My ship girl, my world

Chapter 347 Grand Fleet Mission

As Qin Ge said, he took this day off just to let the members of his fleet adjust their mentality.

For himself, the pressure brought by the Siren Fleet was far less oppressive than the one he participated in in the battle of Chongying United Fleet against the Purifiers in Chongying.

And as the iron-blooded Scharnhorst said, no one in the nine major camps wants him to die now. Even if Qin Ge commits suicide, they will save him.

Because of this, Qin Ge was not worried about his own safety at all, and naturally everything went as usual. However, facing a rare opportunity to rest, he stopped all the work he was doing and spent an afternoon playing with the ship girls.

When the sun gradually rose the next day, he took the ship girls out of the guest house and came to the front of the school's warehouse.

At this time, in front of the school's warehouse, Li Chenming and others were already standing there with their own girls, looking majestic and heroic in the morning sun.

"You guys came so early." Qin Ge walked up to everyone and said with a smile, "It looks like everyone is here. I thought some people were ready to retreat."

Li Chenming smiled slightly, "When I became the commander, I had already anticipated that such a day would come, so I would have to face it sooner or later.

Now that so many of us can face it together under the leadership of the commander, what else is there to be afraid of? "

"The deputy commander is right. Although I am a girl, when I took the oath, my voice was no softer than those of the boys." Wang Yueqin said.

"The juniors who are sophomores are already like this, so how can we, the seniors of graduates, shrink back?" Zhang Shaocheng said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "Then I won't say much else. Let's go to Ninghai to receive the mission. Starting today, the Star Sea Fleet will set sail!"


The loud sound resounded throughout the entire warehouse area. Some students passing by were a little surprised to see this scene, but most of them just stayed in place, watching from a distance and no one came close.

After all, there are some well-informed people among them who have been in the academy for so long and know that there is a large fleet composed of students in the academy, and the commander of this large fleet is their tactical instructor.

They gathered here today, obviously for the Siren Tide that has arrived. Facing these brave and fearless seniors, they only have admiration and admiration in their hearts.

However, Qin Ge and the others obviously did not stay outside the warehouse for long, as a group of people entered the warehouse one after another. At this time, Ning Hai was standing in front of the warehouse management desk as meticulously as usual.

"Commander Qin Ge, it seems that you are here to receive the mission." The arrival of Qin Ge and others attracted Ning Hai's attention. Ning Hai looked at the large group of people and said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "I believe Dean Prince of Wales has already told you, right?"

"Yes, I already said it yesterday morning." Ning Hai nodded, "Originally, I thought you would come over yesterday afternoon to take over the task, but it seems that I was a little wrong."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "After all, I am not the only one responsible for this mission. I have to give them some time to prepare."

Ning Hai looked at the commanders behind Qin Ge and couldn't help but nodded, "I understand, so now I will convey the current mission to you."

After Ning Hai finished speaking, he took out a tablet-like device from the counter, quickly clicked on it a few times, and handed it to Qin Ge.

"These are all the current large fleet tasks. They are sent from the Maritime Safety Administration's terminal and are synchronized with the Maritime Safety Administration's task list. After you select it here, I will register it, and then it can be synchronized to the Maritime Safety Administration. It's over." Ning Hai explained after watching Qin Ge take over the device.

Qin Ge nodded and started looking at the device without saying much.

"Maintenance of the waterway, cleaning up marine debris in the coastal waters of the target port, keeping the waterway smooth, and rewarding 500 combat supply voucher points and 5,000 units of supplies."

"Port defense, assist the port guard fleet in destroying the incoming Siren fleet and protect port security. Reward 2000 points of combat supply vouchers, 5 points of special exchange vouchers, and random T3 ship parts."

"Material recovery, go to the target sea area to recover scattered resources, and be rewarded with 1,000 combat supply voucher points and several emergency repair components."

"Material salvage, go to the target sea area to salvage silent resources, and be rewarded with 1,000 testimony subsidy points and several oil supply boxes."

"Siren annihilation, go to the target sea area and annihilate the Siren elite fleet in the sea area. You will be rewarded with a special redemption voucher of 20 points, and then some T3 ship parts."

"Merchant ship escort, go to the target sea area to clean up enemies and ensure the safety of merchant ships. You will be rewarded with 2,000 points of combat supply vouchers, 5 points of special redemption vouchers, and an emergency repair box."

"Siren cleanup, go to the target sea area, clean up the Siren fleet in the sea area, and reward 10 points of special exchange vouchers and 1,000 points of combat supply vouchers."


Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded when he saw these tasks and rewards. He had already learned from Guanghui about the special exchange vouchers and combat supply vouchers that appeared inside.

The so-called combat supply voucher is a point voucher used by the large fleet. These points can be used to exchange for some supplies, oil, ship equipment and other resource supplies at the Maritime Safety Bureau and frontline supply points.

As for the special redemption voucher, this is a unique way of points that appears during the Siren Tide or in difficult frontline missions.

Using special exchange vouchers, you can exchange for some top equipment from this camp or other camps, or some research and development materials, which are the best things after Hong Jianjian.

"It seems that these tasks are just like personal tasks, some are easy and some are difficult." Qin Ge said.

"Naturally, every mission cannot be very difficult. There are always some large fleets that are not too strong. If they are asked to take on a mission that directly confronts the Sirens, they will undoubtedly die.

So some of these missions are difficult and some are easy. Commander Qin Ge, according to the strength of your fleet, I suggest you take the easy ones, so that they can get used to them before trying to take on the more difficult ones. task. "Ning Hai suggested to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "That's what I meant, so the task I took on this time was material recovery."

"Are the materials recycled?" Ning Hai nodded and took the device that Qin Ge handed to him, "I will register it for you right away, and I want to remind you something here.

Although material recovery is a very simple task, it is not ruled out that there are some fish that have slipped through the net and the remaining Siren mass-produced warships exist, so it is better not to take it lightly. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Thank you so much Ning Hai!"

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