My ship girl, my world

Chapter 357 Unexpected Information

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of huge shelling resounded throughout the entire sea area, and thick smoke rose from the sea. Under the smoke was the Siren mass-produced warship that was slowly pouring over with flames all over its body.

"Prince Eugen, control has been taken, and we can charge to divide the battlefield!"

Glory, as the commander-in-chief of the aircraft carrier fleet, spoke to Prince Eugen who was doing defensive counterattack in front through the communication system between the ship girls.

"I thought it would take you a while, but I didn't expect that you were not at a disadvantage when facing the opponent's six aircraft carriers." Prince Eugen said while looking at the Siren fleet in front of him.

Although she was talking to Guanghui, the movements of her hands did not stop. After deftly dodging the opponent's cannonballs, he fired a few more cannonballs from the ship's muzzle at the target in front of him.

"We will definitely complete the mission assigned by the commander with all our strength. And now is not the time to talk about this. Now that air superiority has been ensured, it is your vanguard fleet's turn to start exerting its strength!" Guanghui said.

"Don't worry, this kind of charge has been carried out many times. Even if there are Siren humanoid units this time, the result is still the same." Prince Eugen said.

"Well, it's so glorious. You will lead the aircraft carrier girls to provide air cover. Bismarck and I will lead the battleship girls to provide you with fire support from the rear. We must divide the enemy fleet and encircle and destroy it." Veneto looked into the fleet. the voice said.

"Understood!" Guanghui said directly.

The current general structure of the fleet is that Qin Ge issues overall instructions and is responsible for the overall strategy. Subsequent combat orders were issued in the form of squads, and comprehensive battlefield execution orders were issued by Veneto, Bismarck and Amagi.

For example, right now, to implement the split tactic, Veneto begins to issue orders, the aircraft carrier fleet in charge of Glorious provides cover, the battle fleet in charge of her own provides fire support, and then the vanguard fleet led by Prince Eugen breaks through. cutting.

Of course, the cutting tactic does not mean that all the vanguard fleets are pressed in. The general principle of the execution of the tactics is that Prince Eugen leads several vanguards to break through the ships and cut them, so that the overall firepower of the Siren fleet is dispersed, and the follow-up fleets are pressed in large numbers. , to provide superior firepower coverage.

This time naturally also includes the choice of location and changes in orientation. This tactic has been implemented countless times, so all the ship girls have a very clear reaction to this tactic.

When Prince Eugen began to order an assault in the vanguard's breakthrough fleet, all the ship girl teams began to move to one side. Prepare to concentrate your firepower and destroy the cut-out Siren fleet.

The actions of other commanders' ship girls were also consistent, which was why Qin Ge conducted joint training before.

At some point, Akagi Kaga had returned to the command ship. They looked towards the sea from the window and couldn't help but smile when they saw Prince Eugen and others leaving the formation and charging forward.

"Commander Qin Ge, is this your next plan?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, this should be the result of a joint discussion between the several of them. I will only give them general strategic guidance and tactical arrangements before the war begins.

As for when the battle begins, it is up to them to determine which tactic is most appropriate to execute first. "

"So, now that they have gained control of the air, are they preparing to cut in directly?" Akagi said.

"I don't think so." Qin Ge shook his head, looked at the sea in the distance and said, "I think Prince Eugen's attack this time is not to cut in, but to divide. Cut off the Siren fleet into one piece. , and then the entire fleet will carry out targeted strikes on that area."

"Divide?" Akagi narrowed his eyes, then nodded, "I have learned a lesson."

Chicheng's words aroused Qin Ge's surprise, "Have you not implemented the strategy of division before?"

Akagi shook his head, "I don't know the tactics implemented by those below, but we have never implemented segmentation tactics, because for us, it is usually enough to directly release carrier-based aircraft and destroy the entire enemy fleet.

In the face of absolute strength, any tactics are useless. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Indeed, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, any strategy is useless.

The competition in war is about who is stronger. Tactics are just an auxiliary to war. In the end, swords and guns still have to meet. "

"I didn't expect Commander Qin Ge to have such an awareness. I thought that since you teach strategy and tactics, you would think that tactics come first.

After all, it has always been your tactics shown to the nine major camps. "Akagi said with a smile, and Jiahe on the side also glanced at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled but said nothing. Is it because of my tactics that I am highly valued in front of the nine major camps? Maybe he just discovered his specialty in tactics when he discovered the merits of this miracle man?

Qin Ge's look made Akagi couldn't help but smile. She did not blame Qin Ge for not answering her question, but continued, "I am no longer the leader of Chongying, and I don't care too much about these things. I care more. It’s what miracles you will trigger.”

"Miracles." Qin Ge smiled, "The so-called miracles refer to extraordinary things, but as a simple human being, how can I repeat those extraordinary things?

Regarding the Shinano incident, even though you were not present, you must have learned about what happened at that time from Shokaku Zuikaku, right?

Maybe I didn't have that kind of luck at all at that time, but it was just because of the two Rubik's Cubes that Prince Eugen handed me that there was such a cause and effect. "

"If it were that simple, do you think I would leave everything behind and come to Donghuang?" Akagi said with a smile.

"Things like this before may have happened once as an accident, twice as a coincidence, and three times as a miracle. But Commander Qin Ge, your ship girl is brilliant as a ship girl who has maintained her full training for a long time. As long as no accidents happen, If so, it is possible that he will remain at full level of training throughout his life.

But now, do you know what I saw in her? "Akagi asked.

"What?" Qin Ge said in surprise.

"Trace of awakening." Akagi said with a smile.

"What did you say! Awakening? How is it possible?" If Qin Ge could remain calm before, he was extremely surprised now.

Because based on his understanding for such a long time, he still knows the difference between fully trained ship girls and awakened ship girls.

These two levels of ship girls are basically existences in two dimensions. Although fully trained ship girls are rare, it does not mean that they are not available. There are many of them on the front line or among commanders who have been for a long time.

But the Awakening Ship Girl is the mainstay of a camp!

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