My ship girl, my world

Chapter 356 Encountering the Enemy

"Li Chenming, Zhang Xiaotian, Wu Hao, Zhang Shaocheng, Chen Baijun... the five of you are divided into three groups, and then start patrolling in the sea area.

If a mass-produced siren is discovered, report it to the command ship through the communication device in a timely manner. After my judgment, I will decide whether to fight the siren.

If you find a Siren fleet larger than a small fleet, retreat immediately and report it on the way. I will arrange for an aircraft carrier to assist you in patrolling. "


A neat response appeared in the cabin of the command ship. Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded, and then disconnected the communicator.

Qin Ge and the others are already in the sea area protected by the caravan at this time. What they want to keep is that there will be no Siren mass-produced warships or Siren mass-produced fleets in this sea area.

Only in this way can the safety of the waterway within this sea area be maintained and the mission completed.

"Commander, how should we arrange it?" Veneto asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge said, "We went to the center of the sea area, and then sent the aircraft carrier to release carrier-based aircraft around the command ship to patrol the entire sea area.

And I found that in the chart, this sea area is a long and narrow sea area, and it is closely adjacent to the sea area with an erosion level of level 3, so if the Siren fleet is discovered, be ready to provide support to the target location at any time. "

"Yes." Veneto nodded and gave up the idea of ​​going to the sea now.

As the command ship continued to sail towards the center of the sea, Qin Ge stood in the command cabin of the command ship, looking at the endless sea, thinking about the situation of encountering the enemy in his mind.

The other ship girls are also ready to go, ready to obey Qin Ge's order and enter the sea.

After Qin Ge brought the ship girls to the center of the sea area, he divided all the ship girls into three teams according to the number of aircraft carriers, and went into the water to prepare for patrols and combat operations as they were on duty.

Perhaps it was the sea area that was taken over from another third-level fleet, so Qin Ge and the people in the fleet did not see any trace of the sirens for the whole afternoon.

However, several merchant ships passed by during this period, and Qin Ge always arranged a group of five people to escort the merchant ships through.

But even in this situation, Qin Ge did not relax his vigilance. Because his previous war experience told him that the most dangerous time is always the next second. But everything seems calm now, but it is just the calm before the storm.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, when the afterglow of the setting sun gradually enveloped the sea, Wu Hao's voice came from the communicator on the command ship where Qin Ge was located.

"Report to the Commander, a large siren fleet is located in the northeast of the sea area at position 153!"

Immediately afterwards, Bumblebee's voice came from Qin Ge's communicator.

"Report to Commander, I have detected a large siren fleet in the northeast of the sea area at position 153, and siren humanoid units and fallen ship girls have appeared. Please send a fleet to support immediately."

When these two voices appeared on the command ship, Qin Ge's eyes became sharp as he was chatting and laughing with the ship's wife.

He quickly stood up from the sofa, walked quickly to the command ship's console, picked up the communication device and said, "Wu Hao, you guys retreat quickly, ensure your own safety first, don't do anything meaningless. move.

I will immediately arrange for the aircraft carrier to conduct airspace detection. In addition, you will notify others to come to the center to assemble the fleet and prepare for the encounter. "

Wu Hao's voice appeared in the communicator, "Yes, Commander, we are not going up now, we are just observing from a distance, but the other party should also have an aircraft carrier, so now we are covering the retreat."

"Copy that!" Qin Ge said immediately, and then he picked up the communicator on his body, "Hornet, you and Lexington's carrier-based aircraft conduct long-distance reconnaissance, and at the same time retreat to the center to assemble with the fleet. , prepare for an encounter.”

"Yes, Commander!" Bumblebee said.

After hanging up the communicators on both sides, Qin Ge turned and looked at the ship girls approaching him, as well as Akagi and Kaga who were still sitting leisurely on the sofa.

"Everyone immediately enters a state of combat readiness. The aircraft carrier, destroyer and cruiser are launched immediately. The escort aircraft carrier releases carrier-based aircraft and quickly joins Hornet and the others to seize air superiority!

The others will join me in heading northeast to meet up with Li Chenming and others to assemble the fleet and prepare for battle! "

Qin Ge's orders were very concise, and the ship girls' responses were also very fast. Without saying too many words, he immediately started executing the orders.

Watching the ship girls launching into the water one after another and wrapping up the command ship and aircraft carrier girls in a wheel formation, Hiei walked to the console, activated the command ship, and then sailed towards the 153 position together.

As the carrier-based aircraft roared, several aircraft carrier ladies also launched the carrier-based aircraft into the air. After gathering into a carrier-based aircraft group, they quickly rushed towards the 153 direction.

After traveling for less than 20 minutes, Qin Ge's fleet met the fleet of Li Chenming and others. After honking horns to signal each other, Li Chenming's fleet quickly merged into Qin Ge's fleet group.

Not long after Li Chenming and others joined the fleet group, Qin Ge and others also encountered the patrol fleet of Bumblebee and others, as well as the fleet group that Wu Hao had withdrawn from.

After all returned to the team, the aircraft carrier girls also began to compete with the opponent's aircraft carrier for air supremacy.

The roars of carrier-based aircraft gathered in the sky, and barrages of fire continued to appear in the sky. From time to time, a carrier-based aircraft flashed with flames and fell into the sea below.

However, the Qin Ge Ship Girl's training still has the upper hand over this Siren fleet, so even though the number of carrier-based aircraft is smaller than the opponent's, it still has an advantage in the fight for air supremacy. .

Just when the battle for air supremacy was coming to an end, Qin Ge's command ship was less than 40 nautical miles away from the opponent's fleet.

All the ship girls gathered into a fleet group under the orders of Qin Ge and other commanders, and rushed towards the siren fleet with great momentum.

As the distance between the two fleets got closer and closer, accompanied by the bloody setting sun, the sound of wind on the sea disappeared without a trace.

On the deck of Qin Ge's command ship, two figures stood on the bow, watching the scene of the upcoming firefight.

"Kaga, what do you think?" Akagi said calmly.

"The fight of the weak." Kagami looked forward, without any emotion in his tone.

"Haha, maybe we are standing too high, so battles like this no longer interest us." Akagi smiled, not caring at all.

"Jiahe, please remember that we came here like this before, but do you feel that Qin Ge's ship girl has grown up a little too fast?"

Kagami's eyes narrowed, and then he nodded, "Especially Guanghui..."

"Haha, it seems you have discovered it too." Akagi looked into the distance and couldn't help but smile.

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