My ship girl, my world

Chapter 290 Conjectures about Siren’s strength

While Qin Ge and others were thinking about Siren's purpose, several other major camps also came to the outskirts of the fighting area from the shore to observe the battle.

"It seems that this Purifier's combat ability is much stronger than that of the tester." Tirpitz said.

"Maybe, because the strength of their combat power has always been a mystery, and no one knows what their full strength is?" Prince Eugen said at the side.

"Don't you Ironbloods have the most contact with them? Don't you all know that?" Hood said with a smile, but his tone was full of teasing.

Prince Eugen smiled and said, "You can ask the Northern Alliance about this. After all, this meeting is about them."

Faced with Prince Eugen's attitude of neither admitting nor denying, Hood frowned. In fact, everyone in the major camps knows that some of the camp's senior leaders must have a trading relationship with Siren.

However, this is an open secret, and it is also a secret that cannot be told. You can talk about it when you are joking, but you must not mention it when it comes to serious matters.

Because several major camps always stick to the front line and resist the attacks of the Sirens. If it is just a matter of transaction that leads to a thorough investigation and a falling out with other camps, then there is no need to establish Azur Lane.

When Hood looked at the Northern Alliance, Soviet Rosia from the Northern Alliance shook her head, "I don't know, although we have fought against the Siren many times, their strength is different every time.

Sometimes they are strong, sometimes they are weak. What is their real strength? No one can know.

In addition, don’t say that your royal family doesn’t know this information. As far as I know, among all the camps except Baiying and us, they have fought against your royal family and them more often, right? "

King George V said seriously, "It is precisely because we have fought against them so many times that we are not so sure about their strength.

Every time we show up, it's as if our actions are all expected by them. Their intensity every time is a little higher than what our fleet can fight, but they can be defeated with a little effort.

But if it happens like this once and twice, it makes people doubt that they didn't use their full strength at all when confronting us, so we have always been curious about how powerful they are. "

"Perhaps now I somewhat agree with what Commander Qin Ge said before." said the dragoon who was following Littorio.

"Oh? What did that magical commander say before? Can you tell it so that we can listen? After all, we didn't participate in your previous opportunity." North Carolina, where White Eagle belongs, asked curiously.

The dragoon glanced at Littorio, and then Littorio said to North Carolina, "Commander Qin Ge made a very interesting assumption. He said that the current world is an examination room, and we have The ship girls in the camp are all students taking the exam, and the sirens are our teachers.

They will ask some difficult questions to stimulate our strength, and they will also give us the opportunity to increase our strength through some transactions.

And their goals are the same as ours, they are all to cope with the final exam, but no one can know what the exam content is. "

"Interesting hypothesis." After hearing this, North Carolina said thoughtfully, "It's a pity that Commander Qin Ge is not here. If he were here, I would like to ask him about this hypothesis. .”

Hearing that the topic shifted to his commander, Guanghui looked into the distance, and the command ship floating on the sea showed a trace of worry. Because the location of the command ship at that time was not too far away from the battlefield, if the Siren launched a running attack, it would be completely within reach.

"Don't worry, Commander Qin Ge is under Chongying's guard. If anything happens, we can help, so just feel at ease." Anshan saw this scene and said to Guanghui.

"But the distance between us is a bit too far." Guanghui said worriedly.

"It's not far, it's only such a small distance." Changchun said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Commander Qin Ge is our pride in Donghuang, so we will never allow him to make any mistakes, don't worry." Anshan said confidently.

"This..." Guanghui glanced at Anshan and Changchun beside him in surprise. Although he was a little confused, he said nothing more.

However, the Prince of Wales on the side seemed to have remembered something, so he said to Anshan in surprise, "Has that research been completed?"

"It seems that Sister Yixian has told you before." Anshan looked at the Prince of Wales and said, "But I hope the Prince of Wales can keep it a secret for us."

"Tsk, no wonder Donghuang wants to send you out this time, I see. Then we really don't have to worry about Commander Qin Ge's safety. It's really not that far away." The Prince of Wales smiled, "Don't worry, although I am a royal She is a ship girl, but she is also the dean of Donghuang Commander Academy, so there are some secrets that I know what to say and what not to say."

"Then thank you very much, Prince of Wales." Anshan said with a smile.

Looking at the mysterious people playing riddles, Qin Ge's ship girls looked at each other. Among them, Prince Eugen, Bismarck and Veneto's eyes were particularly meaningful.

Among the current ship girls, Donghuang has the smallest number of awakened ship girls, but she still occupies a position among the nine camps. It seems that there are indeed some things in the Donghuang camp that have not been revealed.

But what is it that makes even the Prince of Wales look so surprised? A few people guessed, but they all shook their heads, because the people in Anshan were originally destroyers, and the force that destroyers could match was too little.

They couldn't guess it at the moment, so they could only save this doubt and wait to see the specific situation later.

On the other side, the Siren mass-produced battleship summoned by the Purifier is naturally not that simple. Although everyone here is an awakened ship girl, it is still a bit difficult to deal with these so-called miscellaneous fish.

Fortunately, the aircraft carrier fleet that had all its first batch of carrier-based aircraft destroyed has already taken off the second round of carrier-based aircraft groups. This time their target is these mass-produced warships.

Obviously, they decided to clean up the mass-produced battleships first, and then concentrate their superior firepower to eliminate the Purifiers.

The overwhelming carrier-based aircraft group took off from the armor plate of the aircraft carrier fleet, and rushed towards the Siren mass-produced battleship with a red light on the aircraft. When they heard the roar of the engine, the vanguard girls who were fighting the Siren mass-produced battleship retreated collectively.

The rumbling sound that resounded throughout the sea instantly exploded, and the sky was filled with fire, and the Siren mass-produced battleships turned into wreckage...

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