My ship girl, my world

Chapter 299 Trust Test

"The value range it can display is from one to two hundred. When a commander summons a ship girl, the ship girl's trust in the commander can generally reach about 50.

And through living together and fighting together for a long time, this level of trust will gradually increase. But if your ship girl feels that you are not trustworthy as a commander, then this value will decrease.

The limit for ordinary ship girls is 100, and 100 represents complete trust and love. When the ship girl reaches this level of favorability, it means that she can accept the commander's wedding ring.

After becoming a wedding ship, the trust level will break through the bottleneck and increase again until it reaches 200. At that time, it means that the ship girl is willing to do anything for you, including death.

Therefore, it can very easily detect whether your ship girl is yours and is not someone you just contracted recently. "

When Nagato said this, he looked at everyone, "So the test starts now, with Commander James from the White Eagle camp starting first."

James, the commander of White Eagle participating in the competition this time, has 4 ship girls, namely a battleship, a destroyer, a light cruiser, and an aircraft carrier. They are Arizona, Benson, Montpelier, and Yorktown.

When Nagato's voice called him, Qin Ge looked in the direction of Bai Ying and saw him and a few ship girls coming out. It could be seen that he was still a little nervous.

After walking in front of Nagato, Nagato opened his mouth as if to say something to him, and then he and Arizona put their hands on the crystal ball at the same time.

Suddenly, the crystal ball slowly became chaotic, a rotating ripple appeared in the center, and then a number, 87, appeared on the crystal ball.

After seeing this number, Nagato nodded and motioned for James' next ship girl to continue walking forward to do a trust test.

Soon, just like the first Arizona, subsequent ship girls came out one after another. The highest was the destroyer Benson, whose trust score reached 92, and the lowest, the aircraft carrier Yorktown, had 65.

Obviously James's ship girls were all summoned by him, otherwise he would not be able to achieve such a high level of trust in a short period of time.

With a hint of joy, James and his shipmates walked off the stage, but when they were about to reach their camp, his eyes turned to Qin Ge, and then he glanced provocatively.

The meaning is self-evident. In his opinion, Qin Ge, as a first-year student, cannot have so many ship girls. And now that he has so many ship girls, the most likely reason is that Donghuang wanted to win this competition and cheated to arrange it for him.

The leader of his own camp did not bring it up because he wanted him to make a fool of himself in this test and severely damage the face of the Donghuang camp.

"Commander, how much do you think our trust level can reach?" At this time, Guanghui came to Qin Ge's side and smiled at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "I don't know, I've never thought about that."

"Then if one of us trusts you to 100, will you give her a ring?" Guanghui said with a smile.

"Huh?" Qin Ge was stunned, then blushed, "Isn't it a little too early to give out rings and get married?"

"I didn't say give it to her immediately, I just said that if one of us answers 100, will you give it to her?" Guanghui asked with a smile.

Following Guanghui's question, all the ship girls' ears perked up, especially the first few ship girls who were with Qin Ge. They were already looking at Qin Ge with expectant eyes.

"Um." Qin Ge said awkwardly, "We haven't decided yet, let's talk about it then. And didn't you ask Akashi about it last time?

All the vow rings from Akashi require a red tip, but we don’t have a red tip yet. "

"Does that mean that after we work hard on missions, when we accumulate enough red tips, the commander will give us rings? I believe that at that time, many people will be looking forward to it." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Ahem..." Qin Geqing coughed, "We are still in the assembly right now. We will discuss this issue later."

Guanghui saw Qin Ge's embarrassed look and knew that if he continued to press the question, his commander might really explode on the spot, so he smiled and stopped questioning.

However, the question she raised was deeply imprinted on Qin Ge's heart, as well as the hearts of many ship girls.

If a ship girl's favorability reaches 100, will Qin Ge give that ship girl a ring of oath?

Qin Ge didn't think about it. He thought he should give it to him, right? After all, they have gone through ups and downs along the way, experienced battles together, and made progress together. This experience has already surpassed that of ordinary couples.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the books he had seen in the college library before. Why does every commander have two or more wedding ships?

Perhaps it's because they don't want to let down their feelings, and it's also an explanation of the journey the two people have taken together.

While Qin Ge was thinking, the commanders of several other camps stepped forward to test their trust with the ship girls, and because they had fewer ship girls, it soon became the last one. Qin Ge is here. .

Nagato looked at the commander of the Vichy Holy See and his ship girl walking back, turned to the last Donghuang camp and said, "Please ask Donghuang's commander Qin Ge to bring the ship girl up for testing."

Hearing Nagato's voice, Qin Ge reacted immediately and pushed all the random thoughts out of his mind. Then he turned to his shipgirl and nodded, leading them towards Nagato.

When he walked to Nagato, Nagato's face softened, and he smiled and nodded at Qin Ge and the ship girls around him, "Commander Qin Ge, you have just seen those things." How do people do it, so I don’t need to teach you.

But remember, when testing, just keep your mind empty and think about the things you have experienced with the ship girl you are testing, and vice versa. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Thank you very much, Mr. Nagato, for your guidance. Then, let's get started."

"Yes." Nagato nodded and moved the crystal ball away.

Qin Ge walked to the crystal ball and then looked at his ship girls.

"Commander, who comes first?" Prince Eugen asked.

At this time, Qin Ge cast his eyes on Noshiro at the edge, "Noshiro, I'm the first ship girl I summoned in this world, so of course she comes first."

For a moment, all the ship girls focused their attention on Noshiro. Noshiro, who is usually quiet and calm, was a little stunned at this time...

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