My ship girl, my world

Chapter 309 Rushing into the formation

"This position is very particular now." In the stands, White Eagle's Washington looked at Qin Ge's charging position and said to his sister North Carolina beside him.

North Carolina nodded, "I really don't know where Commander Qin Ge came up with these ideas. The distance between these ship girls can ensure that they will not be affected by heavy-damaging aerial bombs.

Moreover, it also provides sufficient positions for the ship girls, so that they can avoid each other's cannonball attacks, but the distance is very close, and they can focus fire on the enemy together.

Large-scale battles between one's own side and the enemy become divided into regional battles, and his ship girls can always maintain a numerical advantage and a firepower advantage in the area. "

"Yes, after seeing this, I finally understand why the Donghuang camp only suffered so many casualties during the Siren Tide last time.

If this kind of formation combat is used in a large-scale legion battle, as long as it is commanded properly, it can produce unexpected results. "Washington said with a nod.

"Haha, it seems that this melee is not what we imagined. This melee will become a stage for Commander Qin Ge and his ship girls to perform.

Prince Eugen of the vanguard fleet was under such heavy protection. She only needed to raise the naval gun in her hand and rush towards the enemy group, tearing a hole, and then added Commander Qin Ge. She had now ensured air superiority.

I really don’t know about the other 8 camps. Oh, no, there are 7 camps left now. What tricks can these little guys use to resist Commander Qin Ge’s attack? " North Carolina said.

"Well, although the situation is like this now, there is a commander of our camp there." Cleveland said tangledly on the side.

"These are just discussing matters, not to mention that they have a god of death lingering around the United Fleet ships." Washington said.

The people in White Eagle naturally know who Washington is talking about. After all, since White Eagle itself has several particularly powerful submarine girls, they are also more concerned about submarine girls in general, especially the iron-blooded submarine girls.

The submarine U96 of Qin Ge's fleet disappeared above the sea after getting ready for war. No one in the vast sea knows where she is now, but what is certain is that she must be swimming near the group of ship girls now. , waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow.

"They're going to charge!" Cleveland said.

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to the sea. Sure enough, with Qin Ge's ship's wife dodging left and right and withstanding the first round of bombardment from the battleship, they finally came within the firepower range of the heavy cruiser and light cruiser.

At this time, the aircraft carriers such as Guanghui and the carrier girls had already gained control of the air and shot down all the opponent's fighter jets flying in the sky. At this time, they were roaring to the place where the opponent's carrier girl was in the front row.

When the ship girls of the combined fleet wanted to attack Qin Ge's vanguard ship girls in the front row, a cluster of carrier-based aircraft in the air was approaching. They could only conduct air defense while firing at Qin Ge's ship girls in the distance. attack.

However, because of this situation, the firepower attacking Qin Ge's ship mother became somewhat weak. It also bought valuable time for the vanguard fleet with Prince Eugen as the vanguard to close the distance.

In this way, after enduring a round of air attacks and losing two ship girls, the ship girls of the combined fleet did not stop the charge led by Prince Eugen at all.

And at this time, Helena, who was following the last of the vanguard fleet, had already begun to make precise positioning.

"SG, lock the enemy's position!" Helena said. The SG radar installed on her ship shook rapidly, calculating the positions of the ship girls blocking the vanguard fleet in front.

"Bearing 189, distance 20 kilometers, locked on a light cruiser."

After calculating the location, Helena quickly reported it in the communication device.

"Roger!" Veneto's voice rang immediately, "All battleships aimed at the azimuth 189 and a distance of 20 kilometers, locked on the light cruiser, and fired!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Rows of neat cannons exploded on the sea. The five battleships locked the position of the light cruiser. In a moment, the cannonballs arrived.

Even if the light cruiser wanted to avoid it at that time, it was already unable to avoid it. After the ship's mother took several rounds of shells, its own protection had been severely damaged.

"Royal Camp Commander Hepburn, the light cruiser Edinburgh is out." Xianghe's gentle voice resounded through everyone's communicators.

Edinburgh, which was attacked by five battleship girls, could only show a helpless look, and then quickly left the fighting position.

"Bearing 171, distance 19 kilometers, locking one destroyer." However, this little result would definitely not satisfy Helena, so she immediately accurately locked the position of another destroyer and reported the position to the back. Battleship girl moving forward.

As a result, the destroyer that was exchanging fire with Prince Eugen and others of the vanguard fleet was accurately hit by the artillery shell and was forced to withdraw from the exercise.

However, the enemy's second round of battleship bombardment also followed. Because the distance was very close, and due to the engagement, there was not much time for Qin Ge's ship girls to predict their position.

Qin Ge's fleet also began to be hit by bullets. However, due to the shield released by Glory and the shield released by Joan of Arc, although some ship girls were bombarded by battleships, they barely survived. Come down.

At this time, the unicorn standing with Guanghui saw this situation, held Yu-chan in his arms, and stretched out his hand towards the vanguard ship girl in the distance.

"This time it's the unicorn's turn to help my brother...I will try my best!"

A green light burst out from the unicorn's hand and quickly jumped towards the vanguard fleet girls. Just when the light enveloped the ship girls of the vanguard fleet, the wounds they had suffered were visible to the naked eye, and they were recovering.

Unicorn's skills are support skills similar to Radiance, but unlike Radiance which shields the ship girls, Unicorn's skills are mainly for emergency repairs.

So along with the Unicorn's emergency repairs, Prince Eugen had already charged in front of the opponent's fleet. With the carrier-based aircraft arriving again, Prince Eugen charged in with a cruel smile on his lips.

Like a sharp knife, she quickly led the vanguard ship girls of Qin Ge's fleet and cut through the formation of the combined fleet and ship girls.

At this moment, the ship girls of the combined fleet were suddenly in chaos. The ship girls on the other two sides wanted to assist the ship girls in their own formation to attack, but they did not dare to fire because they were too close.

But if they don't fire, it will only make Qin Ge's pioneer ship girls more unscrupulous, so for a while, everyone is in a dilemma...

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