My ship girl, my world

Chapter 206 Reason

"Huh? Going to Chongying?" Qin Ge said in surprise. He naturally knew about Chongying, because Chongying was located northeast of Donghuang, which was Japan in the previous world.

Moreover, among his own Kanji girls, Noshiro and Ayanami are both Shigesakura Kanjima, and among his close mentors, Mikasa is also a Shigesakura Kanjima.

"That's right." Yixian nodded, "You will participate in a competition as our representative from Donghuang."

"Am I the representative of Donghuang?" Qin Ge was even more surprised, "What kind of competition is it? It sounds like it's not just about us Donghuang and Chongying?"

"Yes, this matter is very top-secret and involves many things. And this time it's not just us Donghuang and Chongying, including White Eagle, Northern United, Royal, Iron Blood, Sardinian Empire, Free Iris, and Vichy Holy See, in total Nine camps.

They will send students from the Commander Academy to Chongying for a competition. "Yixian said to Qin Ge.

"Wait a minute, since the nine camps are going to have a competition, why not send the most elite forces from your own camp, that is, the strongest commanders, but instead send the students from the Commander Academy?" Qin Ge said doubtfully.

"Because for the Commander Academy, the recruitment procedures for all commanders in the nine camps are the same, and they all have the same training methods. And the time is basically the same, so it is the fairest method.

If elite commanders are sent, there will be too many variables involved. Because the commanders of some camps are very old, they have a very large number of ship girls under their command.

In some camps, all the older generation commanders have passed away, so the number and strength of the ship girls of the emerging commanders will definitely not be as good as those of the veteran commanders, which will cause various differences.

But in this competition, every camp wants to get an upgrade, so they can only compromise and choose the fairest method, which is for the first-year students of the Commander Academy to participate. "Yixian explained to Qin Ge.

"Is that so?" Qin Ge nodded, but suddenly thought of something, and said to Yixian, "But the camp that wants to win so much can let their commanders participating in the competition sign contracts with several full-level ship girls. , wouldn’t this allow us to crush the commanders of other camps in terms of strength?”

Yixian smiled and said, "We have naturally thought of such a thing, so the commanders and ship girls who are participating this time must take a test before participating."

"Test?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the name of this test is called the favorability test, or the tacit understanding test." Yixian said to Qin Ge, "You also have a full-level ship girl Guanghui, but before Guanghui contracts with you, the favorability is certain It is very low, and the level of tacit understanding is also relatively low, because you have not cooperated many times.

And only after a long period of running-in and getting along with each other for a long time, will the goodwill and tacit understanding between you and the ship girl gradually increase.

Through this item, you can completely detect which ship girls have signed a temporary contract and which ship girls have signed a contract for a long time. "

"Tsk, that's really thoughtful. Can something like this be tested?" Qin Ge exclaimed.

"Of course, this is something made by Akashi, and you have tested it to ensure its accuracy." Yixian said.

"That profiteer?" Qin Ge said speechlessly.

Yixian and the Prince of Wales burst out laughing, "Akashi does seem to be very mercenary sometimes, but all in all, she is relatively reliable when she studies some weird things."

"Okay." Qin Ge nodded, "Then when will we go to Chongying?"

Yixian looked at the Prince of Wales, who said to Qin Ge, "This trip to Chongying is not as good as before, so I arranged for Mikasa to go with you. It just so happens that she is also going to Chongying, so you can come together.

And she will be responsible for everything you do at Chongying's place. After all, for Mikasa from our academy, Shigesakura still gives her a lot of face. "

"Senior Mikasa?" Qin Ge nodded, "I understand! But I want to ask, what is the purpose of the nine major camps competing for the championship this time?

If it's confidential, then you don't need to tell me more. If it's something else, can you tell me to satisfy my curiosity? "

Yixian and the Prince of Wales looked at each other and smiled. The Prince of Wales said, "This matter is naturally a secret, and it is a secret related to the nine major camps. But, it's not that I can't tell you a little bit."

"Oh? What is it?" Qin Ge said with bright eyes. The ship girl next to him also looked at the Prince of Wales very curiously.

"There was an abnormal siren tide in Northern Union last year." The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge understood immediately, "That's it."

His performance aroused Yixian's curiosity, and then Yixian asked Qin Ge, "Looking at you, it seems like you know something about the Siren Tide that happened in the Northern Union?"

Qin Ge nodded and said, "I just entered the academy last year, and I knew about this matter when I met Senior Aurora, and the frontline command company also mentioned this matter later.

So I was wondering at that time whether the Northern Alliance and their team discovered something in the far north, which caused that abnormal siren tide.

Because when the Siren Tide occurred, the Northern Union was in a state of blockade from all news.

And even the royal family closest to the Northern Union, the Free Iris, the Holy See of Visi, the Iron Blood and the Sardinian Empire did not know that such a huge siren tide had occurred in the waters of the Northern Union.

They only found out what happened in the Northern Union after the Siren Tide occurred. So I think Northern United definitely don't want anyone else to know why this Siren Tide is happening.

Because they had this discovery all to themselves, even the huge Siren Tide gritted their teeth and guarded it. "

Yixian couldn't help but applauded after hearing Qin Ge's explanation, "Haha, you are indeed a mentor of strategy and tactics. One can't help but foresee the news, and you can analyze such a situation. It seems that Donghuang is indeed blessed to have you." ”

"Is it really what I guessed?" Qin Ge asked.

"Yes, because the Northern Alliance paid such a price, the nine major camps agreed to let the Northern Alliance study it for a year. After that, the nine major camps jointly held a competition to determine the ownership of the next year. This is also the purpose of this competition. Reason." Yixian said to Qin Ge.

"But why not hold the competition directly in the Northern United?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Of course that's because Northern United was not at ease with the other camps, so they decided to hold the match in Chongying, which is relatively close to Northern United." Yixian explained.

"I see!"

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