My ship girl, my world

Chapter 207 Super Rare and above

After knowing this, Qin Ge did not ask any more questions, because if he continued to ask, he knew that he would be exposed to top-secret information.

For his current status, he only needs to know the reason for this game. As for what he will get in the future, that is not what he can care about now.

Something that can be noticed by the nine major camps at the same time is definitely not an ordinary thing. It can be seen from the reaction of the Northern Alliance that although the nine major camps all belong to Azur Lane, the Northern Alliance is still worried about the value of that thing, which will cause some camps to take risks.

After all, there will be some tit-for-tat conflicts between ship girls. For example, Donghuang’s camp policy is more conservative, but Shige Sakura’s camp policy is more radical.

"I understand, I will definitely fight for the championship for Donghuang!" Qin Ge said to Yixian.

"Actually, you don't need to have too much psychological pressure, because your strength has already surpassed the commanders of the same period by a lot. If nothing unexpected happens, there is no suspense about the championship this time." Yixian said with a smile.

Qin Ge shook his head, "I think it's better to be cautious. Although I am better than the commanders at the same time in our academy, it is undeniable that there will be people like me in the commander academies of other camps, so I still remain It’s better to be calm and fight hard.”

"It seems that Commander Qin Ge is very stable, so there is no need for me to tell you anything else. I believe you will achieve good results in this competition." Yixian said with a smile.

"But speaking of it, Qin Ge, have you been summoning these ship girls for a very long time? I don't think you are the one who says you can't come up with resources now, but why haven't you summoned the ship girls again this semester? ?" asked the Prince of Wales.

Qin Ge touched his nose and told the Prince of Wales about the experiment he originally thought of, but the result made the Prince of Wales laugh.

"Did you fall into some misunderstanding?" the Prince of Wales said, "Actually, this experiment is not very targeted, because whether it is training or completing tasks, it is all to enhance the training of the ship girl.

Go wherever you need, this is the normal training method for every ship girl. For example, if you get a result in the end, you will gain much more training from training than going on a mission. Do you have to keep training as a ship girl?

Even though the training will make the actual combat strength of the ship girl relatively poor, do you still insist on it? "

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Actually, I just want to do an experiment to draw a practical and effective conclusion."

"So your conclusion is unnecessary, because many people have done such experiments before, but found some disadvantages, so they gradually gave up after that.

Although we do not reject some fanciful ideas, it is most likely better to be pragmatic. "The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge scratched his head helplessly, "Dean, you have disrupted all my plans."

Yixian, who was next to the Prince of Wales, smiled and said, "Commander Qin Ge, this is called being smart but being misled by cleverness, but you can just correct your mistakes when you know they are wrong. By the way, I heard that when Commander Qin Ge summons the ship girl, he always It was successful, can you let me observe?"

"Ah? Now?" Qin Ge said in surprise, "And my construction of the ship is not what Commander He said. I succeeded every time and failed once."

"If you said this at the headquarters, I believe many lieutenant generals or generals would jump up and beat you." Yixian said with a smile.

"Haha." The Prince of Wales couldn't help but smile, "This kid doesn't know how lucky he is. Moreover, the time he failed before, he summoned Veneto, the general flagship of the Sardinian Empire, for the second time."

"When you say that, I can't wait." Yixian looked at the Prince of Wales and said, and then turned his attention to Qin Ge, "So, does Commander Qin Ge have any plans to summon the ship girl today?"

"Well, okay, I was planning to summon it tomorrow, but since the commander-in-chief wants to see it so much, let's make it today." Qin Ge said to Yixian.

"That's great." Yixian smiled and nodded.

"Haha, since I saw you summoning the ship girl at the beginning, I have never seen you summoning the ship girl again. It seems that there is something good to watch this time." The Prince of Wales smiled at Qin Ge.

"The dean doesn't want to see me make a fool of himself, does he?" Qin Ge said speechlessly.

"How is it possible? I'm wondering if you can summon another camp leader this time, or summon that legendary existence." The Prince of Wales said solemnly.

"Legendary existence?" Qin Ge said with some confusion.

Yixian on the side nodded, "You should know that each ship girl has her own specific level, such as ordinary, rare, elite, and super rare."

"Well, this is introduced in the ship girl's manual. They correspond to white, blue, purple and gold respectively." Qin Ge nodded.

"Actually, there is another color after these four colors, which means that after these four levels of ship girls, there is another legendary level." The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

"Legendary level?" Not only Qin Ge, but also his ship girl couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Yes, this is the information we received after awakening. This information is only known among the senior leaders of each camp. Most people do not know this information." Yixian said to Qin Ge.

"What level of ship girl is that?" Qin Ge asked Yixian and the Prince of Wales.

With a longing and an expectation, the Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge, "A ship girl of that level is called a legend of the sea. She is a color-level ship girl besides the four colors."

"Legend of the sea? Color?" Qin Ge suddenly thought of something and said to the Prince of Wales, "I remember when I did the adaptability test before, the last color was color, right? Although it was only for a moment."

"Yes, indeed, according to the adaptability test, you can summon a colored-level ship girl at most, but there has never been a colored-level legendary ship girl on the sea in this world.

So in order not to distract you or make you have too lofty dreams, I didn't tell you.

And now in just one school year, you have summoned so many ultra-rare level ship girls, and the number of people in the fleet is also increasing, so I think you may have the opportunity to summon legendary ship girls at sea in the future. "The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

"Is that so?" Qin Ge nodded, "I understand, instead of treating the Legend of the Sea as a wish, it is better to treat her as a dispensable thing. If she can be summoned, it will be lucky. If she is summoned, If you don’t come out, that’s fate.”

"That's the truth."

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