My ship girl, my world

Chapter 23 The Four King Kongs

Saying goodbye to the Prince of Wales, Qin Ge and his two ship wives walked towards the training ground. Their purpose was naturally to use the proof that the Prince of Wales had just given and borrow fighter jets and anti-aircraft guns for daily training.

The drill ground is located on the periphery of the beach. It is the largest training ground in the academy. The entire offshore area near the Azur Lane Commander Academy is within the scope of the drill ground. But despite saying this, the actual place where it can be used is not too big, because the ship girls do not have other ways to deal with the enemy besides their own bombardment.

And if the distance is too far, it will be easy for the opponent to easily avoid one's own bombardment, resulting in near-misses or missed attacks. Therefore, the training distance of most ship girls is generally about 10 kilometers. For aircraft carriers, the distance may be larger, but it generally does not exceed 20 kilometers.

The facility closest to the drill ground is what the Prince of Wales mentioned before, the drill ground usage registration office. Because although all drill bombs are used in the drill, it is still very painful when hit on the body. If several people perform drills at the same time, it will be very easy to cause chaos. Therefore, generally drills will only be carried out after one is completed. Hold the next one.

This requires the existence of a registration office to arrange the sessions, so the registration office at the training ground serves this function. The person in charge here is the Anshan-level eldest sister of the Donghuang camp, Anshan!

"Commander, is this here?" The centaur looked at the house in front of him with a plaque for the exercise field envoy registration office, and said to Qin Ge beside him.

"Yes, this is it." Qin Ge nodded heavily and smiled at the centaur, "But why is the door here closed?"

"Maybe it's because of the holiday that no one has used the training ground for too long. Or should we try calling?" Nodai said thoughtfully.

"Indeed." Qin Ge nodded, then walked to the door and knocked on the wooden door.

Sure enough, as Noshiro said, there was someone inside. When Qin Ge knocked on the wooden door, a very familiar voice came from inside.

"Wait a mininute."

"Why does this voice feel familiar to me?" Qin Ge said with some confusion, "Yes, I remembered, this is Fushun's voice. Why is she here?"

Just when Qin Ge turned to speak to his two ship ladies, the wooden door was opened, and sure enough, it was Fushun who had received Qin Ge before.

"Hey, it's Commander Qin Ge. Why did you come to the training ground today?" Fushun asked with a smile after seeing Qin Ge. As she spoke, she looked at the Centaur and Noshiro behind Qin Ge, " Are these the two ship girls you summoned? They are so amazing!"

"Of course I came here because of something, and they are also the ship girls I summoned. One is a royal centaur, and the other is Noshiro from Shige Sakura." Qin Ge replied, and then asked doubtfully, "Why you are here?"

"It's very simple. This is where I live. Of course I am here." Fushun said matter-of-factly.

"Where do you live?" Qin Ge pointed to the sign next to him in confusion, "This is obviously the training ground registration office, and I heard from the dean that this is not Anshan?"

"The dean is indeed right. This is the training ground usage registration office, and the person in charge here is Sister Anshan. However, in addition to Sister Anshan, the other three people from our Anshan class also live here." Fushun faced Qin Ge said.

"I thought you lived in the faculty area." Qin Ge said in surprise.

"Originally we should live in the faculty and staff area, but Sister Anshan likes the atmosphere here, so we all live here with her." Fushun explained, "But you said you came here for business, do you want to Use the training ground?”

Qin Ge nodded and took out the certificate given to him by the Prince of Wales from his pocket, "But before I use the training ground, I have to give this to Anshan."

"The certificate issued by the dean? Let me take a look." Fushun said, taking the certificate from Qin Ge's hand, unfolding it and reading it.

"So, where is Anshan?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

Fushun also raised her head when Qin Ge asked questions. She had already read everything on the certificate issued by the Prince of Wales, "So you are looking for Sister Anshan for the ship attire matter. Sister Anshan just went to see Hawthorn." The tree is up, he should be back in a while, you guys come in first."

"Hawthorn tree?" Qin Ge asked with some confusion, "Does Anshan like hawthorn?"

"That's right." Fushun explained while letting Qin Ge and his ship girl in, "Sister Anshan likes hawthorn flowers very much. She goes to see hawthorn flowers every time in May and June, and then in July and August. It’s time to catch insects on hawthorn fruits again, it’s almost September now, so we should be able to eat candied haws of apples soon.”

"Haha, candied haws on a stick." Qin Ge couldn't help but think of the song "Candied haws on a stick" when he was on earth before. Unexpectedly, there was the same candied haws on a stick here.

As Qin Ge and others walked in, what they saw was not a living room like an ordinary house, but a hall that looked like an office. There was a staircase in the corner that led to the second floor. I thought they should live in Fushun. On the second floor.

While Qin Ge was guessing, a girl wearing a white navy dress and black hair came down the stairs. The hairpin on her head was another number, 104.

"Sister Fushun, is Sister Anshan back? Hey, are there any guests?"

Fushun turned his head and smiled at the visitor, "Taiyuan, are you down? This is the Commander Qin Ge I told you before."

Taiyuan was stunned and said to Qin Ge, looking very surprised, "So you are the stupid young man that Sister Fushun mentioned. No, you are Commander Qin Ge!"

"Well, if I heard you right, it should be Leng Touqing, right?" Qin Ge turned to look at Fushun beside him speechlessly, and behind him, Centaur and Nodai looked at each other and nodded in unison. Really It's so right.

Fushun did not feel embarrassed at all, but said very energetically, "You don't understand anything, you are exactly the same as Leng Tou Qing!"

Qin Ge thought about what happened before and couldn't help but nodded, "I'm really a little confused."

"See, you admitted it yourself." Fushun said with a smile. Then he turned to Taiyuan and said, "Where is Changchun? Are you still sleeping? Didn't I just wake her up?"

"Well, Sister Changchun was just woken up by Sister Fushun. I saw you came down and fell asleep again." Taiyuan said to Fushun.

"That otaku refuses to move? Forget it, let's not call her." Fushun said helplessly, then turned to Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, please sit here for a while, Sister Anshan I'll be back soon, I'll get you the core of the carrier-based aircraft and anti-aircraft guns first."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Fushun." Qin Ge nodded and said.

"It's okay." Fushun smiled, then looked at Taiyuan, "Taiyuan, pour some tea for Commander Qin Ge and entertain him."

"Well, Sister Fushun, leave it to me." Taiyuan nodded and said.

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