My ship girl, my world

Chapter 398 The Awakening Begins

Time flies, November flies by, and in December, Guanghui's words surprise Qin Ge and the other ship girls.

"Guanghui, are you dreaming?" Qin Ge said to Guanghui in surprise.

"Well, Commander, I don't know why, but last night when I was sleeping, I dreamed that I became a huge battleship, sailing on the ocean. That scene appeared for a short time, and then I woke up. ." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"Is this the beginning of awakening?" Qin Ge asked Guanghui doubtfully, do you feel anything unusual in other places?

"That's not true." Guanghui said, shaking his head.

"I think this is largely a sign of awakening, right? Didn't Mikasa-senpai say something like this before?" Nodai said while looking at Guanghui, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

"Where are Akagi and Kaga, have you come to the guest house today?" Hearing Noshiro mention Mikasa, Qin Ge suddenly thought that there were two awakened ship girls in his fleet, and they were the first to discover the awakened ship girls before Kouki. Traces, if they are in the guest house, then they can see clearly whether Guanghui has begun to awaken now.

"Akagi and Kaga haven't come yet. They usually come after training in the morning." Lexington said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded, "Then it seems we can only get a definite answer after they come over."

"Yes." All the ship girls nodded, confirming Qin Ge's view.

Sure enough, after lunch, Akagi and Kaga came to the guest house together. Originally, they went directly to Tiancheng's room as before, but when they arrived at the rest area on the second floor, they saw Qin Ge and others already sitting there waiting for them.

"Huh? Didn't you go on a mission today?" Chicheng was a little curious after going upstairs, because every time she came, Qin Ge had already left the guest house with the Royal Ship Girl. This was the first time he had seen her in this month. Qin Ge.

Qin Ge shook his head, "I'm not going on a mission today, but I have something very important that I want to ask you about."

"Oh, you want to ask us something very important?" Chicheng suddenly became energetic and asked Qin Ge, "What kind of thing is it? Can you tell me now?"

Qin Ge said to Chicheng, "Guanghui had a dream last night."

"I'm dreaming, what's so weird about that? I often dream too." Akagi said indifferently, but when she said this, she suddenly looked in the direction of the light.

"The awakening has begun?! How come it's so fast?"

Qin Ge's face was full of excitement when he heard Chicheng's surprised words, "So the glory has begun to awaken now?"

Akagi's face was solemn, and Kaga beside her was also amazed, "Yes, the pace of awakening has begun, and the speed is a bit too fast."

"The speed is faster, how do you say that?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Commander, do you know how long it took us from when we started to show signs of awakening to when we actually started to awaken?" Jiahe asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge shook his head. Of course he didn't know about these things. After all, awakenings were rarely spread among the commanders. This was only known to some high-ranking camp officials.

"It took us 4 years, a full 4 years to start awakening, and we were still the first batch of awakened ship girls. But since the last time we discovered that the glory has traces of awakening, it has only been a few months. That’s all.

So you understand why we are surprised. The gap between 4 years and a few months is a huge gap! "Kaga exclaimed.

Qin Ge asked in surprise, "Does it take that long? But why does Guanghui move so quickly? Is it because he is my ship's wife, or is it because of some other reasons?"

"I don't know. Maybe only after understanding the experiences of the two of you can we judge whether there is a direct relationship between Guanghui's awakening and you.

If there is a direct relationship, then the awakening of the ship girls in our fleet will greatly increase the success rate and shorten the awakening time. "Kaga said.

Qin Ge nodded, "Then I'm relieved after hearing this information, but I still have a question, that is, Guanghui has begun to awaken now, but she doesn't feel any changes in her body, and the same goes for you. Of?"

“It will take a long time to truly experience the physical changes, but we dare not make a conclusion about Guanghui now because she has greatly exceeded our expectations.

But what is certain is that when Guanghui is able to successfully complete a complete dream, her body will undergo fundamental changes. " Chicheng said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "I see, so as the dream deepens, the degree of awakening of the whole person will also become deeper?"

"It's like this." Akagi nodded and said.

"That's good. At least we can confirm a clearer message and don't have to guess anything by ourselves." Qin Ge nodded, smiled and said to Guanghui beside him, "So Guanghui, keep working hard from now on. , please explain to me at any time if there is any situation."

"Don't worry, Commander." Guanghui said with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Akagi rolled his eyes, "So how are you collecting combat data now? How much more is needed for the planned ship cube?"

Qin Ge smiled when he heard Chicheng's inquiry and replied, "Don't worry, the mind cube will take some time, at least about 2 years."

"Two years? That's pretty fast. Wasn't it expected to take longer?" Akagi said in surprise.

"That was just an estimate before. I don't know why, but the number of Siren fleets in the Donghuang Sea has increased more than usual, so there are more battles every day.

Coupled with the coordination with the Maritime Safety Administration, I am exposed to urgent tasks every day. Combat has become a daily routine for me now, so it will be faster. "Qin Ge said.

"Coordination with the Maritime Safety Administration? It seems that Donghuang is also more concerned about this plan ship." Akagi said meaningfully.

"Isn't this natural? Which of the nine major camps is not interested in this? After all, it is a ship girl who has never appeared before, and she is a ship girl who is known as the abolished case." Qin Ge said.

"What about Shinano? After all this time, has Akashi researched anything?" Akagi asked.

Qin Ge shook his head, "I asked Akashi specifically a few days ago. The progress is still slow now. I can only take one step at a time. But I believe that if I can summon Shinano, then I will naturally find someone who can break through her." method, but the time has not come yet.”

"You are quite normal." Akagi smiled slightly.

"got used to."

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