polite." Zhang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Haha, it's good to have changes. I believe there will be more changes in the future." Qin Ge said with a smile.

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