My ship girl, my world

Chapter 291 Crazy Purifier

"Ah, why is the attack so fierce? It seems I can't do it without some real skills."

The Purifier, who was flying in the sky to avoid the bombardment, looked at the Chongsakura shipgirl in front of him and said with a smile.

Facing the attack of so many awakened ship girls from Chong Ying, she didn't panic at all and seemed to be at ease. But judging from her words now, she was going to counterattack.

Hearing the success of the Purifier's words, I couldn't help but feel nervous. Because they had just faced the Purifier, they didn't get much advantage, and the Purifier's tone also showed that she really didn't use her full strength just now.

At this moment, the purifier's muzzle lit up with purple-red light, and all the ship girls facing the muzzle felt a threat from the bottom of their hearts.

So Nagato immediately ordered, "Combined fleets, prepare for defense."

"Yes." Everyone responded one after another.

"Haha, come and feel this blow!" After the Purifier finished speaking, the purple-red light from the muzzle was instantly emitted, but the purple-red light was not fired towards the ship girl, but towards the sky.

Just when everyone was confused, light rain suddenly fell in the sky. Countless purple-red rays of light reflected down, causing waves to explode on the sea, and also enveloped the Chongsakura Awakening ship girl in it. .

Light rain comes and goes quickly. Wait until the waves on the sea subside and the mist from the sea gradually disappears. Dense cannonballs were fired from the mist that had not yet dissipated, and the water was sparkling. Torpedoes rushed towards the Purifier neatly.

"Hahaha~" The Purifier laughed crazily while dodging the light bullets. However, there are always Purifiers who cannot dodge under intensive light bomb attacks.

So as several shells fell on the Purifier, a huge explosion sounded above the sea.

The water mist here in the Chongying camp gradually dissipated, revealing the awakened ship girls of the Chongying camp. The clothes they wore were damaged to varying degrees, and it was obvious that they were not unharmed under the light and rain.

"Did you hit it?" Yamashiro, standing next to Fuso, said through the communicator.

But no one answered her at this moment. The awakened ship girls in the Chongsakura camp were all staring at the direction of the explosion. They wanted to confirm the status of the Purifier.

"Hahaha! This is the feeling, this is the battlefield, this is the battle!" There was a burst of laughter in the smoke exploded by the shell just now, and a figure rushed out quickly.

Naturally, this figure was the Purifier who had just been hit by a cannonball. The sailor uniform she was wearing was completely damaged, but she still had a smile on her face.

"Hey, you're so persistent!" Akagi looked at the Purifier in front of him and said with a frown.

At this time, a voice sounded from Akagi's communicator, "Akagi, you can try to use carrier-based aircraft to spread out to force the Purifiers to the sea, and then have the destroyers all aim at one location to release torpedoes.

And just lead the Purifier to that point. Such a torpedo explosion will cause a lot of damage to her. "

"Sister?" Akagi said excitedly as he heard the familiar voice coming from the communication device.

"Yes, your carrier-based aircraft haven't taken off yet, right? Take off quickly. By the time the Purifiers are forced to the surface of the sea, the loading of the next round of torpedoes should have been completed." Amagi continued. .

"I understand." Akagi nodded, and at this time the other awakened ship girls also heard this piece of information and nodded to each other.

As a result, the carrier-based aircraft of the Air Carrier Girl took off again and attacked directly towards the Purifier. This time, the previous swarm tactics were not used, but the carrier-based aircraft dispersed.

The carrier-based aircraft cluster spread out to surround them, firing their cannons continuously to attack the Purifiers.

Although the Purifier's floating cannon continued to destroy carrier-based aircraft in the air with purple-red light, due to the relatively dispersed fleet this time, the number of carrier-based aircraft destroyed was much less than the previous one.

Following the attack of the cannon, the Purifier, which no longer had a protective cover, was getting closer and closer to the sea under the pressure of the aircraft group.

The vanguard girls also looked at the location where the Purifier fell, and at the same time released torpedoes towards that location.

And when the Purifier fell to the sea, she realized that the torpedo was already heading towards her.

"Tsk, what happened!" The Purifier had just reacted when the torpedo had already touched her.

In an instant, a series of explosions rang out, and the carrier-based aircraft group in the sky also dropped aerial bombs at the same time, towards the explosion area below.

In an instant, the waves caused by the explosion surged on the sea. After this explosion, a section of the Purifier's arms and legs had been blown off, and the floating cannon was also blown off. The whole person looked very embarrassed.

"She is injured, attack quickly and follow up to destroy her!" Nagato's voice rang, and after hearing Nagato's instructions, the other ship girls also began to carry out follow-up attacks.

However, under such an attack, the already embarrassed Purifier was not affected at all. He still quickly dodged the ship's shells and laughed arrogantly.

It was as if the injured person was the enemy, not herself.

At this moment, the Purifier received a message.

"The Observer asked me to tell you, if you forget your mission, then when you come back this time, just stay in the small dark room for a few months."

The message was very short and there was no lag between the time the Purifier received it and the time it was responded to. But the Purifier didn't dare to take it lightly, so while she was fighting with the ship girl, she suddenly raised her body and locked the target at the command ship far away.

She sped up and rushed towards the command ship, leaving the girls from the Shige Sakura ship who were attacking her unable to react in time.

Akagi immediately discovered this behavior and shouted loudly on the communicator, "Her target is now the command ship. Don't let her step into the commander's range."

"Yes." The Awakening Ship Girls who were on the battlefield and the Chongsakura Ship Girls who were stationed around the command ship responded one after another and began to pour firepower towards the Purifiers in the sky.

On the command ship at this time, Qin Ge looked at the Purifier flying over at high speed and frowned, "Is she preparing for a suicide attack?"

"We can't rule it out, so now the Lord will stay on the command ship, and we and the people outside will intercept her." Amagi said.

Immediately, Qin Ge nodded and said to Amagi and Shinano, "You can just respond from behind. After all, your training levels are very low now and your strength is still relatively weak."

"Yes." Amagi and Shinano nodded, and they walked to the rear of the command ship. After entering the water, they gathered with Shige Sakura's ship girls.

Qin Ge focused his attention on the screen again. He was now curious as to why the Purifier didn't pay attention to this command ship before, but now he noticed it, and he looked so desperate?

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