My ship girl, my world

Chapter 359 Tracker

To be honest, Qin Ge was not sure that he could control the two great gods Akagi and Kaga.

After all, these two were Chongyakura's talkers in the past. It would be difficult to control them. But fortunately, he has Tiancheng.

But this is just Qin Ge's inner thought. It is still unknown how much influence Tiancheng can have on these two people. But it is definitely impossible to tell Akagi this now. Let's wait until they enter their fleet and then tell Amagi.

These are just things for later, the most important thing now is to guide the glory. Let her awaken as soon as possible so that Qin Ge can have the strength to gain a firm foothold in this world.

But how to guide it is a question. Qin Ge felt that his head was very big for a moment, because no one had ever said how to guide the ship girl to awaken.

Maybe, stay together more often? Tell Glory something about the Glory armored aircraft carrier in your own world?

Thinking of this, Qin Ge made up his mind to use Guanghui as the experimental target this time. If he could summarize the guiding rules for awakening ship girls from Guanghui.

Then, if your ship girls are fully trained in the future, you can guide them in this way and try to awaken.

And just when Qin Ge had this plan, the battlefield outside had already heated up.

Under the cutting of Prince Eugen, the entire Siren fleet was cut into pieces like a cake. Then, they were eliminated individually by the fleet led by Veneto.

However, the large siren fleet is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Under such a saturated and fierce artillery attack, the vanguard fleet led by Prince Eugen also suffered varying degrees of damage.

When only a quarter of the large fleet was left, Prince Eugen reported the situation to Veneto.

"Our vanguard fleet is no longer able to carry out cutting tactics again. In the team, apart from me, Nodai and now Xiaopo, Aurora and several others are already in the state of mid-break. If we attack again, there is a high possibility of an accident."

Veneto nodded and said in the communicator, "Thank you very much for your contribution to the fleet. Now the Siren fleet opposite is no longer large, so it is time for our large force to attack together."

"Well, then we will return to the flank." Prince Eugen said.

"Understood," Veneto said.

After hearing this, Prince Eugen said to the rest of the vanguard fleet, "Now the fleet on the opposite side has suffered heavy losses, so we no longer need to use cutting tactics. Next, we will return to the flanks of the large fleet and assist them in the attack." .”

Several people in the vanguard fleet couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Although the ship girl can resist the damage of cannonballs, sometimes the body will not feel pain even if the cannonballs explode around them.

But once the state reaches the mid-level, everyone can't help but feel worried. Now that they heard Prince Eugen's instructions, everyone could not help but let out a long sigh of relief and could finally return to safety.

Therefore, Prince Eugen and others took advantage of the cover of the aircraft carrier's aircraft and slowly retreated to the flank. Veneto, on the other hand, commanded all the ship girls to press forward.

At this time, due to several cutting tactics, the central position of the large Siren fleet was finally exposed, and the previously detected Siren humanoid units had also appeared.

She was wearing a sci-fi black and yellow armor, with a machine gun-like ship suit in her hands. She was floating on the sea, like a robot, staring at Veneto, who was overwhelming the army, with orange eyes. et al.

"Tracker." Bismarck looked at the Siren humanoid unit appearing in the distance and accurately called her code name.

"It's not easy to handle." Veneto also frowned.

Amagi behind the two of them smiled and said, "Although the tracker's barrage attack is very powerful, her air defense is very weak, and she is a specialized anti-sea siren humanoid unit.

We can use artillery fire to contain her, and then let all the aircraft carriers attack the tracker's position, so that we can use carrier-based aircraft to grind her to death. "

"Well, that's all we can do now." Veneto and Bismarck both nodded.

The battle has continued up to this point. Although they have gained a certain advantage, it is not the time to be careless. Especially if the opponent is a Siren humanoid unit, you need to be more vigilant in this case.

Because all Siren humanoid units are not easy to deal with, their number is very small, but in order to prevent unnecessary casualties, carrying out air raids through carrier-based aircraft is the most effective method.

Therefore, Veneto called to Guanghui and others behind him, "Guanghui, please lead the aircraft carrier girls to form a carrier-based aircraft group formation to attack the pursuers."

"Understood." Guanghui's voice sounded softly. After Veneto informed her that he was a tracker, Guanghui knew what was going on.

After all, she used to be a free ship girl, and this was not the first time she faced a siren humanoid unit like the Tracker.

After hanging up Veneto's call, Guanghui said to the aircraft carrier fleet, "All carrier-based aircraft take off to form an echelon of carrier-based aircraft. Fighters are in front, bombers are in the middle, and torpedo planes are at the end. Attack the front by force. The tracker."

"Yes, Sister Guanghui!"

"Yes, senior!"

A firm voice sounded, and in an instant, all aircraft carriers took off their carrier-based aircraft. The six fighter jets taken off by Guanghui took the lead, and the rest all followed Guangfei's carrier-based aircraft.

The sound of roaring engines resounded in the sea and air, and the entire swarm was now like a flock of flying geese, with strict discipline and fast movements, attacking the opponent's conspicuous pursuer.

At this time, Veneto and Bismarck also commanded the battleship girls to begin shelling the sea area next to and including the pursuer.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the pursuers wanted to rush forward and eliminate the ship girls who were already in front of them. But the fierce gunfire made it difficult for her to move forward.

He could only open the shield surrounding himself, and use the machine gun-like ship suit in his hand to continuously fire blue shells to threaten the approaching ship girls.

But at this moment, the carrier-based aircraft group led by Guanghui had arrived above the pursuer. Countless machine guns, aerial bombs, and torpedoes were instantly projected towards the area where the pursuer was.

Water columns soaring into the sky began to splash around the pursuer. Although the pursuer's shield could withstand cannonball attacks, it was still somewhat helpless in the face of the aerial bombs falling from the sky.

After a round of bombing, the carrier-based aircraft group led by Guanghui instantly straightened up, turned its nose, and flew smoothly in the direction of the ship girl.

However, the pursuer looked a little miserable at this time. The shield on her body had disappeared, and the black and yellow armor she was wearing also looked tattered...

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