My ship girl, my world

Chapter 415 The Last Day

Although Qi Bolin still didn't change her mind after that, at least the way she looked at Qin Ge had changed.

Since another royal main force was added, Qin Ge began to increase the number of attacks after resting in the past two days.

And Essex, the special envoy from White Eagle, came over more often after learning that Qin Ge's fleet had Bunker Hill, Ticonderoga and independence.

Although White Eagle also has the same level as Essex, it is a bit far away from Essex now, and Qin Ge's fleet also has the Essex-class Ticonderoga that has not yet appeared.

Bunker Hill and Ticonderoga, as well as Independence and Essex, also get along very well. Although they are not sister ships in the same fleet, they have always been partners who have fought together, and they can still exchange some combat experience and control. The skills of carrier-based aircraft.

Then everything began to change for the better, and Richelieu's level of training had also become higher in such a long time. As the flagship of the camp, she can also lead a team of ship girls to carry out commissions.

Therefore, Qin Ge basically did not ask the ship girl to continue the basic carrier-based aircraft control training. Instead, several aircraft carriers were incorporated into the team to provide the fleet with superior vision and support, forming a special mixed formation of its own fleet.

Although he performs tasks every day, his days in the academy are relatively peaceful. After the time came to June, the annual practice league also began.

With the holding of the practice league, Qin Ge's time to leave the academy is getting faster and faster. However, Qin Ge was not asked to help in this year's practice league, and the college resumed its original standard league.

Of course, Qin Ge did not participate. Not only him, but other members of the Star Sea Fleet were also not allowed to participate. The reason is very simple, because their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary students.

If those people participate, then there is no need to think about the top few, they will definitely be taken over by the Star Sea Fleet. After more than a year of experience, coupled with the baptism of the Siren Tide, the members of the Star Sea Fleet have integrated Qin Ge's tactical arrangements and guidance into their bones.

Even when Qin Ge was not present, their combat strategy closely relied on their usual training plan. This kind of cooperation and individual combat skills are no longer comparable to those of Chen Baijun's group when they first entered the first grade.

So in the special stands, Qin Ge and the members of the Xinghai Fleet witnessed the beginning and end of the practice league, and also applauded the second-year students who won the championship.

Not participating in the practice league actually doesn't mean anything to them, but there is one thing that makes them a little worried, that is, the practice league has its own rewards.

After letting them not participate, the reward will pass them by like this. The college was naturally aware of this complaint, so the Prince of Wales rewarded the Star Sea Fleet with a batch of supplies in the name of the college.

After receiving this batch of supplies, everyone in the Star Sea Fleet began to laugh. Who wouldn't like being able to win supplies without having to put in much effort?


This morning, Qin Ge deliberately got up very early. He put on his familiar training clothes and started running along the school road in the morning. This time, he did not do morning exercises on the road next to the guest house as he did every day before. Instead, he started from the guest house and circled the entire college, spending more than an hour before running back to the guest house.

After returning to the room on the second floor, Belfast was already waiting for him here. Looking at Qin Ge who was sweating profusely, Belfast said with a smile, "Master has prepared the bath water. Now you can wash directly in the bathroom."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Why did you prepare bath water for me this morning? Don't you have the usual words?"

"Because the master got up very early today, and today is also a special day, so I think the master will run a little longer on such a day.

In order not to make the master look embarrassed when he went to the meeting later, I specially prepared bath water. Belfast smiled.

Qin Ge smiled and sighed, "You are really thoughtful, Belfast. But thank you, I'm going to take a shower now."


With Belfast's slight nod, Qin Ge also stepped into the bathroom. After taking a bath, I felt that my body was soothed and I felt much more relaxed at the same time.

After walking out of the bathroom, Belfast helped Qin Ge put on his commander's uniform and tidied it up for him carefully. The two went downstairs together and had breakfast in the restaurant downstairs. Qin Ge left the guest house alone.

The reason why Belfast said today is special is because today is the day of the graduation ceremony and it is also Qin Ge's last day as a student in the college.

After the graduation ceremony, he became an official commander. However, even if he has not left the academy, many people still regard him as a proper commander. After all, no student can advance his rank to the rank of major within two years.

"Senior Mikasa, Cologne, you are still so early." When passing by Mikasa's door, Brother Qin found that Mikasa was already waiting at the door, and standing next to her was naturally Cologne, Qin Ge's successor in the tactics class.

"I'm used to it." Mikasa smiled, and then the three of them walked towards the school auditorium.

On the way, Mikasa asked Qin Ge, "Qin Ge, you are graduating today, how do you feel?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "How do you feel? I just feel that the past two years have gone by a bit fast, and they have passed in the blink of an eye."

"Haha, these two years have left a deep impression on me. I'm afraid there will never be another student who can leave such a deep impression on me in the future." Mikasa smiled.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Senior Mikasa, you have to believe that there are talented people in the country. Don't lose confidence in the new students because of me. If that happens, then my sin will be very big."

"You are still the same as before, but you are much more mature and calm than before." Mikasa smiled and said, "Have you decided where to go?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "I went to the dean to discuss this issue, but the dean said it was not the right time. She said she should give me an accurate answer after the graduation ceremony is completed today."

Mikasa nodded, "I understand what Wales is thinking, because you are so special, no matter where you are placed, it will be a significant improvement to the overall strength of that place.

And in the face of such a situation, it will definitely be of greater value to put you in a more dangerous place. But your identity cannot put you in too dangerous a place, which is why the headquarters and her are so entangled. "

"I understand, so I didn't continue to ask." Qin Ge said with a smile.

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