My ship girl, my world

Chapter 310 Victory

However, Qin Ge's ship girl would not give them so much time to react. Since the tactics of cutting and dividing were implemented, such quick response was necessary.

While the ship girls were waiting for instructions from their commanders, Qin Ge's vanguard ship girls were already controlling the air with the carrier-based aircraft group, tearing apart the enemy's line like a sharp knife.

Amidst the roar of firecrackers, 1 to 2 ship girls fell down in each salvo. However, due to the opponent's unorganized shooting, the damage points were concentrated in less than one point.

So although it seems that the ship girls in the opposing camp are all firing, the effective damage caused is actually very little.

And just in the midst of this chaos, five torpedoes suddenly exploded at the feet of the ship girl standing on the periphery. And such a secret injury caused the destroyer girl on the edge to be directly sentenced to sinking.

In the stands, Washington looked away, "It's over, the next battle will be a massacre."

"Yes, the defensive formation was torn apart, allowing the enemy to cut directly in from the middle. Moreover, the camp team was originally formed temporarily, and there was no possibility of close cooperation.

He is indeed a master tactician, this move is really cruel. North Carolina said with a wink.

"But this is good, let them know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Only after bringing this information back to their own camp can the commanders of their own camp pay attention to the cultivation of tactics and mutual cooperation.

Instead of simply pursuing the rarity of the ship girl and the strength of the ship girl. "Cleveland nodded.

"Actually, I'm thinking about a question now. If Commander Qin Ge is not commanding his own ship girls, but us awakened ship girls, how big of a scene can we handle?" North Carolina said suddenly.

Washington, Cleveland and others were silent for a while. After a while, Cleveland said, "I don't know, but I think that scene will be very surprising."

"This is leadership. A good commander can turn a disadvantage into an advantage, and a stupid commander can turn an advantage into a disadvantage." Washington said.

"But it's unrealistic to say this now. Let's talk about something more practical."

"Then have you ever thought that if you give Commander Qin Ge the Mind Cube we are going to discuss this time, will that mean he will be freed from Donghuang?

After all, this is something unified by the nine camps. If he breaks away from the Donghuang camp, will this matter become possible? " North Carolina said.

"Have you decided? You have to know that the top management of White Eagle will not agree to this." Washington said, looking at his sister.

"We are the envoys sent to Chongying this time. What's more, do you think that in the current situation, we have other candidates?

It is estimated that other camps have similar ideas to ours, and Donghuang and our White Eagle are not hostile forces. There has never been any hatred, unlike Iron Blood and the Royal Family.

Besides, do you think she would disagree with the company’s temper? " North Carolina said.

"..." Washington thought for a while and nodded to his sister, "But we, White Eagle, cannot be the first to express our stance. At least we have to wait until everyone else has expressed their stance. Then we will follow the crowd, otherwise it will be difficult to explain when we go back. "

"Of course." North Carolina nodded, then smiled and looked at the sea again.

At this time, the battle on the sea is the most intense, or perhaps it is also the time of hand-to-hand combat at the closest distance.

After the combined fleet was dispersed through charge and air superiority, the ship girls of Qin Ge's fleet began a roll call strategy.

That is to say, focus on the same target and kill them one by one. During this period, Helena's mouth never stopped, and she kept using radar to detect the distance and direction of each ship girl.

Report this information to all the ship girls in the fleet, and then deal with the ship girls targeted by this information one by one.

The ruthlessness of war was also fully exposed at this moment. Because they were all first-year students, some of the ship girls did not have much training, unlike most of Qin Ge's side who had a certain level of training.

Therefore, this chaotic situation did not last long and was ended like this.

When the last aircraft carrier girl was severely damaged by the aircraft bombs of the fleet, this time the melee finally came to an end.

Xianghe's gentle voice appeared in the communicator, "This melee exercise is over, and the commander currently staying on the field is Commander Qin Ge from the Donghuang camp."

"Victory! We have won!" After hearing this voice, the most energetic Javelin stopped being alert and almost jumped up from the sea.

"Commander is really awesome." Aurora said with a smile.

"Well, it is Joan of Arc's honor to be the sword in the commander's hand." Joan of Arc nodded and smiled.

Listening to the excited voices of various ship girls coming from the communication device, Qin Ge, who was standing on the edge of the dock, smiled slightly, picked up the intercom and said, "Although your compliments make me very happy, and I also know that it is not time to disturb your celebration. When you win.

But you should be back now, after all, there are people on the podium. "

"Yes!" A group of ship girls were neatly present. He said in the communication device, and then rowed in a neat formation, rowing towards Qin Ge on the shore with a victor's attitude.

Compared with the excitement of the ship girls on Qin Ge's side, the ship girls in other camps were a little sad and lost. Although they had worked very hard, the tactical gap left them with no chance to resist.

Similarly, the commanders of several major camps standing by the docks on the shore were also a little disappointed. They did not expect that all the commanders from the major camps would be unable to shake Qin Ge.

And they also understood after this time that naval battles are not a time to compete on paper capabilities. The cooperation of various ship types and the execution of tactics play a decisive role in a battle.

However, there is only one winner in this melee, and it is not them.

Not long after, all Qin Ge's ship girls slid to the edge of the dock and jumped on. Qin Ge, who was standing on the shore, opened his arms and hugged the returning ship girls one by one.

This kind of welcome ceremony has gradually become a daily routine, so the ship girls of Qin Ge's fleet will not talk about who is the MVP in a battle.

According to Qin Ge's words, every ship girl put in her own efforts in a battle. Because the ship types are different, they have different responsibilities, but one thing is the same, and that is the mood to fight bravely.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." After hugging each ship girl, Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Thank you, Commander!"

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