My ship girl, my world

Chapter 211 This is Bismarck!

"This time!"

Yixian said as he looked at the time on the builder screen in surprise, and at the same time turned his head to the Prince of Wales, who also looked surprised.

Although the ship girl manual and the commanders of each camp do not know the construction time of some special ship girls, as the senior leaders of each camp, they still know some special time points.

The entire 6 hours of construction time in front of them made both Yixian and the Prince of Wales realize that this was definitely a special type of ship construction time.

"Six hours exactly, it should be the two iron-blooded ones, right?" Yixian said in surprise.

The Prince of Wales nodded, "Except for the two iron-blooded ones, I can't think of anyone else who is at this time. It seems that the two of us will witness the birth of a miracle this time."

Yixian looked at Qin Ge in front of him and said, "Maybe for us, this is a miracle, but for him, this is just an ordinary construction, right?"

"Who says it's not? He built Vittorio Veneto before, such a camp flagship. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he builds one of the two Iron-Blooded ones this time." said the Prince of Wales.

"Speaking of which, the two iron-blooded ones seem to have close grievances with your royal family, especially the iron-blooded flagship. So, who do you want this time?" Yixian said with a slightly teasing tone. said the Prince of Wales.

After all, for her, no matter who Qin Ge builds, it will strengthen Donghuang's overall strength, and she is too late to be happy. For the Prince of Wales, what is involved is nothing more than personal grudges, so it's okay to joke about it.

The Prince of Wales's face darkened, "Commander-in-Chief, I don't remember you having so many bad tastes in the past. Could it be that you recently had a new assistant and learned something?"

"No, it's just that I follow the intrigues of those high-level humans every day, so I have to learn some things to tune in and talk about common things like that." Yixian said nonchalantly.

Looking at Yixian beside him, the Prince of Wales couldn't help but sigh, "It's not easy for you either. The flagships of other camps are all main battleships, but you are the only one who is a light cruiser."

"There is nothing to sigh about. Since I was born in Donghuang, I must be responsible for the peace and stability of Donghuang. This is my responsibility, this is also my obligation, and this is my mission." Yixian said with a smile. .

"Haha, you can see clearly." The Prince of Wales said in a low voice.

"What if you can see it? What if you can't see it? The responsibility has fallen, and someone has to look at it. I can't pass this responsibility on to Ning Hai and Ping Hai, right?" Yixian looked at Qin Ge's back, "They are still just children. Although they have worked very hard, if there is a choice, it is better for me to shoulder these burdens."

"However, isn't there a turning point now?" The Prince of Wales also raised his head and looked at Qin Ge in front of him, "Waiting for him to grow up may also be your most powerful help."

"I hope so." Yixian nodded, "Let's wait until he grows up first."

Hearing Yixian's words, the Prince of Wales couldn't help but nodded. Yes, although Qin Ge is now very powerful compared to his peers, there is still a big gap compared to the already famous commander.

So we can only rely on time to narrow this gap little by little, and when he grows up, it will be a day full of hope!

Qin Ge here had no idea what the Prince of Wales and Yixian were whispering behind him. He was now staring at the countdown time on the construction screen, trying hard to recall what kind of ship girl he was after 6 hours. .

But he didn't think about it after thinking for a long time. Suddenly he thought of the last time he summoned Veneto, and he couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Is it another special ship girl this time?"

Because he was talking to himself, no one came to answer him. And he immediately shook his head, picked up the quick construction tool on the side, and put it into the groove of the builder.

"If you don't know, then you will know after building it?" Qin Ge muttered as he pressed the start button.

As the construction machine roared, the numbers on the screen of the construction machine instantly returned to zero. At this moment, Qin Ge was staring at the hatch of the builder, waiting for the hatch to open. Not far away, the Prince of Wales and Yixian were also staring in the direction of the hatch. They also wanted to see, this time from the builder Who will come out?

And when the hatch of the builder slowly opened, a burst of smoke poured out crazily, and along with the smoke came a golden light blooming!

This light instantly illuminated the entire construction hall, and smoke also filled the construction hall. At this moment, everyone who was building the hall was attracted by such a vision, and Qin Ge and his ship girls instantly thought of a possibility.

That is, the ship built this time is a special ship, and it may be a camp flagship like Vittorio Veneto.

And Yixian and the Prince of Wales instantly sensed the scent of the ship girl in the smoke, and Yixian smiled, "I didn't expect it was really her, Wales. If I didn't believe in miracles before, I do now."

"Yes, such a scene." The Prince of Wales couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "It's really surprising! I feel that if he really summoned the legend of the sea one day, I might be surprised at that time, but I am not surprised. "

"Same feeling!" Yixian nodded and said.

During this period of time when everyone was surprised, the smoke that filled the hall gradually dissipated, and the dazzling golden light gradually converged as the smoke dissipated, until the figure outside the builder's cabin door was revealed, and everyone was exposed A shocked expression.

I saw a black navy cap on the top of her long blond hair, a black navy uniform, and a black cloak, but the inside was red.

The whole person's clothes look red and black, which is exactly the same as Qin Ge's Prince Eugen.

Just when Qin Ge looked at the figure in surprise, the figure opened his blue eyes, looked at Qin Ge in front of him with dignity, opened his lips lightly, and said to Qin Ge with a hint of pride.

"Guten Tag, the iron-blooded battleship named Bismarck, is me. With the iron-blooded protection and armor design, I will show my strongest strength no matter where I am. And my experience in defending against enemies is It’s quite rich, so if you’re looking forward to it, it’s not impossible. If you have any questions later, just ask me!”

Although Qin Ge could guess the name of the shipgirl opposite him by looking at her appearance and clothes before, when Bismarck actually spoke and told him his name, Qin Ge couldn't help but get excited.

This is Bismarck!

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