My ship girl, my world

Chapter 278 Reactions from the remaining four camps

"Oh? So will that place be 100% successful?" Prince Eugen asked curiously.

"No, it's just that the probability will be higher than in other places, because the spiritual energy there is more concentrated. But there are many people there, so it won't be possible to build it." Xianghe replied.

"That's no problem. I wonder if I could trouble you two to lead the way for us?" Prince Eugen said.

"Of course." Xianghe Ruihe nodded.

To be honest, they were also a little curious about Qin Ge's luck, because more than 20 ship girls was a number that all the commanders in their academy could not reach.

So this time they agreed to let Prince Eugen and Qin Ge build it because they had their own selfish motives.

So, the four camps gathered in a pile, left the hotel together under the leadership of Xianghe and Zuihe, and walked towards the shrine where the builder was.

However, such abnormal behavior also attracted the attention of the other four camps.

"Iron-Blooded, Royal, Sardinian Empire, did the people from Donghuang leave the hotel where Donghuang was and walk towards the shrine?" Washington and North Carolina couldn't help but fell into deep thought as they listened to Cleveland's report from the other side.

"Washington, what do you think they're going to do?" North Carolina asked.

"I don't know, but I think we can follow him, because then we will know everything." Washington said coldly.

"Okay, then let's go together." North Carolina nodded, "Should we notify other camps?"

Washington shook his head, "We at White Eagle have discovered their abnormality, do you think other camps can't find it? My sister."

"Then we won't notify them and catch up quickly, otherwise they will go far away later." North Carolina said.

"Yeah." Washington nodded.

As for other camps, the same scene like White Eagle also happened.

"Interesting, comrade, are they bringing the Commander Qin Ge you mentioned?" A ship girl who looked very wild said to Aurora behind her.

"That's right." Aurora nodded, "I can understand the visit of the Iron Blood and Sardinian Empire this time. After all, Qin Ge summoned the flagship of their camp.

But now, what are the four major camps going to do under the leadership of Chong Ying? "

"If you want to know what they are doing, why don't we follow them and find out. Anyway, it's okay to stay here now." A dashing white-haired woman sitting in the middle said.

"Comrade Rosia, are you also interested?" The wild woman turned her head and said to the woman who just spoke.

"Didn't Comrade Aurora say that? Commander Qin Ge may be the key to our Northern Alliance breaking the situation this time. Although I don't want to admit it, we might as well let us take a closer look.

If this is indeed the case, then we have Comrade Aurora here, and we can also show enough favor cards from Commander Qin Ge. "Soviet Rosia said as she looked out the window at the crowd that was gradually walking away.

After the Northern Alliance made the decision, they went directly downstairs to the direction of the shrine. They are practical people who will try their best to do whatever they decide. The Free Iris and the Vichy Holy See have also discovered this. This matter.

So, not long after Qin Ge and Prince Eugen left, the other four camps also began to walk towards the shrine.

In terms of distance, the hotel where Qin Ge and others lived was not far from the shrine, and it only took more than ten minutes to walk there.

The place where the construction machine is located is not within the shrine, but under the sacred tree, on the other side of the shrine.

However, when everyone arrived, the place where the construction machine was located was still locked. Because this was a special reward place, the door would not be opened normally.

However, all high-rise buildings with a heavy emphasis have the peace of mind with the key to this door, and Mizuga naturally has it. After the two of them opened the door, they led everyone into the construction hall, and there was only one construction machine in the construction hall.

"It is indeed a place for rewards. The security is very tight, and it seems that someone is cleaning it. Otherwise, how could it be spotless?" Hood said while walking and looking at the construction hall.

"No one usually comes here, but someone has installed a clean magic circle here before. As long as the spiritual energy is connected, it will be kept spotless every day.

So whenever we open this door and lead the commanders who receive rewards, the place will look like this when they come in to build. " Ruihe explained with a smile.

"I see." Hood suddenly nodded, "It seems that Chongying's technique is indeed powerful."

While everyone was talking, Qin Ge noticed the construction machine in front of him, but found that this construction machine was different from the one he used in the academy.

Because there are three construction machines connected together in the academy, corresponding to light construction, heavy construction and special construction. But the construction machines here are separate and have no specific construction classification.

So, Qin Ge asked Xianghe who was standing aside, "Xianghe, could you please ask? Why does this construction machine only have one construction category, and does not have three construction categories like the general Commander Academy?"

"Oh, so this is what Commander Qin Ge asked." Xianghe explained with a smile, "Because this construction machine is a special construction machine. It was specially made by Akashi for Shige Sakura. It can build Light, heavy and special ships.

It is equivalent to merging the three construction machines in the academy into one, but the construction method is roughly the same as that in the academy, but there is no guarantee that what comes out will be a heavy-duty ship girl, a special-type ship girl, or a light ship girl. "

"I understand." Qin Ge nodded, and everyone else also understood the purpose of this construction machine.

So at this time, Prince Eugen from Iron Blood took out two mental cubes, 1500 units of supplies, and a rapid construction tool from his ship's installation space, and handed it to Qin Ge.

"Commander Qin Ge, I have already given you the things, let us witness the miracle." Prince Eugen said with a smile.

"Although I don't know if my construction is destined by fate, this time I believe in my luck." Qin Ge finished with a smile, and finally came to the side of the builder under the gaze of his ship girl.

He placed the mental cube and 1,500 units of materials in the builder, and then pressed the start button.

As the builder began to rumble, everyone present fixed their gaze on the time panel of the builder.

Because as long as the construction is successful, the time panel will display the time required for the ship girl. And through this time, you can determine which series of ship girls.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, the rumbling sound of the builder gradually stopped, and a moment also appeared on the construction panel.

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