My ship girl, my world

Chapter 399 It’s almost the end of the year

Habits are also helpless. Although Akagi and Kaga have now become his ship girls, due to their special status, Qin Ge still chooses not to tell them his origins for the time being, but Luan already knows.

But with her character, she wouldn't care even if she knew it, because according to Luan's original words, what I want to follow is a strong person. As long as he is strong, it doesn't matter where he comes from.

It is obvious that through this period of understanding, Luan has a very complete understanding of Qin Ge under the guidance of Tiancheng. We know his past deeds and our expectations for the future.

For Luan, an excellent commander like Qin Ge is what she pursues, because this can enable her to exert greater power.

At the same time, the glorious awakening also doubled the confidence of the ship girls in Qin Ge's fleet. After all, so far, no commander's ship girl has been able to awaken independently. Guanghui is the first, but she will definitely not be the last.

And now Qin Ge's entire fleet is the first to reach full training, and the ship girl who has begun to awaken is a centaur, and there are still nodai in Belfast.

Their current level of training is over 80. Qin Ge believes that as long as he persists in his current state, by the time of the next Siren Tide, the ship girls he summons may be able to reach full level of training.

On the other side, because Qin Ge previously commanded the large fleet in the sea area of ​​Shenhua City, he successfully repelled the siren tide and achieved zero casualties. For a time, his name spread overwhelmingly in the circle of Donghuang commanders.

Many commanders, deputy commanders or free commanders of the large fleet are very curious and looking forward to Qin Ge's courses. One after another came to Shenhua City Commander Academy to gain experience and tactics.

Faced with these supplies delivered to his door, Qin Ge would naturally not let them go. However, because it requires a long time to complete the task, it has changed from three classes per week to one lecture per week.

And because there were so many people coming to class, the large lecture hall could no longer hold any seats. As the dean of the college, the Prince of Wales had no choice but to arrange for Qin Ge to teach in the auditorium.

But even so, the auditorium was still full, and there were still people standing. But despite this, it still did not stop the enthusiasm of the commanders. On the contrary, more and more people came.

Therefore, in this environment, Qin Ge dedicated one day every week to help these commanders promote unified training of tactical knowledge, and spent most of the time performing tasks.

The other members of the Grand Fleet are also actively working hard to perform their personal tasks. And because of their performance during the Siren Tide, they also accumulated a large amount of material resources.

They have used this resource to expand their fleets, and now almost every member has more than 4 ship girls. And because they had tasted the benefits of Qin Ge's aviation tactics before, basically everyone summoned an aircraft carrier in the battleship.

But here I have to mention Li Chenming. He did summon an aircraft carrier this time, but he thought he could summon a big sister, but instead he summoned Saratoga.

This made him very tearful. Why could someone summon an aircraft carrier when they summoned it? That kind of big sister who looked very brave at first glance. But when he summoned him, he turned out to be a ratite. Could it be that he would never be able to summon a big sister in his life?

But no one can help him at this point. Perhaps, he is more destined to be a flat-chested ship girl?

Time passed like this little by little, and soon it was the end of the semester. The trainee commanders left the academy one after another and returned to their homes, but Qin Ge stayed in the school just like last year.

"Will there be another Spring Festival Gala this year?" Qin Ge asked Mikasa beside him.

Since the school is on holiday, Mikasa has nothing to do, so basically every day besides building models at home, she comes over to chat with Qin Ge and the others.

"Yes, and you will definitely not be in school at this time next year. This will be your last year in school. It will definitely be held no matter what." Mikasa said to Qin Ge with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "Then it will still be held in the same way as last year?"

"Of course, if possible, you can tell the special envoys of the other eight camps and ask them if they want to participate in our Spring Festival party. If they do, please prepare a program for them.

But if they don't want to perform, they won't force it. After all, it would be nice to have a banquet with many people together, right? "Mikasa said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "That's true. Then I'll tell them. If possible, I'll let you know then. By the way, will Senior Mikasa still prepare with me this year?"

"Of course, the same as last year." Mikasa smiled. At this time, she couldn't help but turn her head and look at Guanghui. "I heard that Guanghui has begun to awaken?"

"Yes." Did Qin Ge mean to hide it, because Guanghui has slowly begun to change in form during this period of time, becoming gradually different from other Guanghui.

Compared to someone like Kan Niang, whose observations are relatively subtle, this slight change cannot be concealed at all. The only thing that can bring about this change is independent awakening.

Mikasa couldn't help but exclaimed, "What a miracle. Now that the ship girl can awaken independently beside the commander, I'm afraid she can only be glorious, right?"

But for you, such miracles seem to be commonplace. I really can’t see through you more and more, Qin Ge. "

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile awkwardly, and several ship girls beside him couldn't help but laugh out loud, "If you can understand or not understand this, I'm still me.

But what has changed is just the knowledge I have. Compared with when I first met Mikasa-senpai, I have grown a lot and matured a lot. "

"Yeah, time flies so fast, it's been more than a year and a half in the blink of an eye." Mikasa smiled, recalling the scene when she and Qin Ge met for the first time.

At that time, Qin Ge was very young and very reserved in his actions. When he spoke, he would think twice before speaking. But in just over a year, he has become an irreplaceable person in the Commander Academy.

"Then let's prepare well and spend the last Spring Festival together at the Commander Academy. Maybe the next time we spend the Spring Festival together, I don't know how long it will be." Qin Ge said to Mikasa .

"Well, it's time to get ready." Mikasa nodded, and the ship girls around Qin Ge also showed smiles.

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