My ship girl, my world

Chapter 348 Departure

When Qin Ge led everyone and the ship girl to leave the warehouse, Li Chenming asked Qin Ge, "Commander, what is the erosion level of our target sea area this time?"

Qin Ge replied, "The erosion level of our target sea area this time was originally Level 2, but according to the option to increase the level of all eroded sea areas by one level during the Siren Tide, the erosion level of the target sea area this time is Level 3.

So you should keep your spirits up. If a siren fleet appears in this mission, their training level will definitely be above level 45. "

"Understood!" Li Chenming and others said quickly. The hearts that had just been relieved after hearing that it was a simple task in the warehouse were now filled with anxiety again.

Qin Ge could also see the tension in their eyes, so he comforted them, "You don't have to be so nervous. As long as you carefully implement what we trained before, you will have no problem dealing with the remaining Siren mass-produced warships."

"I know, but it's the first time I step onto such a large battlefield. It's inevitable that I'll be a little nervous." Wu Hao said quickly.

"Haha, what's the matter? We will be men on the front line in the future. If this small scene is tense, it will be very fatal in the future." Zhang Xiaotian said.

"Hey, you kid can see clearly." Li Chenming smiled, "Okay, this time we can just follow the commander closely. Eat the food one bite at a time and walk the road step by step."


While laughing and chatting, the previous tension seemed to be dissipated by this atmosphere. When Qin Ge saw this scene, he also smiled slightly and quickened his pace as he moved forward.

When they arrived at the academy pier, they found that Hao He from the royal family was already standing here waiting.

"Hey, are you two royals setting off together today?" Qin Ge looked at the two of them and asked in confusion.

"Yes, after all, Donghuang is now in the Siren Tide stage, so it is safer for the two of them." Hao said to Qin Ge.

"That's really troublesome for you." Qin Ge smiled.

"The responsibility lies, and we also want to witness the growth of Commander Qin Ge." Hao smiled, "I wonder what mission your fleet has taken on this time?"

"A relatively simple task, material recovery, just go to the designated sea area to recover materials." Qin Ge said.

"Haha, I thought you would choose to challenge the Siren Fleet as soon as you came up. I didn't expect you to be more conservative." Hao smiled.

Qin Ge grinned, "If I were alone, I might choose to challenge the Siren Fleet as soon as I come up, but I am not alone now, I still have my brothers."

Hao glanced at Li Chenming and the others, smiled and nodded, "Well, as a leader, you do have to worry about many things, just like Her Majesty the Queen and Sister George V."

"Then let's set off. The target sea area this time is still a bit far from the academy. It will probably take more than half a day to get there by boat. Plus the time required for the mission, it is estimated that it will be almost late at night when we come back again." Qin Song said.

"Yeah." Hao nodded.

So Qin Ge took the members of the general on board the command ship and rushed towards the target sea area together. Hao was naturally on Qin Ge's command ship.

But speaking of command ships, because several people in the large fleet have graduated, they have received their own exclusive command ships. Those who have not received their own command ship will naturally use the school's public command ship.

Qin Ge is the kind of person who can use a public command ship, but the Prince of Wales had considered that people from the eight major camps would follow Qin Ge on missions in the future, so he had already arranged to give him his own command ship.

And that command ship is relatively large. It will definitely appear smaller compared to the luxurious command ship in the academy, but it is much larger than the exclusive command ship of an average commander.

There are a total of 10 rooms on this command ship, which are also divided into upper and lower floors. There is a relatively large living room, and everyone is in the living room at this time.

"Commander, the end position has been set, and now it is entering the automatic cruise mode." After setting the location, Hiei reported to Qin Gehui.

Qin Ge nodded. He looked past his ship's wife and looked out from the window of the command ship. He saw about a dozen command ships following his command ship. The scene was quite spectacular for a while.

"Turn on the shipboard radar on the command ship and always pay attention to the situation nearby. If the Siren fleet appears, we will annihilate it." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Yes." Helena nodded, walked to the radar area she was responsible for, and turned on the radar of the entire ship.

Originally, the radar on the command ship had a certain search distance, but the radar on the command ship assigned to Qin Ge by the Prince of Wales was the latest scientific research result of Donghuang.

The distance it can monitor is very long, and its accuracy is much better than the radar on ordinary command ships.

In fact, this can be regarded as a kind of deterrence for Donghuang, because Qin Ge is not only followed by his ship girls, but also ship girls from the eight major camps. Donghuang would not miss this opportunity to show off his muscles in front of the eight major camps.

It was precisely because of the existence of this radar that Qin Ge asked all the command ships to follow him instead of sending ship girls to escort.

"I smell gunpowder smoke. It seems that there is a battle going on not far away." Bismarck said while standing next to the command ship's console and staring ahead.

"Yes, there is a battle breaking out about fifty kilometers away from our direction 43." Helena said to Qin Ge, "Commander, should we go over for reinforcements?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, this is a sea area with erosion level 2, so the enemies encountered will not be too strong. I believe they can handle it.

We still have tasks to complete, so we aim to complete them first. Besides, we only have the strength of a large fleet, and it is still during the Siren Tide, so the chances of encountering such things will increase.

We cannot save everyone by relying on our strength alone. We can only do our job well and try our best to make our own contribution in this war. "

Helena nodded. Although there was a hint of unwillingness in her eyes, she still obeyed Qin Ge's order.

Now she is no longer the sad girl before, nor the girl who shouted for help every day, although she still has compassion for the weak.

But following Qin Ge for so long, I already know the price of victory. So she must act according to the orders of her commander, so that she can achieve more victories and save more people...

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are a lot of things going on at home this year, so updates will become unstable. I hope everyone can understand.

It will become stable again in the next year, thank you.

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