My ship girl, my world

Chapter 312 Plan

After the celebration banquet ended, all the ship girls and Qin Ge also took a rest early.

After all, there were five consecutive drills today, which made most of the ship girls a little tired. Qin Ge himself, too, finally completed the task, relaxed all his tense nerves, and felt a little tired.

After a speechless night, when dawn came on the second day, Xianghe and Zuihe came to the hotel. They came this time under Nagato's order to invite the top leaders of the Donghuang camp to attend the meeting of the nine major camps.

However, Qin Ge was unexpectedly included in the invitation list.

"Why is it my turn to invite the nine major camps this time? Didn't Donghuang have Anshan and Changchun there?" Qin Ge said to Xianghe.

"Because Lord Nagato said that the Donghuang side is the winner of this competition, so when inviting Anshan and Changchun, I also want to invite you, Commander Qin Ge." Xianghe said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded. Since it was Nagato's order, he had to go.

"If that's the case, then I'll go with you." Qin Ge nodded.

"Commander, let me go with you so that I can take care of you." Guanghui walked to Qin Ge's side and said.

"Don't worry. When Commander Qin Ge gets there, there will be people from Donghuang with him. Moreover, this is a meeting of the nine major camps, and some relatively confidential things will be discussed inside, so you don't want to go. , the more people there, the worse it will be." Xianghe said to Guanghui and the others.

When he heard this, Qin Ge nodded. Indeed, when discussing some confidential matters, there will definitely not be too many people stopping there.

And there is a high probability that he went there this time because those things were related to him, so it would be bad if more people went.

"Guanghui, you guys just wait in the hotel. I believe that under the protection of the dean and Lord Anshan, I will be fine.

When I come back, we can discuss it together. "Qin Ge said to his ship girls.

Anshan on the side also nodded, "Don't worry, since Commander Qin Ge represents our Donghuang camp to participate in these competitions, then naturally there will be no problem with his safety."

"Okay, commander, please pay more attention and contact us in time if anything happens." Seeing that the matter has come to this, Guanghui and the others naturally cannot force it, so they have to give up.

So, Qin Ge followed Anshan and the Prince of Wales to the gathering place of the nine camps.

When a few people arrived, they found that everyone else here had already arrived, and all the people who arrived were the main high-level ones. Among them, Anshan and Changchun were the only destroyers.

The venue is set up in a hall, and there is a large round table. There are 9 chairs next to the round table, and behind each chair there are a few scattered chairs.

Eight of the chairs are already occupied by people, namely Akagi from the Sakura camp, Washington from the White Eagle camp, Soviet Union from the Northern United States, George V from the Royal family, Littorio from the Sardinian Empire, and Liberty. Joan of Arc of Iris, Algeria of Vichy, Iron-blooded Prince Eugen.

When everyone from Donghuang arrived, people from several camps looked over and then nodded as a greeting. Afterwards, Anshan sat on the seat in front of Na Donghuang, while Qin Ge and others sat in the back.

"Now that Donghuang has arrived, the agreement meeting between our nine major camps will now officially begin." Akagi said to everyone when he saw everyone in Donghuang sitting down.

"Through the commander's competition exercises before, we have determined the ownership of the ship exercise data, and now this is the mental unit and the mysterious mental Rubik's Cube.

But before that, I want to ask Northern United, what is the illusory city you mentioned in the information you gave us before? "

Everyone's eyes were turned to the Soviet Union of the Northern United States. Soviet Rosia took out a device from the ship's installation space, opened it, and placed it in the middle of the round table.

In an instant, a phantom emitting blue light appeared on the round table, and that phantom clearly looked like a city.

"This is what we found in the "Secret Room", what the city looked like." Suelosia said to everyone.

Everyone looked at the blue light and shadow city in the picture in shock for a moment, because it definitely did not belong to this world. This world does not have such complex buildings.

Qin Ge also looked at the phantom city and shook his head. This was not what his original world looked like. It seemed that it might have something to do with the sirens.

"And it was in this city that we discovered what we told you before." Sovietrosia said.

"Who knows if you are hiding anything?" Prince Eugen smiled slightly.

Soviet Rosia's eyes flickered, "We, the Northern Alliance, are not your iron-blooded people. As long as we are ready to make it public, we will make no reservations."

"Ahem, let's get back to the topic." Seeing the two camps starting to quarrel, George V coughed quickly and said to everyone.

"I have a question now, and that is about the mysterious mind cube." Algeria said, "Whose mind cube is it or what can be summoned from it? Is it a siren or a ship girl? Or something else. ?”

When Algeria finished asking the question, everyone in the other camps nodded because they still knew nothing about the mysterious Rubik's Cube.

"The information we found there shows that this is something like a project ship." Sovietrosia said.

"You also know that each of us ship girls has our own establishment, which is the memory associated with awakening. This memory represents our service experience and past and present lives, so each of us has a prototype ship Yes, it can be traced in history.

However, before we were born, there were many plans and many other plans. But these plans have been rejected for some reasons. So now, since we ship girls can exist in the world, can these plans also exist in the world? "

When Soviet Rosia said this, the senior leaders of several major camps frowned. George V said to Soviet Rosia, "In other words, is it possible that the ship girls born in these mind cubes are our previously abandoned project ships?"

"It's not possible, but it is indeed like this." Soviet Rosia said, "In fact, at the very beginning, we had summoned Akashi and asked her to personally identify this kind of mind cube, and the result was that I Just like what I said."

"Project ship? If that's the case, that would be interesting." Prince Eugen whispered, "Then who is the plan ship in your hand?"

Soviet Rosia paused and slowly opened her mouth...

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