My ship girl, my world

Chapter 408 Breakthrough Successful

When Qin Ge brought Cai Bri back to the guest house, the other ship girls in the guest house were very interested in this new little guy.

Although Akashi also said before, there is a special Bree in the Bree family. But that was also in the memory, and no one knew whether it actually appeared or not.

But now when Caibuli actually appeared in front of them, they believed that there really was a sea-legendary Caibuli.

"She and Shinano-sama are both legendary ship girls at sea, so is her ability very powerful?" Nodai asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "Brie and the others have only one ability, and that is to help the ship girl break through. They are not a combat unit like the ship girl. They are logistics units. If they are to go to the battlefield, there will be some problems. It’s hard for them.”

"Hey, is that what it is like? I thought that any ship girl who was at the legendary level of the sea would be very powerful." Noshiro said with some embarrassment.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "Legend of the Sea only means that her level starting point is higher than that of ordinary ship girls, but it does not mean that she must be the most powerful and comprehensive group of ship girls.

Just like everyone has their own strengths, for example, Shinano is very good in air control, but if you let her engage in close combat with your light cruiser, she will not be as good as you.

The same principle applies, so as long as you find your most suitable position, you can also exert your greatest strength. As the commander, I want you to stay in your most suitable position. "

"The commander is right. Maritime operations do not rely solely on one's own abilities, but on the overall capabilities of one's own fleet. Only when everyone makes their own contribution can we win the war. Victory." Prince Eugen smiled.

"Then Commander, do you think Shinano will be much stronger this time?" Bumblebee asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge looked at Shinano's room in the distance and couldn't help but nodded firmly, "I believe it will happen, because Shinano has never made a breakthrough before, which is a very big restriction on her ability.

And now that Cai Bri has helped her break through, her true strength as a legendary ship girl at sea will surely be revealed in the future, and such a breakthrough will definitely bring about a qualitative change. "

Not long after time passed, Shinano and Aaburi walked out of her room at the same time. Qin Ge looked at the smile on Shinano's face and could already confirm that this breakthrough had been successful.

So he hurried forward and asked Shinano, "Shinano, how do you feel this time?"

Shinano smiled and said, "I have never felt so good as now, as if the power in my body is inexhaustible. Especially now that I can master more carrier-based aircraft, although my own training The speed is not enough for a third breakthrough, but I believe that the time required for the third breakthrough will not be too far away."

Qin Ge nodded, "That's good. We have finally solved the problem that has been bothering our fleet for the longest time. From now on, we can just start to develop steadily."

Prince Eugen stepped forward and said, "Commander, aren't you going to summon some aircraft carriers during this period? Now that Akagi and Kaga have joined our fleet, there are no restrictions.

Then we can go all out to develop the aircraft carrier fleet as envisioned by the previous commander and strive to have a reliable air force, so that we can occupy absolute air supremacy on the future battlefield and make our battles on the sea smoother. "

Qin Ge nodded, "What Prince Eugen said is indeed correct. Then I will summon it again tomorrow. The main target of the summons this time is the aircraft carrier. Of course, if a few submarines can be summoned, they can be combined with U96. It’s time for a wolf pack battle.”

"Indeed, during this period, the biggest role of U96 was only reconnaissance and harassment. We still have too few submarines." Prince Eugen nodded.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Take your time. Our current situation is not in a hurry, and our fleet now has thirty ship girls. If we include calling in a few aircraft carriers, then our fleet will be rushing Forty ship girls went.

These are also a relatively big test for our load capacity, and there are also housing aspects. Every time I go to the warehouse to pick up a mission, Ning Hai complains to me, saying that the amount of fuel I consume alone can feed several commanders. "

"Haha, she probably didn't expect that the commander could summon a ship girl like this in the academy, right? But having said that, this semester will be graduating very soon. Does the commander have a clear goal by then? , should we go directly to the front line or go to other places? Or should we station near the sea area of ​​​​Shenhua City?" Prince Eugen asked.

Qin Ge thought for a while, "Let's see the allocation then. I hope to leave Shenhua City and go to a place that needs help, because there are too many large fleets near Shenhua City. I will communicate with Director Canglong then. For a while, let’s go to a place that is not so dangerous, but where there are more wars.”

"Understood." Prince Eugen nodded and said, and the other ship girls standing next to Qin Ge also nodded at the same time. They naturally understood Qin Ge's intentions.

If we rush to the front line now, we will definitely not develop as smoothly as Shenhua City. Because according to Qin Ge's current strength, they can indeed go, but others may not.

As the commander of a large fleet, Qin Ge naturally has to consider other team members. Therefore, the optimal solution is to go to a place where the fighting intensity is lower than the front line, but the fighting intensity is higher than that of Shenhua City.

"Then it's getting late, everyone, let's go have a rest." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Well, Commander, you should also go to bed early."

Following the greetings from the ship girls, Qin Ge left the third floor with a smile, turned around and returned to his room on the second floor.

As soon as he opened the door, he found Belfast making the bed for him. Seeing this, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile and said, "I told you where you went just now, it turns out you came down."

"I saw that the time was almost up, so I came over to make arrangements for the master first. How is Miss Shinano? Did the breakthrough go smoothly?" Belfast turned to Qin Ge and said.

"Well, there's no problem. She said her strength has greatly improved. But it's just because she didn't practice enough that she didn't make a third breakthrough." Qin Ge walked to Belfast and said.

"That's a bit of a pity, but now that we have Caibei, it's just a matter of time for us." Belfast said with a smile.

"That's right, Belfast, take a day off tomorrow and come with me to build the center in the morning." Qin Ge said to Belfast.


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