My ship girl, my world

Chapter 200 Join or Leave

A few people chatted for a while on the edge of the training ground, and then they saw a large number of people walking towards here not far away, and the leader was Li Chenming.

"Wow, there are so many!" Wang Yueqin said, looking at the large number of people.

"It's indeed a bit too much." Chen Baijun on the side was a little stunned.

Also, although there are about 50 commanders in total, each commander also has a ship girl under his command, so the total number of people totals more than 100, which makes it look like there are a lot of people.

After arriving close, Li Chenming stretched out his hand to signal the crowd to stop and line up. He walked to Qin Ge's side, and this time he seemed to be more direct. He saluted Qin Ge first and then spoke.

"Report to the Commander, the people who applied to join our fleet have now been assembled, please give instructions."

Hearing Li Chenming's serious words, Xu Fei smiled and said, "Take a break."

"Yes." Li Chenming answered resoundingly, then turned around, came to everyone, and shouted to everyone, "Relax!"

The others did not dare to neglect. After accurately taking a rest position, Qin Ge walked over.

"Hello, classmates." Qin Ge said to everyone, "First of all, I would like to thank everyone for choosing to join our grand fleet. However, everyone must also know that the initial quota for the grand fleet is relatively limited, so we cannot support everyone's choice. , and this is one of the purposes for me to gather everyone here.

There is no such thing as survival of the fittest in our fleet, because by being able to enter the Commander's Academy, you have already accomplished something that is impossible for ordinary people. But now if we talk about survival of the fittest with you, then there are indeed some lovers. It’s difficult.

However, because the number of places is limited, I will explain here the principles of our grand fleet and the plan of the grand fleet. "

As soon as Qin Ge finished speaking, there was warm applause. Then he raised his hand and pressed it, the applause gradually disappeared, and Qin Ge continued to talk.

"Our battle fleet was originally established to go to the front line and to the most dangerous areas. This is our purpose, this is our purpose, and this will never change.

Therefore, what our fleet needs is warriors, fearless brave men, and even more important, commanders who are both wise and courageous and can survive in the most dangerous places.

Therefore, our most basic requirement for fleet members is that they have no ties and can go to the most dangerous areas. "

Facing Qin Ge's voice, the commanders below started discussing in low voices. One of the people standing at the front raised his hand and said to Qin Ge, "Teacher Qin Ge, even the frontline combat fleet has offices in the rear. Why do you keep emphasizing the frontline? Are you not prepared? Set up an office in the rear?”

Qin Ge nodded at the man, "No, although our fleet has a certain transition period, the ultimate goal is to go to the front line, so I don't care about what's behind.

If you have this idea, although I join the frontline combat fleet, I can also stay in the rear to deal with other things. Those who have such an idea should give up this idea as soon as possible. "

After Qin Ge finished saying this, the discussion below became louder, and then several people raised their hands and said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Qin Ge, I may not be able to join your fleet."

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter, because the division of labor is different, so offshore defense must also be defended, but our fleet does not aim at offshore defense.

This is just a different philosophy. I will not laugh at you or embarrass you. If you feel that you do not meet the conditions I mentioned, you can leave on your own without saying hello to me. "

"Thank you." Several people said thank you at the same time, then left the team and walked towards the distance.

Looking at the still relatively large number of people, Qin Ge said to everyone, "It seems that everyone is willing to accept joining the frontline combat unit, so I have something to explain to you next.

I also explained to everyone the importance of discipline to a team on the challenge stage before. Therefore, orders in our large fleet must be executed. "

"Teacher Qin Ge, if this order is wrong, do we still have to execute it?" At this time, a commander below raised his hand and said.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, even if this instruction is wrong, it must be carried out firmly."

"This...since we already know that this order is wrong, why do we still carry it out?" Many people asked with some confusion.

Qin Ge explained, "Because obeying orders is the bounden duty of soldiers, and if you have the right to question orders, then when every order is issued in the future, you must first think about whether the order is correct and whether the order is correct." It needs to be questioned, and how many urgent matters will be delayed by such a time?

So what we need are people who obey orders. Once an order is given, they will do their best to complete it. There is no need to question or overthink, this is the highest discipline of our fleet. "

"Isn't this a bit overwhelming?"

"I can not do it."

"If the order is wrong, we will be dead by then. I don't dare to bet."

And in the middle of this discussion, another group of people turned around and left the queue, walking in the direction they came from. It seemed that they had given up on joining the large fleet.

Qin Ge looked at these people who turned around and left without any emotion at all. Because he had served in the previous World Academy, he naturally knew that obeying orders was the foundation of a team.

And our country's military, precisely because of its qualities of obeying orders, obeying commands, being brave and tenacious, strictly observing discipline, and resolutely completing tasks, can make our country stand among the world's powerful countries.

Otherwise, inconsistent government orders and multiple orders will inevitably lead to internal chaos and even self-harm. This situation is the most taboo on the battlefield, so for the future of the fleet and for the future victory, obeying orders is the rule of thumb.

After this group of people left, Qin Ge's originally huge team of fortune tellers was now reduced to less than half. But he didn't mean to stop at all, but said to everyone.

“I believe there are freshmen and sophomores in office, and the sophomores are facing graduation and the first-years are facing transitioning into sophomores in the second half of the year.

If you join my grand fleet, whether you are a first-year student or a second-year student, you must participate in the Siren Tide in October this year. And it is based on a large fleet. Before that, we must also participate in the daily training missions of our large fleet to ensure that the tactics and ship girl training are up to standard. "

"Ah! I am just a ship girl now. If I want to participate in such a war, wouldn't it mean that I am going to die?"

"This... think about it again."

The number of people in the queue continues to decrease...

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