My ship girl, my world

Chapter 407 Caibuli

"Burin~! Be moved! What is in front of you is the hidden character in the Buri family legend, that is, me! Cheers for your unparalleled good luck, Bulin!"

Qin Ge's eyelids twitched as he watched Brie being brought to the command ship by a group of ship girls to introduce herself.

She has colorful hair, the outer hair color is rice pink, and the inner hair color is rice pink, purple, blue and white from the root to the tip, which looks very gorgeous. Wearing a white open-chest skirt, it looks very sci-fi.

And he has been very active since he got on the boat, sometimes looking here and there curiously.

"So, you are a maritime legend of the Bree family?" Qin Ge asked Bree.

"Yes! I am the third sister of the Bri family. The eldest sister is the drill, the second sister is the wrench, and I am the hammer, burin~." Bri nodded happily.

The ignored words made Qin Ge couldn't help but think of Jin Bri and Zi Bri who had helped him break through the ship girl in the academy. So if we classify it according to color, this cloth is a colored cloth.

That means? Thinking of this, Qin Ge's expression became excited, "So Brie, can you help the legendary ship girl at sea make a breakthrough?"

"Of course, Burin~ or this is my ability!" Burin said excitedly.

Brother Qin nodded, and the ship girls around him also became happy. The problem that Shinano has been unable to break through until now has been a long-standing problem in the Qin Ge fleet.

Although Akashi had scanned Shinano before and was very confident that he could decipher how to break through, there was still no progress so far.

And the colorful cloth that appears now can make a breakthrough for Shinano, so that Shinano can exert the true strength of the legendary-level ships at sea.

"But I have a question, that is, why did she appear in the Siren's space vortex? And from the look just now, it is obvious that the space vortex that was opened was to transport her here." Gang Gut said to Qin Ge said.

Qin Ge nodded. Indeed, the space vortex not far in front of the command ship was opened just now, as if it was to teleport Caibuli. Is this a Siren conspiracy? Or is there another secret?

So Qin Ge turned his head to Caibuli and asked doubtfully, "Then why did you just appear in the Siren's space vortex?"

"Is the commander talking about the dark vortex before, Burin?" Caibri asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, because we have seen that whirlpool before. That whirlpool is used by the Siren advanced humanoid to summon Siren mass-produced warships, and the Sirens themselves can also leave quickly through that space vortex. and teleported to a place. So why did you appear in that whirlpool, and it seemed that you were thrown out of the whirlpool?"

"I don't know either, burin~ When I woke up, I found darkness in front of me, and then suddenly I felt someone kick my ass, and then I fell on the sea, and others gathered around me, burin. "Caibri recalled saying, and even touched her butt at this time. It seemed that the pain before was still clear.

Qin Ge frowned, then smiled and said to Brie, "Then you go and play with Javelin and the others first. We still have a long way to go home."

"Burin!" Caibri jumped excitedly, and then went to find the javelin.

Qin Ge looked at Cai Bri's retreating figure and said with doubts, "Based on what Cai Bri said so far, it is very likely that she was specially sent to us by Siren."

"Did it come to us specially? But we and the Siren are enemies. Why would the Siren give us such a key as Caibri?" Guanghui said doubtfully.

At this time, Ganmut and Mercury Memorial were also full of doubts, because the idea mentioned by Qin Ge simply did not hold water for them. How could an enemy who was beaten to death give you such a crucial thing?

Qin Ge shook his head, "Do you still remember the things I analyzed for you about sirens and ship girls when we were in Chongying?"

"Remember, what Commander Qin Ge said at the time was that sirens are like teachers, and we ship girls in the camp are like students who are about to take an exam. The teacher tests us and makes us stronger. To pass that exam," Mercury Memorial said.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, Shinano first appeared in Chongying, and now he appears in Shenhua City. Obviously, I think Siren and the others should have noticed me and sent me Also classified as one of their students.

They needed me to become stronger, so Dian provided me with a way to become stronger, and gave Caibri directly to me as a financial aid. "

Gangut and Mercury looked at each other, with a look of disbelief in their eyes.

However, I feel that Qin Ge's explanation is also the most realistic explanation at present. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the vortex did not appear elsewhere but only appeared in the channel that Qin Ge's command ship passed through.

And what emerged from it was not a Siren battleship or a hostile force, but a solution to the problem that Qin Ge needed to solve most at the moment.

"So Commander, what should we do now?" Guanghui asked Qin Ge worriedly.

"Don't worry about it." Qin Ge shook his head, "The Siren's purpose now is to make us stronger and test us again and again, so we are always ready to strengthen our vigilance and improve our strength as much as possible. .

And they are using conspiracy, which is a condition we have to accept. But this is also a good thing. At least Shinano can break through, and even if legendary-level ship girls are summoned in the future, we no longer need to worry about how they break through. "

"Commander Qin Ge looks very optimistic?" Mercury said with a smile.

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, "Then what can be done? After all, the Sirens compete with the nine major camps. Instead of worrying about when the Sirens will come to the door, it is better to take advantage of the present time. By improving our strength, even if they come to us, we can have a plan to deal with them."

"Haha, what Commander Qin Ge said is that since you have chosen this path, you must not be afraid of challenges. Whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, as long as you are strong, you can crush it all Yeah." Gangut said.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, and the fleet that Shinano saw with him that day appeared in his mind.

Perhaps as Shinano said, on the road ahead, fate has already been determined...

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