My ship girl, my world

Chapter 270 The Arrival of the Second Camp

"The second camp has arrived at Chongsakura!" Zuihe sat on the tatami in the living room and said to Qin Ge, Mikasa and others.

"Oh? I wonder who the second camp is? Is it the Northern Alliance?" Mikasa asked.

Xianghe shook his head, "No, it's Baiying."

"White Eagle?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully, "But according to the distance, shouldn't they be the third or fourth to arrive?"

"But they have arrived now. This time White Eagle is led by Washington and North Carolina, and now Hiei is here to receive them." Shokaku said.

"Washington and North Carolina?" Qin Ge looked at Mikasa in surprise, and Mikasa was also confused.

Because according to her previous guess, the person White Eagle is most likely to send this time is Saratoga. Because all White Eagle diplomacy is usually handled by Saratoga.

"Why the North Carolina sisters? Wasn't it the Lexington sisters who were responsible for White Eagle diplomacy before?" Mikasa was also very surprised.

"Perhaps this gathering is unusual, that's why Baiying will send his most elite battleship now." Zuihe said.

"This is getting more and more interesting. I'm very curious about what the Northern Alliance discovered in the Arctic ice field last time, which can make these other camps uncharacteristically different." Mikasa narrowed her eyes and said.

Because of the arrival of the North Carolina sisters, the meaning represented by the arrival of the Lexington sisters has essentially changed.

"Why are you so nervous when Washington comes?" Qin Ge asked with some confusion.

"Because Washington and Saratoga represent two different intentions of the White Eagle camp." Mikasa said to Qin Ge.

"What do you say?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Qin Ge, you have Lexington, so you should know what Lexington's occupation is, right?" Mikasa asked Qin Ge.

"Oh, Lexington often says that he is an idol, but what does this have to do with Washington?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Of course it has a lot to do with it." Mikasa said, "Although Baiying is now the leader of the corporate camp, he is divided into two factions in terms of diplomacy.

One is the faction headed by the Lexington class. Because they are idols and have a very good reputation in other camps, they are responsible for White Eagle's main diplomacy.

However, when serious issues are discussed, White Eagle generally does not send them as envoys. Instead, they send the faction headed by North Carolina. They are White Eagle's powerful battleships to safeguard White Eagle's own interests.

So, you will know why I said this incident is uncharacteristic of the norm. "

After listening to Mikasa's words, Qin Ge nodded and his expression became serious. Mikasa also said before that the showdown between academy commanders should be just an appetizer, and the real decision should come later.

Sure enough, this prophecy has come true now. The situation of Baiying's envoys has suddenly become abnormal. If the lineup of envoys from the following major camps starts to be abnormal, then it can be determined that this gathering is not as simple as it seems on the surface. .

"We are a little helpless now, because this is something that we can't get involved in. Let's be the vanguard first." Qin Ge shrugged.

Indeed, in front of the nine major camps, no matter who they are, they appear so powerless.

Mikasa also nodded, and Shoukaku and Zuikaku on the other side also looked at each other. Although they are also high-level officials at Chongqing, decision-making matters like this still have to be left to Akagi and Kaga.

No matter how different the relationship between the two of them and Akagi Kaga is, Akagi Kaga is still the person in charge of Chongying, and only they can bring the greatest benefits to Chongying.

They are just novices on this kind of decision-making issue, and they cannot act with their will at this time.

"Then we have to wait until people from other camps arrive before we make a decision." Qin Ge nodded, and the others also looked heavy.

Later, Qin Ge summoned several think tanks and camp leaders in his fleet to come to his room for a meeting, and the topic of the meeting was about this camp gathering.

At the beginning, Qin Ge told everyone what he had learned today with Mikasa and Xianghe Zuihe. He wanted to hear his ship girl's point of view.

After hearing these things, several ship girls also showed heavy expressions.

"It seems that the situation we have to face this time is very complicated, Commander." Guanghui said solemnly.

"It's not just a simple matter of a complicated situation." Prince Eugen said with narrowed eyes.

"Haha, I'm a little curious. What can make the nine camps so crazy? Is it something that can defeat the sirens? But shouldn't these things be shared?" Veneto said.

"Siren technology, we Iron Blood have studied the most. Based on my memory, I don't think there is any technology that the nine major camps will compete for at the same time, unless something happens that I don't know about." Bismarck said.

"That's for sure. Don't forget that there is also a Bismarck in Iron Blood. She also knows what you know. But this time she has also entered the ranks of the competition, which means that this time the things are likely to be unprecedented before. ." Prince Eugen prompted.

"What happened this time is obvious. It is related to the interests of the nine major camps in the future. No camp will give up this fight. Perhaps the pattern of Azur Lane will change in the future because of this time." Guanghui said.

At this moment, Qin Ge looked at Amagi, who had been silent, and thought of how she had been with Akagi and Kaga these past few days, and then asked, "Amagi, what do you think about this incident? What do you think?"

Amagi smiled slightly, "My lord, please don't worry. In fact, this time, maybe this is our opportunity."

Qin Ge and the other ship girls all turned their eyes to Tiancheng in an instant. Qin Ge asked hastily, "Do you know anything about Tiancheng?"

When Qin Ge asked this question, he had no hope because it was just a thought that flashed through his mind. Without thinking, he said it to Amagi, without expecting Amagi to answer yes.

However, something unexpected happened. Tiancheng smiled and nodded, "Actually, I already know what the nine major camps are fighting for this time."

"What!" All the ship girls were shocked, even Prince Eugen looked at Amagi in surprise.

"How did you know?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"My two sisters can't hide anything in front of me. They told me everything with just a few words." Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge and several ship girls looked at each other, and couldn't help but look at Tian Cheng, who was confident, and saw her brown tail swinging gently behind her, like a cunning fox...

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