My ship girl, my world

Chapter 397 An unexpected discovery

Deep in the ocean, the Siren stronghold.

The door of the observation room was opened from the outside, and the figure of the tester appeared at the door.

She looked at the observers who were still sitting in the observation room and watching the big screen. She walked in directly with an expressionless face.

"How is it?" the observer asked, but her eyes remained focused on the screen.

"The task of setting the Siren Tide this round has been completed, and each camp has successfully defended it," the tester said.

"Haha, in this year's Siren Tide, only the strength of the Donghuang camp has changed. Except for Donghuang, the other camps are the same as before. If they can't hold on, it means there is something wrong with them." The observer smiled. Speaking of it, his tone was full of ridicule.

"But during this Siren Tide, an interesting thing was discovered." The tester said to the observer.

"What?" the observer asked.

"The Shinano we discovered last time in Chongsakura has now appeared in the waters of Shenhua City in Donghuang. And we also discovered Bismarck and Veneto in the waters." The tester said.

The observer narrowed his eyes, "I know this situation, and I have been paying attention to the movements of these ship girls for a while. And I found that they are not ship girls in this world, but came from a commander's call.

You know what the program is for our world, so basically those people will not appear. But now that those people have appeared, it means that the trajectory of this world has changed.

The point that caused the trajectory of this world to change must be the human being named Qin Ge. "

"So, is he a singularity?" the tester asked.

The observer smiled playfully, waved his hand, and an image appeared on the screen. In the image was a desert island. There was no one on the desert island at this time.

But in the blink of an eye, a crack appeared, and a man in a white navy uniform fell out of the crack and landed on the beach.

"This is data I accidentally discovered when I was inspecting unmanned ships." The observer smiled.

"This crack doesn't seem to be a passage between worlds? It seems like a one-way passage. The world connected is not our experimental world, but a brand new world?" The tester's eyes tightened. , then said to the observer.

"That's right, an unknown world, a world without mind cubes and threats." said the observer.

"But if he is a person from such a world, then he should not have any adaptability to the Mental Cube. But why can he summon those ship girls that are impossible to appear in this world now?" the tester asked.

"I don't know, because there is no such thing recorded in our data terminal." The observer said, "But one thing is certain, that is, he seems to have been sent to this world deliberately, right on the Arctic ice sheet. The moment the research room above appeared.”

"That thing is also very strange. A facility like that would usually only appear in the main world. It would be impossible for it to appear in a numbered world like ours, but it just appeared out of thin air.

And there is actually a Rubik's Cube of a planned ship inside. Why did you stop me when I asked the Scavenger to lead the Siren fleet to pursue it? "The tester said, looking at the observer.

"Everything that seems unreasonable has its rationality. Don't forget that this world is now one of our experimental sites. Why do you think that research laboratory appeared in the Arctic ice sheet?" the observer smiled, "Since we These ship girls and humans can be used as guinea pigs, and then some people can use us as guinea pigs."

The tester narrowed his eyes, "So this is all related to that human being?"

"If it's not a coincidence, then it's certain." The observer smiled, "But since they used such deliberate means to let us clearly understand this matter, they obviously don't care what we do.

And don’t you find it interesting? Haven’t our experiments been looking for these variables so far? But now someone has actually sent the variables to us personally. If we don't use them, how can we deserve to be called an experimental institution? "

"What do you mean?" the tester asked in surprise.

"Let him develop and make him strong enough to eradicate us in this world!" the observer smiled.

"I seem to understand." The tester nodded.

"So next I need you to extract some resources and send them to him inadvertently to make him grow faster without making him suspicious.

I would like to see what the purpose of the person behind the scenes is. ” the observer smiled.

"Well, I'm going to prepare the information right now. So except for this man, what about the other camps? Will they continue to act according to our plan as usual?" the tester asked.



Qin Ge didn't know that his appearance had been controlled by the Siren. Even the fact that he came from the earth had been discovered by the Siren.

Today, he is still carrying out the mission, but before carrying out the mission, he also took Shinano to Akashi's store to do some data checking.

Just like what Akashi said before, it really has no impact on Shinano at all. All he needs to do is let Shinano stand on the machine and start a full-body scan.

After scanning Akashi, she got some data as she wished, but just when she was happy, Qin Ge told him the price Akashi should have paid before.

The 50% off discount really made Akashi heartbroken, but compared to the information he already had in hand, it didn't seem like such a loss.

So Qin Ge took the opportunity to put all his ship girls into powerful ship uniforms, and also bought a lot of tutoring materials, strengthening tools, etc., and almost emptied Akashi's store.

This made Akashi, who originally thought he was not at a huge loss, bleed in his heart. Seeing Qin Ge walking away with several ship girls, and then looking at the empty shelves, Akashi suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

But Qin Ge didn't care about this. If he could pluck Akashi's wool, he could pluck it as hard as he could, so this time he spent almost half of the supplies he had stored to buy these ship equipment and props.

With the support of these new ship equipment and props, Qin Ge's subsequent missions will be even smoother.

Time passed quickly, and the Siren Tide Commendation Conference began to be held. Naturally, Qin Ge did not miss this commendation conference.

As the tactical commander this time, Qin Ge brought about earth-shaking changes in this battle. Forcibly rewriting the entire defensive situation in the form of a mobile battle, creating a miracle of zero casualties in the waters of Shenhua City.

Therefore, because of these achievements, he was awarded the rank of major by the Donghuang General Command, and the Xinghai Fleet where Qin Ge was located officially became a third-level fleet.

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