My ship girl, my world

Chapter 269 A date with Guanghui

In the next few days, Qin Ge began to abide by the agreement with his shipgirls, which was to take each shipgirl to Chongying Island for a date.

The first one was Guanghui. Perhaps because of the centaur’s information before, Guanghui did not choose to go to the beach this time. Instead, he followed Xianghe’s introduction and went on a date with Qin Ge in a kimono.

In fact, he was usually used to seeing Guanghui in a dress, so Qin Ge was a little surprised to suddenly see her in a kimono.

"Haha, Commander, this is the first time I have tried this style of clothing. What do you think?" Guanghui said looking at Qin Ge who was a little surprised.

"It's very suitable. She's dressed very beautifully, just like a princess from a foreign country." Qin Ge smiled. According to his research on ship girls during this period, or in other words, on women, as long as he praises them appropriately, he will get very good results. the result of.

And it is true that the kimono worn by Kouki, coupled with her dignified and elegant temperament, is somewhat similar to Nagato's temperament yesterday. And Nagato happens to be the royal family of Shige Sakura, so Brother Qin's compliment is very appropriate.

Sure enough, Guanghui was very happy after hearing Qin Ge's praise, "Guanghui is like a princess from a foreign country?... Haha, a little shy... So does the commander like me dressed like this?"

"Well, no matter what Guanghui wears, I like it." Qin Ge nodded.

"If Commander likes it, then let's wear this for a walk~?" Guanghui said with a smile.

"Okay, today is a suitable date for you, so it's up to you to decide where you want to go and what you want to wear." Qin Ge said.

"Then let's talk after we go out together." Guanghui said with a smile.

Immediately, the two walked out of the courtyard gate together and came to the street. Just like on their first date, Guanghui held Qin Ge's arm in his arms, and the two of them walked deeper into the street together.

Looking at the hawkers on both sides and the culture that was obviously different from Donghuang and the royal family, Guanghui, who was coming out for the second time, was also very curious.

The two people stopped next to this small vendor for a while, and then stopped next to another small vendor. Just like the last time I was in Lao Cai, I gradually experienced the culture of this foreign country.

After a long time, the two of them approached a tea house to rest.

"It seems that Guanghui is very interested in Chongying's culture." Qin Ge said to Guanghui with a smile.

"Actually, this is the greatest joy for us ship girls, because we are in different camps, but our birthplace is not in the original camp, but in a new camp.

So understanding the culture of the new camp is also one of our biggest hobbies.

Especially because I have a commander and can be by his side, experiencing a foreign culture like this, this is the greatest happiness of Guanghui~" Guanghui smiled, with a trace of blush on his cheeks.

Qin Ge's heartbeat slowed down a beat when he saw such beautiful and moving glory. He pretended to drink tea to suppress his mood, and then said, "I am also very happy to have you by my side."

"Hehe, Commander is blushing. It seems he is shy." Guanghui said with a smile.

"It's normal to be shy. After all, Guanghui is so beautiful. I'm just an ordinary person, not a saint. I naturally feel shy if I like beautiful things." Qin Ge defended.

"Then what kind of person is Guanghui in the commander's mind?" Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge looked at Guanghui and said, "A beautiful, gentle, ladylike lady."

"Really?" Guanghui said with a smile, her expression completely showing her happiness, her eyes narrowed into a straight line.

"Yeah, if I really have to use one word to describe it, then it should be perfect." Qin Ge said to Guanghui.

"Is it perfect? ​​I didn't expect Guanghui to be so highly regarded in the commander's mind, but I haven't reached the level of perfection." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Oh? But I haven't discovered Guanghui's shortcomings until now." Qin Ge said unexpectedly.

"Perhaps it's because Guanghui is only willing to show his best side in front of Commander." Guanghui smiled, "Actually, Commander, don't look at me like this. In fact, I also have a little temper.

Just like the fleets of the Sardinian Empire, I sometimes get angry. But the commander and everyone were so nice that these little problems never showed up. "

"Really?" Qin Ge smiled, "That's right, I also have some shortcomings."

"Oh, what are the commander's shortcomings? Can you tell Guanghui in a low voice? I will never tell anyone else." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Well~ I'm quite dull when it comes to relationships, and I'm usually more serious with you guys. If I can, I'm also very lazy. Just like after having Belfast help me get dressed every morning, I'm becoming more and more useless now... "Qin Ge said one by one.

"Haha, it's true. The head maid is a well-known perfect maid in our royal family." Guanghui smiled, "If it were her, she should be more self-disciplined, otherwise the commander would become a useless person later on. "

"Even you said that, it seems I have to pay more attention." Qin Ge nodded and said.

"Yeah, don't mention it to the maid, or she will blame me." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "How could that be? Actually, I didn't mean to blame Belfast, because she was also doing her duty.

So I should be more self-disciplined in the future, this is the best way. "

Then the two looked at each other, smiled, and nodded in perfect agreement. Afterwards, the two of them drank tea and chatted while looking at the colorful fallen cherry blossoms outside. When the tea was finished, Guanghui began to talk.

"Commander, you have rested enough now, how about we walk around the city again and experience the exotic customs together?"

"Okay, didn't I say that today's date is entirely up to you, and all I need to do is stay with you." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Then please give me some advice." Guanghui said with a smile.

I stood up and walked to the counter of the teahouse. After Qin Ge paid the bill, he continued walking onto the street, chatting and shopping at the same time, leisurely and comfortable.

In the next few days, Qin Ge kept coming here like this, taking different girls on dates every day and going to different places.

Some people chose the seaside like Centaur, and some people chose less prosperous streets like Guanghui. Of course, some people chose the surrounding monuments, amusement parks, and other places.

Until one day, a piece of news brought by Xianghe and Ruihe made Qin Ge and others come back to their senses during this leisurely time...

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