My ship girl, my world

Chapter 358 Change of Conditions

The battlefield ahead is still noisy with artillery fire, but now among the command ships, Qin Ge is already in a state of confusion.

"Do you think our eyesight might be wrong?" Akagi said with a smile.

"But why didn't anyone else tell me?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Because they are all weak!" Kagami said disdainfully.

Qin Ge couldn't help but draw a black line on his brow, but he couldn't find any reason to refute. Because standing in front of him now were two former camp leaders, and Qin Ge's strength was obvious to all.

In the battle against the Purifiers, Akagi and Kaga's strength was definitely the main force of the Juozakura aircraft carrier fleet. Even the rising stars of the Five Air Wars have not reached their level.

And among the special envoys sent now, although they are awakened ship girls from each camp, they are not necessarily the main ship girls of each camp. Moreover, in terms of strength, it is not up to the level of Akagi and Kaga.

"But since Guanghui has shown signs of awakening, why has she never said anything?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Actually speaking, it's possible that she doesn't know that she is about to awaken now." Akagi said with a smile.

"Why?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Awakening is a mysterious and mysterious state. Some people may not be able to meet the requirements of awakening in their lifetime, while some people naturally awaken.

Before awakening, ship girls will not feel any special state, but after a deep awakening, they will notice changes in themselves. "Akagi said.

When Qin Ge heard Akagi say this, he suddenly remembered what Mikasa said to him when he asked Mikasa about it.

"Awakening is a very mysterious state. There is no way to explain it. The situation of reaching level 100 and reaching a breakthrough is just a condition first, and then there will be various opportunities before you can awaken the memory of your previous time as a battleship.

This kind of memory is completely different from the memory given by the previous mind cube. It is the most real and direct memory, as if we do not belong to this world, as if our mission in this world is controlled by others.

Now I have only touched the edge of awakening. Relying on the memories that flashed through my mind, I carved out a battleship model like that. I think that look is the most original look of our ship girls. "

This sentence was what Mikasa said to herself not long after she came to this world. At that time, she discovered the same battleship model as in her previous world.

"Will you recall your experience as a battleship?" Qin Ge asked.

"Oh? Senior Mikasa told you, right?" Akagi smiled.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded. After all, there were not many awakened ship girls with good connections around him, so Akagi could guess it easily.

"Yes, when the memory of oneself as a battleship appears in the memory, it already means that the awakening is in progress. However, the current situation of Guanghui is that it has traces of awakening, but it has not yet awakened.

So it still takes time and opportunity. "When he said this, Akagi paused, "But I think she just needs time, because opportunity is by your side. "

"So what kind of opportunities did you experience when you awakened?" Qin Ge asked.

"This is a secret. If one day you will become our commander, then I may tell you." Akagi smiled mysteriously and said to Qin Ge teasingly.

"Well, Tiancheng said before that you will not join my fleet until there are 10 awakened ship girls in my fleet. Is this true?" Qin Ge said helplessly.

"Haha, of course it is true, Da Qin and Commander, when 10 awakened ship girls appear in your fleet, then you will have the ability to be on par with the nine major camps.

So at this time, with such a commander here, how could we not join? "Akagi said.

"Then don't you think that since I can summon Amagi, what if during the period when I have 10 awakened ship girls, I summon another Akagi and Kaga?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

Akagi and Kaga were stunned for a moment. They had only calculated the conditions for joining Qin Ge's camp, but they had never thought about what would happen if Qin Ge really summoned other ships like themselves.

Because with Qin Ge's luck, it is definitely possible to do such a thing.

"What if I told Commander Qin Ge not to summon the aircraft carrier girls for a period of time?" Chicheng said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge glanced at the red dots on the radar and found that most of the red dots were now gone. So he turned to Akagi and said, "For such a long time, Akagi, you must have known that I am very accustomed to using it." Is it a tactic?

Aircraft carrier girls have always been the core of our fleet, not to mention that we now have 6 aircraft carrier girls. If we expand this number to 10 or 20, do you think we will still be able to fight the Siren? Is it as difficult as it is now? "

Chicheng couldn't help but feel helpless, because Qin Ge was indeed telling the truth. Among his fleet, the most powerful one right now is the aircraft carrier girl, although the battleship girl is not bad either.

"Then how about we discuss it? Why not reduce the number of these 10 to 5, what do you think?" Akagi said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "How about just reducing the number ten to one?"

Chicheng frowned and was about to say something when he saw Qin Ge wave his hand.

"Actually, this condition is not too harsh, because you should also know that among the commander's ship girls, there should be no awakened ship girls, right?

And now there are signs of awakening in Guanghui. As you said, she just lacks time now. And precisely, what I have most now is time.

I think we don’t need to wait many years. It is possible that by the end of my school year, I will become an awakening ship girl. It won’t be beyond the birth of the planned ship at the latest, right?

Therefore, I can promise you that within this period of time, I will not summon any aircraft carrier girls. However, if you are still undecided beyond this period, then I will consider the future development of my fleet. "Qin Ge said to Chicheng.

Akagi raised his hand to rub his forehead and said with a smile, "If it weren't for you having Sister Amagi in your fleet, how could I be so passive?

Tell the truth, did you win, Commander Qin Ge? I agree to your request. After your brilliance is awakened and the plan ship is summoned, I will join your fleet.

But when the time comes, are you confident that you can control me? "

"Ahem..." Qin Ge was helpless.

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