My ship girl, my world

Chapter 396 Contract

Qin Ge smiled and said in a confident voice, "So what? For me, you and Jaga joining my fleet can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, not a timely help.

Even without your joining, I believe that my fleet will still continue to improve its strength under my leadership and be able to stand firm in this world.

Bismarck, Veneto, and Richelieu, they are all the flagships of the same camp. I believe they are not much worse than you. The difference between you now is only time, and I am still very young. I have time to train them and let them reach your current level or surpass you.

The future belonging to our fleet must be colorful and full of hope. This is my wish, and this will become inevitable in the future. "

"Haha, the commander is right, this is what we want to say!" Veneto smiled, "Even if we are far behind you in strength now, it does not mean that we will be so far behind you in the future. .

We are always moving forward, always working hard, and always getting stronger. Just like my oath, I will definitely let the power of the Sardinian Empire spread throughout this sea area. And similarly, we will let the flag of our fleet fly high in this sea area! "

These decisive words made all Qin Ge's ship girls clenched their hands. With such excellent and confident commanders and such charismatic and influential leaders, what difficulties can stop them?

Chicheng was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then he laughed, "Haha, interesting, I haven't been this happy for a long time. Commander Qin Ge, in that case, let's sign a contract. I want to be by your side." Watching you, watching how you bring this fleet to that height.

And, as I said, I will only obey your command when I recognize you. Otherwise, even if you encounter danger in the sea, I will not save you. "

Qin Ge smiled and stretched out his right hand, "Then please wait and see, Chicheng."

"Haha, let's wait and see." Chicheng smiled and took Qin Ge's right hand, and they both closed their eyes at the same time.

Just like when they signed the contract with Kaga, it took a long time for Qin Ge and Akagi to open their eyes at the same time. At this time, a ray of light bloomed from the palms of the two people, instantly covering them in the light. Then the light gradually faded, and Qin Ge and Chicheng also completed the signing of the contract.

Kaga couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this. She was afraid that Akagi Yifan would be stubborn and not sign a contract with Qin Ge. But now the situation seems to have been completed, so I don't need to worry too much anymore.

"As for the mutual introduction between the commander and the ship girl, we don't need to do it for the time being. As I said before, you and I have just signed a contract, but I still don't recognize you now. When I am enough I will only accept you when I recognize you!" Chicheng looked at Qin Ge and said.

Qin Ge looked indifferent. Anyway, the contract has been signed and Chicheng in front of him can't run away, so there is no need to be impatient during these times, just take your time.

So Qin Ge nodded, "So now, are you going to continue to live in the school's guest house? Or are you going to live with me?"

"You don't have to worry about this matter. Of course I don't mind if you prepare a room for us here." Chicheng said to Qin Ge.

"Okay, then I understand." Qin Ge nodded, "If there is nothing else, then it is time to welcome new companions to join us. If you want, you can stay and celebrate with us. Of course If you have anything to do, you can do it yourself."

After Qin Ge said that, he turned to look at Belfast, "Belfast, please help arrange the companions we summoned today, and then we will hold a welcome banquet on the first floor."

"Understood, my master." Belfast bowed to Qin Ge, and finally left the rest area on the second floor with expectant faces and walked towards the third floor.

At this time, Amagi also smiled at Qin Ge, leaving a slightly meaningful look in his eyes, and left the rest area on the second floor with Akagi and Kaga.

Looking at the backs of the three people who were gradually leaving, Prince Eugen couldn't help but smile, "Haha, it seems that the commander will have a headache in the future."

Qin Ge waved his hand, "I don't care. Akagi and Kaga were originally the leaders of Chongying. They have arrogance that ordinary ship girls don't have, so they have no choice but to make this choice now. I can understand their feelings. So I can accept whatever emotions they use to treat me now.

The most important thing is that our fleet will continue to work hard to make our capabilities stronger and stronger, so that we can arouse the respect of others. "

"That's right, Commander has grown a lot in this period of time." Guanghui said with a smile, and the tenderness in his eyes could melt Qin Ge.

"In the final analysis, it is a question of our strength. Commander, now we have three camp leaders, so I have a suggestion. What do you think?" Bismarck said to Qin Ge.

"What suggestions can you give me, Bismarck?" Qin Ge asked.

"If I guess correctly, starting from tomorrow, the commander will continue to take the Royal Ship Girl on missions in order to summon this planned ship as soon as possible.

But now the number of ship girls in our fleet is no longer what it used to be. With our current improvement in training, we also have the conditions to carry out tasks independently.

Therefore, I suggest that starting from tomorrow, Veneto and I will lead a group of people to perform missions. On the one hand, we can improve our training through missions, and on the other hand, we can also accumulate more resources for our fleet through missions.

Richelieu and the others had just been summoned, so they stayed in the academy for training. At the same time, one or two ship girls who are familiar with our training methods will be left behind to guide them.

In this way, we each perform our duties, and the strength of our fleet will increase very quickly. What do you think? " Bismarck said.

Qin Ge thought for a moment, then nodded, "Bismarck's suggestion is very good. Now that you have experienced the Siren Tide, your training has generally improved a lot, and you can indeed start performing tasks alone.

So starting from tomorrow, Bismarck and Veneto, you two will start leading people on missions. And I think you can also take the ship girl we summoned today with you during the mission and let her follow you on the mission, but you have to be responsible for her safety so that she can integrate into our team faster. fleet. "

"There is no problem with this. We can rotate the replacements, just like the commander did at the time." Bismarck nodded, and the matter was confirmed.

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