My ship girl, my world

Chapter 22 Red Jianjian

After the three of them finished eating, they said goodbye to Yixian. When they left, Qin Ge was going to take 200 units of supplies and return them to Yixian, but Yixian rejected him.

And the reason she gave was very simple, "As a ship girl, I must have a certain amount of savings after working in the academy for such a long time. But you have just become the commander, and supplies are very scarce for you, and you must have The ship girl doesn’t even have the initial ship equipment. So, you need supplies more than I do, and because we belong to the same academy, I have to say, this meal is my treat for you."

On the way to the dean's office, Qin Ge said to his two shipmates, "Miss Yixian is really a gentle person. She has her reasons for inviting us this time, but we must not put her If you forget your kindness, you must return it to others when you have the opportunity in the future."

"Yes, I understand, Commander." Centaur and Noshiro nodded to Qin Ge while feeling the power in their bodies slowly getting stronger. And later, just like what they are saying now, they returned the favor. As for why, that is a story for another day...

The three of them came to the principal's room, and Qin Ge knocked on the door. The hearty voice of the Prince of Wales came from inside, "Please come in."

After Qin Ge opened the door and went in with his wife, he saw the Prince of Wales writing something on his desk. Hearing the footsteps approaching, she raised her head and said to Qin Ge, "I think according to your character You will definitely come today, but I didn’t expect you to come earlier than I thought.”

"Oh, did the dean guess why I came here this time?" Qin Ge said in surprise.

The Prince of Wales smiled softly, "Aside from your shipgirl's ship uniform, what other reason could make you come here now?"

"Yes, it's because of their ship uniforms." Qin Ge nodded in wonder and said to the Prince of Wales.

"I remember that Noshiro's initial equipment was quite complete except for the lack of anti-aircraft guns. The Centaur's only had one torpedo aircraft formation, and it still lacked two fighter jets, right?" asked the Prince of Wales.

Qin Ge nodded, "The dean is right, so I am here to solve the problem of these two fighter jets, and if I can replace them with better equipment, of course it would be best."

"You have a good idea." The Prince of Wales smiled, "I can indeed solve the problem of Centaur's two fighter jets now, but if you want to buy better ship equipment, then you probably have to wait for a while. .”

"Why?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Because the grocery store in our school is not open." The Prince of Wales smiled. "The grocery store in our school is run by the repair ship Akashi, and because the students of the college are on vacation, she went to sell things elsewhere. She will wait until school starts. Then she'll be back.

And there are everything the ship girl needs, including various teaching materials to teach the ship girl to attack, assist, and defend, as well as equipment boxes, as well as parts to strengthen the ship, the crystals needed for the ship girl to break through, the mental cube, and quickly Construction tools, supplies, special food for ship girls, transformation blueprints, rings of oaths, etc. are all on sale. "

Qin Ge nodded, "What will you need to buy there then? Is it supplies? Or oil?"

"Most things can be bought with supplies, but there are some special things that can be bought using something similar to a red diamond, which general commanders call red tips." The Prince of Wales explained.

"So how should we get this red tip?" Qin Ge asked.

"You can get it by commissioning, exchanging military merits, or clearing siren strongholds." The Prince of Wales said, "Because this red tip will only be dropped by very powerful sirens, so it is especially cherished."

Qin Ge nodded, "I can understand the exchange of military merit or cleaning up the Siren gathering point, but why can ordinary businessmen also get entrustments?"

“Because Azur Lane always needs the support of ordinary society, it also needs the coins you usually use. However, because you can only obtain red tips or supplies through battles, the original commander and the merchants reached a contract.

They can use regular coins to purchase supplies or red tips, and then use them as rewards for commissions. In this way, Azur Lane also received support from ordinary society's coins, and the merchants' trade routes were also guaranteed to be safe. "The Prince of Wales explained.

"So that's it. After these merchants exchanged materials and red tips, they couldn't use them outside. They could only return to the navy for digestion, thus forming a closed loop again." Qin Ge nodded, "But I still have there is a question."

"Oh, tell me if you have any questions." The Prince of Wales looked at Qin Ge.

"For example, after a businessman exchanges a large amount of supplies and red tips, and his son or relative happens to become a commander, then his son or relatives can use these red tips and supplies to make more A ship girl? After having a large number of ship girls, he can completely get rid of his dependence on Azur Lane, and may even pose a threat to Azur Lane." Qin Ge said to the Prince of Wales.

The Prince of Wales smiled slightly, "You can think of this, which proves that you are stronger than most people. But you have forgotten that the most important point here is the ship girl. The premise of everything is the ship girl. And you can Ask your ship girls, what are they fighting for?"

Qin Ge nodded, "In other words, if someone targets humans or Azur Lane, the ship girl will take the initiative to break away from her commander?"

The Prince of Wales nodded, "Yes. But in order to prevent this situation from happening, we will not allow merchants to own so many supplies and red-pointed ones. Every time a merchant issues a task, he must go to the Maritime Safety Administration to register. Then after replacing the red tips and supplies from there, the local Maritime Safety Bureau will register them, and then the Maritime Safety Bureau will issue them to all commanders and ship girls. This will not only prevent what you mentioned before, but also avoid Differences arise between humans."

"That's it." Qin Ge nodded.

The Prince of Wales smiled, "If there is no problem, then here is a certificate. You can take this certificate to the exercise registration office and find Anshan. After she sees the certificate, she will provide you with two white fighter jets and air defense. As for the guns, you can let your ship girl use them first, and then after you buy your own ship equipment from Akashi, you can return the carrier-based aircraft and anti-aircraft guns to her."

Qin Ge reached out and took the certificate from the Prince of Wales, and said to her, "Thank you, Dean."

The Prince of Wales shook his hand, "No need to thank you. As a teaching assistant in the school, you have the right to temporarily borrow ship equipment, and I just issued a certificate for you."

"All in all, thank you very much, Dean." Qin Ge said.

"If you really want to thank me, then work hard and try to do well in the subsequent tactical theory classes. Then it will be the greatest thank you to me, the school, and the entire Azur Lane." The Prince of Wales smiled.


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