My ship girl, my world

Chapter 311 The game is over

After the commanders of the major camps gathered with their own camp leaders, everyone came to the place where they had gathered before.

At this time, the host of Shige Sakura has changed from Hiei to Nagato, because the three rounds of competition have been completed, and it is time to finally announce the results. Therefore, as Shige Sakura's flagship, Nagato should be present.

I saw Nagato walking to the center of several major camps and speaking in a soft but majestic voice.

“This drill competition for the student commanders of the nine major camp commander academies has ended, and all the commanders have given us a wonderful competition.

Among them, Commander Qin Ge from the Donghuang camp performed most outstandingly. With perfect scores in the three rounds, he undoubtedly won the championship.

Of course, other commanders also performed very well, but there must be a winner in the game, so now let us invite Commander Qin Ge from the Donghuang camp and his ship girls to the stage with applause. , accept the honor of this championship. "

Along with Nagato's voice, applause began to ring. Needless to say, the top management of the nine major camps, because now Qin Ge has won the championship, and his potential is endless, being able to build a good relationship is naturally the top priority.

Furthermore, the commanders of other camps were also beaten to their core in the final melee. Qin Ge and his ship girl's strong strength and excellent tactical cooperation achieved an unquestionable victory.

Qin Ge smiled, and together with his ship girl, walked out of the Donghuang camp and walked towards the long gate in the center.

After arriving at the center, Nagato looked at Soviet Rosia from the Northern United Camp and said, "Now I would like to invite Soviet Rosia from the Northern United Camp to present the award to the champion."

Soviet Rosia nodded, then walked out of the Northern United Camp and came to Qin Ge.

"Well done. Although you are not the commander of our Northern Alliance, your strength deserves recognition.

Moreover, our Northern Alliance also has a good relationship with Donghuang, and Aurora is also in your Donghuang. I hope that our two camps can have more contact in the future, and Commander Qin Ge can also come to our Northern Alliance as a guest in the future. "Soviet Rosia said to Qin Ge with a smile.

"Thank you very much for your appreciation, Mr. Soviet Rosia. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely go to Northern United to take a look." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Then we will definitely greet you when the time comes." Soviet Rosia said with a smile, and then took out a box from his ship's installation space and handed it to Qin Ge.

"What is contained here is the data core of the ship exercise data. Give it to the scientific researchers in your camp and the results will be obtained soon."

Qin Ge looked at the small box in front of him and nodded seriously. His initial mission this time was the ship exercise data, and the moment he obtained this data, he had completed the mission. As for the gains or losses in the future, let's wait until later.

Taking the box with both hands, Qin Ge said to Soviet Rosia, "I am very grateful to the Northern United for the gift. We will definitely play its role."

"Yes." Soviet Rosia nodded, then turned around and walked towards his camp.

Qin Ge also nodded with Nagato and walked back to his Donghuang camp with the box.

"This competition has ended successfully. Starting tomorrow, the next stage of the meeting of the nine major camps will begin. At that time, someone will inform you that we are here today, and please go back to the hotel to rest."

After Nagato finished speaking, he walked off the stage, and the other camps naturally walked out of the training ground under the leadership of Shige Sakura Kanji.

While Qin Ge was on the road, he handed the box in his hand to Anshan. Anshan nodded after receiving the box, and then immediately installed it into his ship's installation space.

"Well done, Commander Qin Ge, when you return this time, the Donghuang General Headquarters will definitely reward you accordingly." Anshan said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "As a member of the Donghuang camp, I am lucky to be able to contribute a little bit to the camp, so it is okay without rewards."

"That's not possible." Anshan said with a smile, "If the other camps knew that we didn't give any rewards to the heroes, then they would laugh.

And you don’t know that your current existence has already turned red and purple to the eyes of the other eight major camps. "

Qin Ge touched his nose and said, "Haha, although it's nice to be a hottie, it's not necessary if your eyes are red and purple."

After listening to Qin Ge's words, the rest of the people in Donghuang laughed. This may also be a burden of being famous.

So everyone walked back to the location of Donghuang Hotel while laughing all the way.

After returning to the hotel, perhaps because they had already received the order, the local hotel in Chongying had already prepared a banquet for everyone in Donghuang, which saved them from the preparations for Qin Ge's victory in Anshan.

"Come, let's have a drink together today so that Qin Ge can win the championship." The Prince of Wales raised his glass and said to Qin Ge, Anshan and Qin Ge's shipmates.

"Thank you, Dean." Qin Ge quickly stood up and said to the Prince of Wales.

Then he drank the wine all at once and said with a smile, "I have to thank the dean for all this. If you hadn't allowed me to come to the Commander Academy, then I might not be where I am today."

The Prince of Wales said with some nostalgia, "Time flies so fast. Before, you still didn't understand anything... But now you can represent a camp and win the final victory.

And from today on, you can also proudly say that among your peers, you are the most outstanding commander in the world. I believe that you will not stand still in the future.

Many years later, when I look back on the past, I will feel grateful for my decision. "

"Haha, today is not the time to recall the past, we have to look forward to the future." Guanghui said with a smile.

"But we are just a small group. The real big group meeting of the nine major camps will start tomorrow, right?" Qin Ge looked at Anshan and asked.

"Yes, the mental unit information and the special mental Rubik's Cube are the main focus of this meeting." Anshan nodded.

"But you don't have to worry. Through Commander Qin Ge's wonderful performance, I believe you will become the first priority."

Qin Ge touched his chin, "Actually, there is no problem on my side, but I just don't know what the mind cube can summon in the end. Is it a ship girl or a siren?"

"I don't know, because Northern United has revealed very little information now. It is estimated that tomorrow will be the time to really reveal the information." Anshan said.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded.

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