My ship girl, my world

Chapter 300 Numbers

If among all the ship girls in Qin Ge's fleet, which one has the least sense of existence, it should be Neng Dai.

She is not as energetic as Javelin, nor as gentle and lovely as Glory. At the same time, she is not as heroic as Bismarck, nor is she as sentimental as Helena.

He usually trains with everyone and goes on missions with everyone. He does not appear in front of Qin Ge from time to time. If he appears casually, he will only follow everyone and will not talk to Qin Ge alone.

However, at this moment, Qin Ge only called her name. Noshiro, who had always been calm and rational, was a little dazed.

But soon, Noshiro reacted and walked to Qin Ge's side. Under his gaze, he and he put their hands on the crystal ball.

The crystal ball became chaotic in an instant, and then a number appeared in front of everyone.


When they saw this number, all the ship girls were stunned for a moment, including Qin Ge and Nodai himself.

According to what Nagato said before, 100 is the limit for ordinary ship girls, and in Noshiro's case, he is already in the position of favorite, and is just one step away from being upgraded to love.

"So, is this how you feel about me?" Qin Ge looked at the crystal ball and said to Nodai.

"I didn't know there would be such a high number. Maybe the commander is too reassuring, so he became dependent on you unconsciously." Nodai said to Qin Ge. .

"However, this is good. At least it makes me face my inner emotions. Is this the so-called heartbeat feeling? I am more accustomed to rational thinking than direct thinking. This kind of mood makes me feel a little confused.

But at least I understand now, both my mood and the commander's mood. "

After saying these words, Noshiro smiled, and just when the two of them were about to take back their hands, the numbers in the crystal ball began to change. The original position of 99 became two 0s, and there was an extra 0 in front. One digit.


Seeing this scene, Qin Ge couldn't help but be stunned, and then smiled, "Thank you, Nodai."

"Yeah~" Noshiro shook his head, "No need to say thank you, this is the result of our mutual growth, Commander, there are others behind you if possible."

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, and then the two of them left the crystal ball together, and the crystal ball became clear and crystal clear again.

Then Noshiro turned his head and walked to the side of the ship girls, while Qin Ge looked at the centaur and said, "The centaur will be the second one."

The centaur nodded and walked up. But now all the ship girls understood that the order Qin Ge called was in the order in which they were summoned.

Because Qin Ge had already done this with Nodai before, when the centaur came, the centaur directly put his hand on the crystal ball with Qin Ge.

The crystal ball became chaotic in an instant, the same as before, and a number appeared after a while.


Qin Ge was not surprised at this number, because the two of them had made their thoughts clear when they were at the beach. It is natural for trust to be upgraded to love.

However, the two consecutive 100s made the commanders of several other camps feel that something was wrong, because they expected Qin Ge to be slapped in the face, but the reality was beyond their expectations.

The centaur quickly went down, and naturally Belfast came up next. As the perfect head maid, she put all her thoughts on Qin Ge from the moment she was summoned.

But now when Qin Ge put his hands on the crystal ball, the number 100 naturally appeared.

"Ara, this is troublesome. Obviously I just keep looking at you, and I'm satisfied with occasionally admiring your embarrassed look. But now that my feelings towards you are presented in front of everyone at once, it's really a bit confusing. I'm sorry."

Although Belfast kept saying she was embarrassed, there was no expression of embarrassment at all on her smiling face.

Qin Ge smiled helplessly, "It's okay for you to know what you are thinking. You don't have to tell me so straightforwardly. Otherwise, how should I treat you next time you see me making a fool of myself?"

"Then it all depends on the master's arrangement." Belfast smiled slightly, then made a perfect maid ceremony, and then retreated.

This can be regarded as Qin Ge’s first batch of ship girls. They have followed Qin Ge for the longest time. They have witnessed Qin Ge’s growth and transformation. It is also these experiences that have formed their unwavering belief in Qin Ge. shift.

Prince Eugen, Veneto and Ayanami came up next. Among them, Prince Eugen had the highest favorability, reaching 100 like the previous ones. Perhaps this was related to the fact that she was often with Qin Ge.

Ranked second is Lingbo, which also reached 94. Veneto is the least, but it has also reached 87. Perhaps this number is directly related to the fact that she is the flagship of the camp and has relatively strong confidence and arrogance.

Then, what came up was the brilliance. Just after Qin Ge and he put their hands on the crystal ball, the numbers that gradually emerged from the chaos made everyone feel that they should be taken for granted.

100, which may explain why Guanghui chose Qin Ge. After more than half a year of getting along, the relationship between the two is actually almost that of a centaur.

So this may be why Guanghui said those words to Qin Ge at the beginning, because she was fully confident.

As long as Qin Ge said the words "Give me a ring", he would basically have a ring for sure. But it is a pity that Qin Ge still takes the matter of vows seriously and will not make a promise so easily.

Later, it was Spence's turn. Qin Ge usually took a lot of care of this little guy who loved to cry and make noise. So when the number representing the trust between the two people appeared, Qin Ge smiled and nodded.

96, this number means that Spence already trusts Qin Ge. Spence was relieved when she saw this number. He was really afraid that it was a very low number, but in her heart she liked Qin Ge very much.

When they got here, the commanders of the eight major camps could no longer sit still, because now Qin Ge had tested more than half of the ship girls, and the favorability of each one was ridiculously high.

This shows that every one of his ship girls was summoned by himself and has been carefully cultivated until now, otherwise the trust level of every ship girl would not be so high.

But how did he do it? This is a problem for several commanders, because they themselves also have ship girls with a trust level of over 90, but they only have one or two other captains, and their trust levels are generally between 6.70 and 7.80.

Because people's energy is limited, it is impossible to take care of every ship girl all the time. It is almost every commander's guideline to cultivate strong ship girls first and communicate well between them.

But now, it seems that someone is acting out of common sense.

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