My ship girl, my world

Chapter 277 Prince Eugen’s Request

After receiving the promise from the Prince of Wales, several camps showed smiles.

Because they also wanted to see what kind of tactical teaching materials could bring about such a big change in Donghuang. And if these teaching materials reach their own camp, will they also produce qualitative changes like Donghuang's?

Afterwards, everyone chatted with Qin Ge on some topics, and Qin Ge's answer made the three camps admire him. But while he was so curious and admiring, he also had deep doubts about the person coming to his camp this time.

Faced with such a powerful opponent, can their commander defeat them? The top leaders of the three camps looked at the ship girls in front of Qin Ge.

They all shook their heads helplessly, because they found that this hope was very slim.

After the conversation ended, the three camps began to prepare to leave. The iron-blooded Prince Eugen did not leave his position. Instead, he said to Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, you should be fine next, right?"

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Is there something wrong with Prince Eugen?"

At this time, everyone present turned their attention to Prince Eugen. She smiled slightly, and then said to Qin Ge, "I always heard how lucky Commander Qin Ge was, but we didn't see it after all, and we always felt that it was a bit of flattery.

So can I invite Commander Qin Ge to build it again here? "

"Build it again?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully, "Do you mean you want me to build the ship girl here again?"

"Well, after all, I also want to see with my own eyes, are you the same as what you said before? Is fate favoring you?" Prince Eugen said.

After Prince Eugen finished speaking, the other two camps also looked at Qin Ge thoughtfully. His eyes were full of smiles, as if Prince Eugen had spoken out their expectations.

Yes, facing Qin Ge's luck, why don't they want to see what he looks like when he summons the ship girl?

But due to the special nature of the two camps, they did not say it directly.

Royal because the Prince of Wales is the dean of Qin Ge, and the Prince of Wales is currently in Donghuang. Saying this may cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

As for the Sardinian Empire camp, Littorio was usually very confident and followed etiquette, so she couldn't say such unreasonable things.

But now the iron-blooded Prince Eugen said that this situation was what they expected. With all etiquette in mind, Qin Ge's call can also be seen, why not?

At this time, Qin Ge looked at his shipgirl and looked at the Prince of Wales. He saw the Prince of Wales nodding towards him, but Qin Ge still had some hesitation on his face.

Because if he summons the ship girls again, the number of his ship girls will reach 22. However, his existing supplies cannot support 22 ship girls to complete all the equipment, and there is still more than a month before school can start. If he gives lectures again to earn supplies, it will take longer.

Prince Eugen saw the hesitation on Qin Ge's face, and when he thought of what he said before, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, the materials summoned this time will be provided by our Iron Blood.

And if Commander Qin Ge summons a ship girl this time, no matter which camp the ship girl is from, we Iron Blood will hand over all the materials needed to cultivate a ship girl to Commander Qin Ge free of charge. "

Qin Ge's eyes lit up when he heard Prince Eugen's words, and he said to Prince Eugen, "I believe that Prince Eugen will definitely not deceive a little commander like me, so he can summon.

However, there are currently no builders required for summoning in the hotel, and you still need to greet the Iron-Blooded camp and Chongsakura. "

"Of course there is no problem with this. There is a reception from the Chongying camp outside the hotel, so we can go directly to him after we go out. I believe we can make arrangements." Prince Eugen said.

"But are Commander Qin Ge so confident? Aren't you really afraid? If you can't summon him, the good luck and destiny I told you before will be invalid."

Facing Prince Eugen's inquiry, Qin Ge and his shipgirl couldn't help but smile. Then Qin Ge said, "I believe I will definitely thank Prince Eugen later for lending me the supplies to use for summoning."

"Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it even more." Prince Eugen smiled.

The materials needed to cultivate a ship girl are just a drop in the bucket for an iron-blooded person. Moreover, as Prince Eugen is the strategist and counselor in the iron-blooded camp, the resources she can use will never be lower than Bismarck's transfer orders.

So this time, I just used these materials to explore the road and see if Qin Ge has the same fate as mentioned just now.

So people from the four camps walked outside the conference room together. When they arrived outside, they met Xianghe Ruikau who came after hearing the news.

Because Xianghe Ruihe and the others are responsible for receiving the Donghuang camp, and now that the four camps are meeting here in the Donghuang camp, there is no way they will not come.

So just after receiving the message, the two rushed over non-stop, but it was still a little late. Judging from the looks of the four camps, I believe the meeting has ended, and their expressions seem to be very harmonious?

But just when the two were about to ask, a question from Prince Eugen made them stunned for a moment.

"I would like to ask the two of you from the Chongsakura Camp's Fifth Ship Battle, where do you have the construction equipment needed to build a ship girl on this island?"

"Huh? Why do you want to build a device?" Xianghe was confused for a while, because a ship girl cannot build a ship girl. This is a truth that all ship girls know.

But now, Prince Eugen uncharacteristically asked them about the whereabouts of the builder, which made Xiangkaku and Zuikaku ask more questions.

"Oh, it's because Commander Qin Ge's luck is a bit too good, so good that we can't believe it.

So we are going to find a construction machine and let Commander Qin Ge perform construction for us on the spot, so that we can also confirm whether Commander Qin Ge's luck is really as good as we said before. "Prince Eugen replied with a smile.

After hearing this, Ruihe couldn't help but look at Qin Ge. Qin Ge nodded to her, indicating that this was indeed the case.

So, Zuihe said to people from several camps, "There is only one place on Chongsakura Island where there are builders, and that place is next to the shrine.

Because the place where spiritual energy gathers the most on the main island of Chongyin is the shrine under the Goshen tree, so the builder placed there is a reward for our Commander Chongyakura.

Those who can perform well can come to the shrine to build and pray for blessings. "

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